Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4510: Peerless monster born

In the heavens, the Buddhist sacred mountain Wanfoshan in Ximo Buddhism actually collapsed, which shocked everyone to the extreme.

Especially the three big Buddhist masters in West Desert, Xilin Buddha, the Golden Eagle Buddha, and the Moro Buddha of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect, these are the three giants of the West Desert Buddhism.

The heart of the Lord Moro of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect was bleeding.

The place where the sect of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect was located was in Wanfo Mountain. This Wanfoshan fell to pieces, and the countless Buddhist temples and palaces on Wanfoshan suffered a lot.

This is equivalent to almost destroying the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect!

Of course, the strength of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect is still there. Buddha Lord Moro is the strongest Buddha among the three Buddha Lords in the West Desert, with the highest cultivation base and combat power.

The important figures of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect have already fled Wan Foshan, but there are too many things to be taken away. The temples are all Buddhist buildings that have existed for endless years, and have been blessed by countless Buddhist experts.

It can be said that the bricks and tiles on Wanfo Mountain have their origins, and they are the treasures of Ximo Buddhism.

The most important thing is that some of the stone carvings left by the ancient Buddha on Wanfo Mountain, and the stone platform where the ancient Buddha once preached and preached, were all destroyed.

This is no longer the loss of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect family, but the loss of the entire Buddhism.

"how is this possible……"

"Could it be..."

The faces of the three major Buddhas are hard to see the extreme. The reason why Wanfoshan fell apart was because of the collapse of the world inside Wanfoshan.

Those people can actually destroy the world opened up by the ancient Buddha masters. Wouldn't these guys be afraid of punishment from the sky, and end up with a complete demise?

However, at the moment when Wan Foshan collapsed, a terrifying force fell on the world, and countless creatures panicked to the extreme.

I saw a huge tower full of mysterious yellow divine light bathed in Heaven's Punishment and rushed out of the broken Wanfo Mountain.


The aura of destruction swept across the sky and the ground, and the power of Heaven's Punishment that frightened hundreds of millions of people to the extreme exploded, and phantoms appeared from the sky.

The aura radiating from every phantom seemed to be enough to destroy the entire world.

That is, the three major Buddhist masters in West Desert are all stunned. Countless strong people retreat like a tide. People with weak cultivation bases have already shook on the ground, and even the idea of ​​escaping can't come out.


Even the three major Buddhas had to retreat. Under this pressure, they felt that they were as weak as ants.

At this time, Qiangu Daxian Xuanhuang made an all-out effort, blocking the punishment with the Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Pagoda, and personally made a move to grab the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace.

However, unexpectedly, the little monk Fanxiu merged with the incarnation of the ancient Buddha, and then, the guy's cultivation level soared to the extreme secret realm.

This is something that everyone can never imagine.


Just when the little monk Fanxiu used a Buddha sword to slay the big hand of Xuanhuang, the great fierce Xuanhuang of the ages, the void beneath the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace suddenly exploded.

A demon hand shattered the void and grabbed it directly towards the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace. The monstrous demon energy immediately filled every inch of the void, and the magic power shook the world.

"what happened?"

Seeing this, the old turtle was taken aback.

"What else is going on, the demon originally sealed by the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace is about to be born." Gu Fei said disapprovingly.


The old turtle was shocked. The Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace left by the ancient Buddha still had such a function. The Ancient Buddha used the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace to seal a troll.


At the same time, a terrifying magic howl came out of the broken void, and the magic sound spread, and immediately visible ripples appeared in the void.

The magic sound came into my ears, and some people with weak cultivation screamed together.


The little monk Fanxiu didn't dare to be careless, and directly aroused the power of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace. A picture of Buddha immediately rushed out of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, towards the demon hand that he had caught.


Fotu blocked the captured magic hand, but failed to seal the magic hand.

At this time, the void around the demon hand was shattering, and a huge demon shadow wanted to break through the void and enter this world. The violent demon power became stronger and stronger.


At the same time, golden chains rushed out from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace and entangled towards the troll.

The upper body of the troll was immediately entangled by the chains of gods.


The troll screamed frantically, and his powerful magical power burst out. He slammed into it, and the golden chains wrapped around him broke instantly.

"Haha, unless the eternal Lord Buddha comes, you little guy wants to seal me again? Dream!"

The troll laughed, and saw that he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of magic fire and burned towards the Buddha figure.


That demon fire broke out in an instant, and immediately flooded the Buddha image, and the void burned by the terrifying demon fire was constantly annihilated.


The little monk Fan Xiu above the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace was surprised to see this scene.

At this time, the two golden Buddha statues respectively stretched out their hands and pressed them on the back of the young monk Fanxiu.


There was a gust of wind and thunder in the body of the little monk Fanxiu. Under the blessing of the power of the two golden Buddha statues, the aura of the little monk Fanxiu was still rising.

"A glance at reincarnation!"

The little monk Fanxiu roared, and a Buddha light immediately rushed out of his eyebrows. On his eyebrows, there seemed to be a Buddha eye suddenly opened. That Buddha light instantly penetrated the demon fire and penetrated towards the demon's true body. go with.

The Buddha's light rushing out from the middle of the eyebrows of the young monk Fanxiu reveals weird power, as if it can drive people into reincarnation.

Buddhism pays attention to reincarnation, and eternal Buddhas have mastered the magical powers of reincarnation. This is not surprising.


The void rippled like water waves.

In the next moment, that fierce demon was actually beaten into reincarnation.

However, soon, the fierce demon broke into the void again and rushed out.


Little Monk Fanxiu was shocked. This fierce demon is too powerful. Is it true that the ancient Buddha must come to surrender this fierce demon?


The fierce demon roared and killed it directly towards the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace. When the huge demon body moved, the surrounding void was broken into pieces.

This fierce demon is very strong, even after being sealed for endless years, it is still much stronger than the current little monk Fanxiu.

I saw the fierce demon smashed towards the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace with a fist, and wherever the fist passed, the Buddha picture shrouded in demon fire was directly blown away.


With a loud noise, the fist of the peerless fierce demon slammed into the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace immediately shook violently, as if it might be bombed at any time.

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