Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4521: Lord comes

Gu Fei is invincible under the same realm, this is no joke.

He was once the supreme existence of the eternal realm, even if he was beaten into reincarnation by the first demon of the ancestor, he almost cut off his cultivation base.

However, after all, there is still eternal true bone in his body that has not been completely destroyed. Now he has been restored to the quasi-supreme peak state.

However, in the first battle with the ancestor Demon Race, Gu Fei used his assassin to revive the Nine Heavens Stars Sword, his vitality was greatly injured, and his cultivation base fell from the Quasi-Supreme pinnacle realm to the Quasi-Supreme mid-level.

Even so, his combat experience and the perception of various realms of cultivation still exist, and he is not strong enough.

This time, he used the power of the Nine Sky Stars Sword again. He didn't borrow the supreme power of the eternal realm. He just combined the simple human sword into one, and his cultivation and combat power had soared to the extreme secret realm.

However, it is impossible for him to maintain this state for a long time. Once the time limit is exceeded, it will hurt his vitality.

Gu Fei didn't want to hurt his vitality again. You must know that after one visit, his cultivation base would fall from the Quasi-Supreme realm.

"What a fierce age, I make you fierce, make you fierce!"

Gu Fei kicked Xuan Huang into the air, coughing up blood constantly in his mouth. He didn't know how many bones he had broken, and the broken internal organs spewed out.


Before Xuan Huang had time to scream, Gu Fei punched out again, and saw that Xuan Huang’s small body exploded and turned into a blood mist, even though his body was covered by the inner armor made from the Xuan Huang god’s iron sacrifice. Can't help.

Because at this time, Gu Fei had already used the power of eternal true bone.

This kind of power surpasses the Extreme Dao, even if it is a strand, it can kill the existence of the Extreme Dao. Gu Fei's fist is more terrifying than any Ji Dao tool now.

As long as he was hit by his fist, he couldn't bear it below the eternal realm.

In the heavens, it is impossible to have an eternal state, or even a half-step eternal existence.

"how is this possible……"

Qiangu Daxian Xuanhuang panicked at this time, and he couldn't think that Gu Fei was so terrified that even the Xuanhuang inner armor he was wearing was shattered.

"nothing is impossible!"

Gu Fei took a step, and immediately caught up with Xuan Huang who was flying out, and stepped down.


Xuan Huang exploded directly from his waist, and was stepped in two by Gu Fei. The Xuan Huang blood was splashed, and every drop of Xuan Huang blood penetrated the void of heaven and earth.


"Too violent."

Those masters who watched this battle through the Mirror of Heaven's Secrets are all beating their chests and feet. That is the legendary black blood. The value of every drop is hard to estimate, and it can be used to refine the supreme medicine.

"Whoever can contact Gu Fei, I want to exchange Xuan Huang Xue with him."

In a holy place in the heavens, in front of an alchemy furnace, an old man with messy hair roared.

The great fierce Xuanhuang throughout the ages is full of treasures, because he is the existence who has cultivated the Xuanhuang Dao to the extreme, and his essence and blood can create the Xuanhuang Saint Body.

Xuanhuang Saint Body is naturally close to the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Qi.

With the existence of this physique, when you practice, you will naturally advance by leaps and bounds, far better than ordinary monks, and it is easy to cultivate into the Xuanhuang Dadao and bear the tempering of Xuanhuang essence.

Now, not only in the heavens, but also in the human world and the ancestor world, there are people who want to get black blood.

"Boy, why don't you collect the black blood!"

In the ancestral land of the demon clan, the old turtle watched the live broadcast from Tianjijian, but he was as anxious as a white claw scratching his heart.

At this time, in the area where Gu Fei and Xuanhuang fought, the void was blown up, the heavens were suppressed, and even the existence of Old Turtle could hardly communicate to Gu Fei.

The Tianji Jian of the Tianji Shenfu can only reflect the battle between Gu Fei and Xuanhuang, and broadcast it, but it cannot transmit sound to Gu Fei, unless Gu Fei also has a Tianji rune.

However, Gu Fei did not have a heavenly rune.

Because this Heavenly Mystery Rune is a hidden world force that has only recently emerged. They show the Heavenly Mystery to the world. They must borrow from the sky to build a network that can be directly connected to all parts of the heavens.

With the help of this network, even if you are far away, you can connect instantly.

This is much faster than spreading letters to thousands of miles, flying swords and so on.

The people of Tianji Shenfu want this battle between Gu Fei and Xuanhuang to open up their popularity. This Tianji Shenfu wants to use this network and system to make a lot of fairy stones!

At this time, all the forces in the heavens were buying the heavenly secret runes of the heavenly secret palace, which made the people of the heavenly secret palace ecstatic, and a large number of fairy crystals flowed into the pockets of the heavenly secret palace.

The actions of Tianji Divine Mansion caused a sensation in the human world, and even the ancestor world.

