Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4516: Peerless ferocious

"Like ants!"

Xuan Huang is extremely powerful. He has not used the power of Heicheng, but can easily shoot one of the twelve disciples of the ancient Buddha with the power of his flesh.

Such a cultivation base is indeed almost invincible.


Hearing Xuan Huang's words, the Buddha was shot and burned, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of the Buddha. It was golden blood, and every drop was blooming with golden Buddha light.

When the cultivation base reaches the realm of Burning the Buddha, the flesh and bones have completely transformed, and only the last step will be able to reach the top one step and become the second eternal Buddha master.

However, throughout the ages, there has not been that Buddhist monk who has cultivated to the supreme realm of the ultimate realm.

"Fansu, come out for a fight!"

Xuan Huang stared at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace opposite, with a mighty fighting spirit, and the whole world shook, and countless heavenly fines of thunder fell from the sky and bombarded him.

However, the terrifying power of Heaven's Punishment that was enough to kill the Supreme Dao Supreme was actually blocked by an invisible force outside Xuanhuang Baizhang.

Within a hundred feet of his body, it seemed that a special field had formed, and no power could enter this field.

"Absolutely forbidden?"

In the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, the little monk Fan Xiu couldn't help being moved when he saw this scene. This kind of domain power is really abnormal. In the domain, he is an absolutely powerful existence.

Fighting with Xuanhuang, you must not enter him within a hundred feet of his body, otherwise, he will be killed.

In the absolute forbidden domain, even a person whose cultivation base is equivalent to Xuanhuang will be completely imprisoned, and his cultivation base will be suppressed and become a mortal completely.

Xuan Huang didn't need to do anything at all, just blowing it out in one breath, he could wipe out the body and spirit of the guy who broke into his absolute forbidden area, and he died.

"Cut, you tell me to go out and I'll go out, then I'll lose face!"

The voice of Little Monk Fanxiu came from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

"You bastard, more **** than you were before."

Qiangu Daxian Xuanhuang roared.

"Haha, what can you do to me?"

Fan Xiu said triumphantly.


The Xilin Buddha in front of Fan Xiu, the sorrowful Buddha looked at Fan Xiu in shock. They couldn't believe it. Is this guy in front of him really the one in the legend?

"If you don't come out, I will call you out."

Xuan Huang roared and blasted towards the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace with a fist, a huge fist appeared in the void, like a mysterious mountain of Xuan Huang, rolling towards the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace.


In the void, it was like hundreds of thousands of thunderstorms exploding at the same time, and the 100,000-mile void around Ten Thousand Miles was directly exploded, and terrifying destructive power swept the sky and the ground.


The earth was sinking, and tens of thousands of miles away in the void, there appeared a series of pitch-black spatial cracks, each of which was huge, like a pitch-black abyss across the sky and the earth.

This is just a punch, truly ruining the world.

Of course, even if it is as strong as Xuanhuang, he dare not really want to destroy the heavens. You must know that the water in the heavens is very deep. If nothing else, Gu Fei is already unpredictable.

Moreover, the current celestial realm is very complicated, and the powerful creatures of the ancestor realm have also descended into the celestial realm.

The Ancestral Realm, that is the supreme heaven and earth in the legend, that is, the eternal Buddha master, the peerless great evil Xuanhuang, has never been to that legendary world.

"This guy is crazy?"

Several powerful men broke through the void and rushed out from the shattered void.

A strong man directly showed the real body of the Ancestral Dragon, the Ancestral Dragon's mighty power for 100,000 miles, and a dragon smashed into the sky, and all living creatures shivered under the might of the Ancestral Dragon.

"Ancestral dragon from the ancestor world?"

Seeing this ancestral dragon, Xuan Huang, the great fierce of the ages, couldn't help his eyes light up. You must know that the ancestor realm was the source of the world known as the heavens.

The ancestor dragon clan is absolutely powerful to the extreme.

However, this ancestor Dragon Clan did not dare to unlock the seal and restore the ultimate cultivation base, so he could only retreat far away and did not dare to approach the Tianfo Palace.

"Haha, work harder, maybe you can get in."

Little Monk Fanxiu laughed and said, Ten Thousand Buddha Palace is a residence of the ancient Buddha, even if it is Xuanhuang, he would never want to attack for a while.

"Come again!"

Xuan Huang punched out again, this punch condensed 50% of his strength, the punch out, the world is broken.


There was another loud noise, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace was shaking, billions of Buddha's light burst out from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and the surroundings of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace had become chaos.

The power of the Jidao Secret Realm is too strong, the eternal big fierce Xuanhuang actually used two punches, and then the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace into the chaos.

However, he still couldn't help Fan Xiu, because he couldn't even break the defense of Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

"You just hide in there."

Xuan Huang said angrily, the young monk Fan Xiu hid in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace. If he didn't come out, he couldn't help Fan Xiu.

"No, no, don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid to come out, I just don't want to care about you." Little Monk Fanxiu shook his head.


Qiangu Daxian Xuanhuang is really angry, this guy is really shameless.

"You'd better not come out, I'll go kill those bald heads in Ximo." Xuan Huang actually turned and left as he said.


The Lord Xilin sensed the direction Xuanhuang was leaving, and suddenly his face changed greatly. The direction Xuanhuang was leaving was the ancient Xilin Temple. Does this big murderer want to take the ancient temple of Xilin for an operation?

"This guy……"

Burning sorrowful Buddha is also a bit unable to sit still. To some extent, Xilin's line can be said to be the inheritance of Burning sorrowful Buddha. Xilin Buddha is just a descendant of Burning sorrowful Buddha.

Xuan Huang wanted to use the Xilin Temple to perform surgery, and the two of them were naturally very nervous.

"This guy said nothing, hey, trouble!"

The little monk Fanxiu shook his head and sighed, although the eternal violent Xuanhuang is extremely fierce, but it has always been true.

"Buddha, what should I do?"

Lord Xilin looked at Fan Xiu.

Fanxiu groaned for a while, but still took out a transmission amulet.

"Buddha, you are..."

When Burning Sadness Buddha saw Fanxiu going out to spread the amulet, he wanted to rescue soldiers again? But where can he move in to rescue soldiers?


Fan Xiu sighed, and then directly inspired this propaganda talisman.


Heaven, the ancestral land of the monster race, where Gu Fei is.

In front of Gu Fei, the little monk Fanxiu appeared again.

"Why are you guys here again?"

Gu Fei said impatiently.

"Brother Gu, I still want to ask you to do it."

Little Monk Fanxiu said with a smile, this is a phantom of him, but it is equivalent to talking to Gu Fei in person.

"Didn't I say it? I'm not free!"

Gu Fei directly refused.

"Well, if there are ten drops of Immortal Essence, how about adding a recipe for how to refine Nine Heavens Fine Gold?"

Little Monk Fanxiu said in pain.


Gu Fei's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

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