Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4514: Gu Fei again?

The Buddha Land in the West Desert of the heaven is sealed with a peerless evil spirit.

This is a secret that only the high-ranking members of the West Desert Buddhist School know, but on this day, this peerless monster was swallowed by a divine beast.

The star beast has the power to swallow the stars.

Especially the star beast of the master class, it can swallow countless stars in one bite, and can swallow the power of a star in a single thought.

The peerless evil demon was swallowed by the star beast, he was dead.

However, just after the peerless evil demon was cleaned up by the star beast, the purgatory masters of the extreme west finally waited for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Ximo Buddhism was hit hard by the battle of the peerless evil demon, and even the inner world of Wanfoshan and Wanfoshan was blown up and suffered heavy losses.

The most important thing is that the seal of Jixi Purgatory has also fallen apart under this battle. Without the existence of the seal, the purgatory creatures of Jixi Purgatory will be free.

"Haha..., finally waiting for this day."

Crazy laughter came out from the depths of Jixi Purgatory, and the whole creatures in Jixi Purgatory were as excited as chicken blood.

"Yes, I'm going crazy after being sealed for endless years."

"Is the ancient Buddha still there?"

Six powerful spiritual thoughts communicate in the extreme west purgatory.

"Xuchen, how did Wushang die?"

The old voice sounded, although it was not loud, it was full of majesty.

"Old... Boss..."

Xuchen Purgatory is the only purgatory who has ever killed him and returned to purgatory. No one knows the outside world better than him.

"Yes, boss, Wushang, he died, he died under the punishment of heaven."

Xuchen Purgatory Master said quickly.

"Dying under the punishment of heaven, what is the punishment of heaven?"

The boss of the purgatory is talking to himself.

"What matters to him, now taking advantage of the Buddhism vitality, we just stepped on the Buddhism and occupied the Western Regions." A purgatory said disapprovingly.

"Really, fourth child, you can take the lead!"

The purgatory boss said.

"Don't, boss, it's better for the boss to shoot."

The fourth purgatory master of Purgatory said quickly that even the third innocent purgatory had died under heaven's punishment, and his cultivation base was weaker than that of the third.

The third child couldn't hold the punishment, he was bombarded and turned into scum.

However, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss this time, you don't know how long it will take to break the seal.


The purgatory boss sneered and said nothing.

Soon, the six great purgatory masters joined forces, and endless purgatory creatures rushed out from the extreme west purgatory, and the violent aura swept across the sky and the ground.

Endless evil spirits came out from the extreme west purgatory, shrouded the sky in the west desert.

The countless creatures in West Desert were panicked to the extreme. Purgatory creatures swept everything. Even the powerful creatures that were as holy as the holy ones, were torn to pieces by the surge of purgatory creatures.


A great battle that stood in front of the spirits of Purgatory in the West suddenly broke out with endless Buddha light, and this Buddha light almost dissipated the evil spirit from the sky.


A ferocious bird broke the evil spirit directly, fell from the sky, and grabbed a figure above Foshan. The Buddha's light covering the entire Foshan was directly scratched by this evil spirit.

"Naughty animal!"

On the top of Foshan, a figure bloomed with endless Buddha light, and the Buddha directly threw a string of Buddhist beads hanging on his neck.

I saw this string of Buddhist beads instantly grow larger, and immediately trapped the fierce bird that swooped down from the sky.


At this moment, a black cloud floated from a distance, and a big hand shot directly from the black cloud, and the big hand instantly enveloped the whole world.

A powerful fierce power erupted from that big hand.


With a loud noise, the big hand fell, and directly shook the string of Buddhist beads that entrap the bird. The fierce bird rushed into the sky and rushed into the black cloud.

"Oops, it's the purgatory master!"

The Buddha on the top of Foshan was shocked when he saw this scene, and quickly issued a letter of fire. At this moment, the black cloud in the sky swept down directly from the sky, and instantly enveloped the whole Foshan. .

In the next moment, the Buddha's light transformed by Foshan's guardian array instantly became dim, but after a few breaths, the Foshan's guardian array collapsed.

I saw a black qi fell on a Buddhist monk above Foshan. The next moment, the Buddhist monk’s eyes suddenly turned bloody, and he was instantly demonized and turned into a soulless person. Killing demons.

As the black air enveloped the entire Foshan, countless Buddhist monks above Foshan were all demonized into demons.

Even the strongest Buddhist monk in Foshan was not immune.


Then a roar of pain came from the top of Foshan.

At this time, in the area near the extreme west of Buddhism, such a scene was happening. The gates of countless Buddhism forces were directly breached, and all Buddhism monks turned into evil spirits.

The six great purgatory masters are frantically devouring the power of Ximo Buddha Land.

The Buddha Land in West Desert has been severely damaged. The six great purgatory masters are trying to drive out the Buddhist disciples in the Buddha Land in West Desert to exterminate them!

The six great purgatory masters have been sealed by the eternal Buddha masters for endless years, and they hate the eternal Buddha masters so much. These purgatory masters naturally want to destroy the Taoism of the ancient Buddha masters in the heaven.