Of course, Gu Fei, who was repairing the eternal evil and mysterious yellow, didn't know anything about these things that happened. The secret of the day was very powerful. It blinded the secret, even Gu Fei did not have any feelings.


At this time, Gu Fei blasted Xuanhuang again, and this time, Xuanhuang's body was almost torn apart.


Xuan Huang roared, his body was full of vitality, bones and muscles were growing rapidly, the horrible cracks on his body were disappearing, and he was repaired by the vitality that broke out in his body.

"Don't waste your energy, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't change much."

Gu Fei said proudly, seeing him press it with his big hand, and directly slapped Xuanhuang from the sky, smashing it directly into the ground, and the earth settled and smoke billowed.

A big hole with no bottom appeared in the ground.


The earth shook, and a figure rushed out of the big hole, and saw him with a disheveled head, blood stained on his body, embarrassed.

He has never been so embarrassed before. Even if he was defeated in a battle with the ancient Buddha, he is still honoured, but today, he is completely abused.


Before Xuan Huang appeared, a divine light flashed in an instant. The next moment, blood flashed, and a blood stain appeared from the center of Xuan Huang's eyebrows. Then, his whole person was divided into two halves.


Everyone who saw this scene through Tianjijian opened their mouths wide, dumbfounded.

Peerless Xuanhuang, was just beheaded?

This is a great fierce that has moved through the ages, once pushed the invincible hand of the heavens, until the Buddha of the ages took action, and defeated this guy.

Moreover, even though the ancient Buddha master defeated Xuanhuang, he couldn't kill Xuanhuang, so he could only suppress it.

But now, Xuan Huang was defeated, and he was probably beheaded.

"Haha..., good! Very good!"

In the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, the little monk Fanxiu was laughing, even he had to admit that Gu Fei was so shocked that he could completely abuse Xuanhuang.

The little monk Fanxiu was very happy to be able to solve the scourge of Xuanhuang, even if he had to pay 20 drops of Immortal Liquid, and the three golden Buddha fruits, plus the secret book that can be used for nine days of fine gold.

It's all worth it.


Another divine light flashed, and then the Xuanhuang figure disappeared into the void.

At this moment, the image from Tianjijian suddenly disappeared.


"Damn it, is Xuan Huang alive or dead?"

"How can this be done, the chain is cut at a juncture? Refund!"

"The courage of Tianji Shenfu is really fat!"

At this time, the Tianji Divine Mansion was also chaotic.

"What's the matter, where is the problem?"

The palace lord of Tianji Divine Mansion was sweating profusely.

At the same time, the entire celestial realm was shaking, divine lights fell from the sky, and a thunderous and terrifying aura spread over the entire celestial realm.

For a time, all the powerhouses in the heavens felt endless pressure.

The sky will explode.


"So many Lords have come..."

Everyone was shocked to the extreme. You must know that the existence of the current heavenly realm, the Lord-level existence, in this realm, is simply invincible.

"One, two, three..., seven came..."

After Gu Fei took away Xuan Huang, his face was indifferent and the corners of his mouth raised.

At this moment, an old man walked out of a stone house at the foot of the humble mountain in the southern part of the heavenly realm. He was shocked, and the whole world seemed to be overturned.

In the southern part of the heavens, the wind and clouds changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, flashes of lightning appeared in the dim world, tearing the void.

A shocking weather erupted from the old man, directly confronting those strong from the sky.

Soon, in the Western Regions of the Heavenly Realm, there was also a noble-level aura erupting, shaking the earth.

Someone saw a Taoist walking out of an inconspicuous little Taoist temple.

In the depths of the starry sky of the heavens, a brutal beast rushed into it, and that brutal beast was much larger than the stars in the sky.


The savage beast roared, and the countless stars around it directly exploded, terrifying.

Another master-level existence appeared.

And in some Jedi in the heavens, there is also a strong aura.

"This world is really extraordinary!"

The heavenly descendant said indifferently, he did not put the natives of this world in his eyes, he was still high above, overlooking this world.

"Huh! These guys are far behind us."

A lord shrouded in black energy sneered.

"Okay, find Gu Fei and kill him. Let's go back!"

A black-clothed woman said impatiently, she is the superior lord, and she is going to come to the lower realm to kill that Gu Fei.

Is this Gu Fei really that sky-defying?

Some Lords disagree.

"Let me see where he is?"

At this time, a purple-clothed middle-aged man's eyes showed bursts of golden light, he scanned all directions, his eyes looked through the void, far away.


The middle-aged man was very surprised, even the Jinjing Huoyan he had cultivated couldn't see where Gu Fei was.

"This guy escaped?"

This surprised the Seven Lords.

"You can escape the monk, but you can't escape the temple. If he doesn't come out, I will kill his friends."

A middle-aged man in white said cruelly.

At this time, in Tianji Divine Mansion.

"Palace Master, we finally know why the picture was interrupted. It was caused by the seven heavenly descendants. The aura of the seven powerful ones was too strong and disrupted the live broadcast."

A young monk in the Tianji Divine Mansion lay on the ground and said carefully.

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