Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4531: Secret of heaven

Gu Fei took Tudi Jiutian, and the world was shocked.

Emperor Jiutian, the almost invincible existence between the heavens and the world, swept all over the world as soon as he debuted, and he did not encounter a single opponent. It can be described as extremely strong.

In the eyes of many people, Di Jiutian was a lunatic, madly challenging the powerhouses of the heavens and the human world, and fighting him was either death or injury.

He is a pure warrior, born for war.

Some people didn't want to accept his challenge, but he went straight to the door and started a life and death duel with those people. The consequence was that most of them died.

This Emperor Jiutian even killed the Demon Race's ancestral land and wanted to fight Laogui. However, Laogui was so cunning that he would not accept Di Jiutian's challenge and hid in the Demon Race's ancestral land.

Facing the challenge of Emperor Jiutian, some people were very cautious and would not accept the challenge casually, but some people did not agree.

As a result, an elder in the Eastern World of the Human Realm died. Among the ancient Li family, Zhou family, and Zhao family, all elder-level powerful men died.

Even the human world, a Jiang Zhunzhi of the Jiang family, was injured under the spear of blood.

It was the quasi-sovereign battle of Emperor Jiu Tianyu Jiang's family. This was the name that moved the world and shocked the heavens and the world. You know, the Jiang family in the world is a super power in the world.

Human emperor, at this time, represents invincibility, because there is no supreme in the world, and no other human emperor, this emperor Jiutian dared to kill Jiang's family, this is simply dead and alive!

In the end, Emperor Jiang Ren didn't make a move, and the emperor nine days drifted away.

Since then, Di Jiutian has rarely appeared, but everyone knows that this one's combat power may have made another breakthrough, and it is extremely powerful.

However, such a powerful existence actually worshipped Gu Fei as a teacher.

"Di Jiutian's bearing..."

Both the old man and that mysterious lord had to admire Emperor Jiutian, could afford it, let it go, and even worship a Maotou boy as a teacher regardless of his identity?

Neither the old man nor the mysterious lord could do it. They would not worship Gu Fei as a teacher and couldn't let go of their figure, because they were the ancestors of a party, overlooking the common people, with supreme status.

There is no doubt that Emperor Jiutian may not be the strongest among the native Lords in the heavens, but it is the most generous.

"You have something to do with home. It's not a bad thing to be by my side."

On the top of the low mountain, Gu Fei said to himself.

"the host……"

At this time, the Star Beast, the Black Wind Supreme, and the Sheyang Supreme climbed to the low mountain and came to Gu Fei's body, respectfully watching the ancient flying ceremony.

"this is……"

Standing behind Gu Fei, Emperor Jiutian saw the person headed by these three powerhouses at a glance, and his eyes lit up. This was actually a powerful existence at the master level.

Even if the star beast turned into a human form and proclaimed its cultivation base, it still did not hide the eyes of Emperor Jiutian.

At this time, Xingchen Beast stared at Di Jiutian behind Gu Fei. He instinctively felt that this guy was very strong, and he didn't know how powerful Di Jiutian was.

Because before that, he had stayed somewhere in the ancestral land of the Demon Race, guarding the ancient spirit.

Gu Ling was in retreat. Gu Fei naturally wanted to send his strongest existence to protect Gu Ling. Of course, Yan'er was also protecting Gu Ling's law, and Yan'er's cultivation level had reached the pinnacle of Quasi-Supreme.

After the war, the Star Beast and other talents came to the low mountain where Gu Fei was located because of Gu Fei's voice call.

"Why do you want to do it?"

Gu Fei smiled.

"Don't dare!"

Xingchen Beast said quickly, even though he said so, the war intent on his body had become stronger. Gu Fei's words were like sparks falling into the barrel, detonating his war intent instantly.

"Master, I really want to discuss with this Taoist friend."

Di Jiutian held a blood spear in his hand, he sensed the fighting spirit from the star beast, and the blood in his body began to boil.

"Very good, then it will fulfill you."

Gu Fei immediately sacrificed a Dao tool like a black plate, which was the wheel of the heavens.

I saw that the wheels of the heavens and myriad worlds flew into the air, quickly becoming bigger, and turned into something similar to an arena.

"Going up for a battle, I am also a little curious, you are at the same level, who is strong and who is weak."

Gu Fei smiled.

Fighting on the wheel of the heavens and ten thousand realms will not affect the world and the creatures.

Di Jiutian didn't hesitate, he took one step directly and disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, the person was already on the wheel of the heavens.

"Boss, go, go!"

Both Heifeng Supreme and Sheyang Supreme are urging the Star Beast.


The Star Beast glanced at Gu Fei, and then jumped up from the ground and rushed onto the Zhutian Wanjie Wheel floating in midair.

Without extra words, the two powerhouses directly displayed the strongest combat skills and rushed together.


The void vibrated, rippling like water waves, but there were no cracks. The void on the wheels of the heavens and the world was extremely stable, and the Quasi-Supreme could not destroy it.