Jinfo Mountain is one of the three Buddhist sacred sites in West Desert. The Golden Eagle Buddha is the true master of Jinfo Mountain, and his cultivation has already reached the pinnacle of quasi-supreme.

At this time, the news that the Jixi Purgatory Lord had been killed from the Jixi Purgatory had already spread, shocking the world.

"Golden Eagle, come out and die!"

The endless black air came from the horizon, and a loud shout came from the black air, and the voice spread throughout the West Desert, and countless Buddhist disciples were shocked.


A golden figure directly rushed out of the Buddha Palace on the top of Jinfo Mountain, and a powerful wave of Buddha power immediately appeared in the world.

At this time, I saw outside Jinfo Mountain, on the ground, densely packed, countless evil spirits, like tidal water, poured towards Jinfa Mountain, wherever it passed, no grass grew.


A fierce head directly hit the Buddha's light transformed by the guardian formation of the Jinfo Mountain, and it was directly broken into meat sauce, and died.

Immediately afterwards, countless evil spirits slammed into the guardian formation of Jinfo Mountain. Soon, a thick layer of corpses accumulated at the feet of Jinfo Mountain.

A sickening smell of blood permeated the void.

"I have a knife to kill Buddha!"

In the black cloud, there was a roar, and the next moment, a blade of light slashed directly out of the black cloud, and instantly broke the guardian formation that enveloped the entire Wanfo Mountain.


The golden eagle Buddha master shook his right hand with five fingers, and the next moment, a fist smashed towards the light of the sword falling from the sky.


With a loud noise, the light of the sword falling from the sky was smashed into pieces by the golden eagle Buddha master. Numerous fragments flew out in all directions, and every fragment split the sky and the earth.

When everyone saw this scene, they were immediately confused.

No one thought that the Lord of the Golden Eagle had such a powerful combat power. You must know that the power of the sword was infinitely close to the extreme, but it was smashed by the Lord of the Golden Eagle with a punch.

"It's your misfortune to dare to provoke me!"

The Lord of the Golden Eagle looked up at the golden Buddha light that was broken by the knife light, and said calmly.

In the Jinfo Mountain, most of them are different kinds of Buddhas, and the true body of the golden eagle Buddha is a golden eagle.

At the top of the Jinfo Mountain, the golden sculpture Buddha turned into a Buddha light that fell from the sky, rushed out of the crack in the Buddha light, and directly plunged into the monstrous black air outside.

The war broke out, the black spirit was mighty, the two powerhouses moved quickly in the void, and the terrifying coercion was overwhelming.


At this time, on the Jinfo Mountain, a tall golden Arhat roared up, and saw his body sway, turning into a golden giant elephant, rushing out directly from the Jinfo Mountain, and ramming into the evil army outside. in.

I saw a cloud of blood burst out of the place where the golden bang passed, and countless evil spirits were directly blasted by this giant elephant, leaving a **** path behind the giant elephant.

Jinfo Mountain has a profound background, especially this Jinfo Mountain. It is simply a net of heaven and earth, and it is difficult for anyone to cross the thunder pond.


At this moment, a huge city appeared in the distant sky, and a looming figure loomed above the huge city, and the terrifying aura of destruction spread from the figure.

"Well, the purgatory master is here."

The countless Buddhist monks on the Jinfo Mountain were shocked to the extreme when they saw the giant city in Yuankong.

The giant city is like an ancient magic mountain, where it stands, it gives people an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

"Haha, the master is here, Golden Eagle, you are dead."

The figure who fought endlessly with the Golden Eagle Buddha laughed.

"Hey, isn't it?"

The Golden Eagle Buddha didn't think so at all, and was still making a move.


At the moment when the purgatory master of Jixi Purgatory entered the Buddhist Land of West Desert, Little Monk Fanxiu knew.

"Huh! Are these guys thinking that this seat is a soft persimmon, do they pinch it as they please?" The young monk Fanxiu was angry, and how the purgatory master dares to provoke me, then kill!

Little Monk Fanxiu drove the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace and flew directly towards the extreme west battlefield.

He wants to destroy the Jixi Purgatory and completely solve this disaster.

He even sent a message directly to Gu Fei.

"Brother Gu, are you interested in coming to the Western Purgatory to play?"

In the heavens, the ancestral land of the demon race, in Gu Fei's residence, in front of Gu Fei, a phantom appeared. This phantom was the little monk Fanxiu.

"Not interested in!"

Gu Fei directly refused. Little Monk Fan Xiu had absolutely nothing good to ask for himself.

"Brother Gu, don't do this, let me tell you first?"

Little Monk Fanxiu smiled.

"Say, don't talk nonsense!"

Gu Fei was a little impatient, and he was a little annoyed recently, because he discovered how difficult it is to refine the nine-day fine gold. With his current cultivation base, it is very troublesome to refine the nine-day fine gold.

"The six great purgatory masters in the extreme west, please solve them for me. How about I give you ten drops of the **** liquid of the undead golden Buddha tree?"

Little Monk Fanxiu said with a smile, he won the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, inherited everything from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and now he has rich wealth.

"Ten drops of the sacred liquid of the undead golden Buddha tree?"

Gu Fei's eyes lit up when he heard this.

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