At this time, Tianji Shenfu was still broadcasting what happened in the ancestral land of the demon clan.

Tianjijian is a very special Dao Dao device, this Dao Dao device is not used to attack and kill the enemy, but to monitor the world.

In fact, this Tianji Shenfu also has a lot of background.

Legend has it that this heavenly machine divine mansion came from the heavenly court, yes, the term heavenly court is extremely old.

The appearance of the heaven is in the ancient or even older ages.

However, there is no doubt that the once heavenly court is extremely powerful, even if endless years have passed, its relics still exist, as if the years cannot be erased.

And this Tianji Shenfu is actually an organization in the heavenly court, an organization responsible for monitoring the world. Among this organization, there is a treasure, and this treasure is a mirror of the heavens.

Back then, under the supervision of the Heavenly Ji Divine Mansion, the countless territories under the Heavenly Court had not experienced turmoil for a long time.

However, such a powerful heaven is still turned into waste, the former Supreme Palace has become a relic, and the legendary Invincible Emperor has also disappeared.

No one knows how the ancient heavenly court fell, no one knows why the ancient heavenly court became a ruin.

However, one thing is well-known, that is, Gu Tianting was attacked, who and what force dared to challenge Gu Tianting.

Everyone is curious, this is the secret of the ages.

In this world, the Heavenly Court became a thing of the past, but the Heavenly Mystic Palace was passed down.

At this time, Gu Fei looked up to the sky, with the corners of his mouth rising, like a smile.

In an extremely secret place not far from the ancestral land of the Demon Race, there is a small world. This small world is not very big, but it also looks like a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

In this small world, there are mountains, seas and lakes, as well as large rivers, and the sun, moon and stars alternately appear. It is completely like a complete world, because everything in a complete world is here.

Moreover, the concentration of heaven and earth aura in this small world is dozens of times that of the outside world.

Some places are even more fairy caves, with aura concentration a hundred times or even hundreds of times that of the heavens.

If Gu Fei were here, he would find that in the depths of this small world, there was a huge spring of life wafting the essence of the world.

However, this small world is not really a perfect world after all. Even if this small world runs like a large world, its laws of heaven and earth are very incomplete.

Cultivating here may get twice the result with half the effort in the early stage, but in the later stage, problems will arise.

There is no complete law of heaven and earth, which leads to the lack of the cultivation level of the monks here. This is still a small problem in the early cultivation, below the holy rank.

However, it is basically impossible to be sanctified here.

The law of heaven and earth in Xiaotiandi is very incomplete, which directly restricts the monks here from becoming holy, and the incomplete law of heaven and earth makes it impossible for people to prove the truth.

Not to mention human beings, even if the cubs of Heaven-defying level divine beasts are thrown here and grow up here, it is impossible to cultivate to a holy rank and become a holy beast.

In this small world, there are many human races living in different places, forming settlements. These settlements are centered on the city, and then spread around.

At this time, in the center of this small world, in Tianji City, on the square, on the ancient altar, there is a treasure mirror hanging.

Mengmeng Shenhui rushed out of Baojian, forming a sky screen over the sky. At this moment, Gu Fei looked up on the sky screen.


On the ancient altar in the square, all the elders of the Heavenly Mystic Palace were shocked.

They have a feeling, as if the gaze of the black-clothed boy who looked up on the sky curtain seemed to see through from the sky curtain and saw them.

"This... not easy!"

The Great Elder of Tianji Shenfu looked at the boy in black on the sky and said in a deep voice.

At this time, the projection on the Tianji Mirror suddenly changed, and another scene appeared on the sky. It was the battle between Emperor Nine Heaven and the Star Beast, extremely fierce.

"Under the same level, I am invincible!"

Emperor Jiutian's battle clothes were overwhelming, and the spearhead of the **** spear in his hand quickly slashed through the void, and the dazzling **** demon was extremely strange.


A star directly slammed into the **** war spear, and the war spear shook violently. The star exploded directly, and the force of the tyrannical star exploded, pushing Di Jiutian back.

"With you invincible? Then what am I?"

Xingchen Beast sneered, although this guy is a new disciple of the master, but, what about it, still fight.

He would not keep his hands, three hundred and sixty-five stars emerged directly around his body, forming a large array of Zhoutian stars, and went to the Emperor Nine Heavens.

The star beast feeds on the stars, swallows the stars, and refines them into the power of the stars.

This star beast, but an adult star beast, is peerlessly powerful. In the ancestor realm, it is also an overlord-level existence, and its combat power is not under the emperor nine days.

The star beast is a sacred beast with blood inheritance. This week, the Celestial Star Killing Array is the inherited magical power of the star beast. As long as the blood of the ancestor in the body is awakened, the star beast can cultivate this magical power.


Without any extra words, Di Jiutian directly rushed into the Zhoutian Star Killing Array, extremely powerful.

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