Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4533: Chaos Crack

The battle between the Star Beast and Emperor Jiutian was only half a catty, and no one could beat anyone.

This made Gu Fei a little moved. You should know that the Star Beast and Di Jiutian seem to be fighting at the same level, but the Star Beast has a lot of advantages.

However, even if the Star Beast had the advantage, in this battle, the Star Beast could not overpower the Emperor Nine Heavens and took any advantage.

In this way, Di Jiutian looked even more against the sky.

Moreover, this battle was broadcast live by the Heavenly Secret Mansion with the help of the Heavenly Secrets. This allowed countless powerhouses in the heavens to have the honor to watch the battle. As a result, this battle shocked the entire heavens.

"Now that I don't even dare to appear, this Gu Fei can walk across the heavens?"

Someone is whispering.

The current Heaven Punishment has been improved by Gu Fei, not to mention that it is the existence of the Exalted Master level, as long as it dares to appear, it will be smashed by the power of Heaven Punishment.

Unless the opponent is the supreme existence of the eternal realm that is a realm higher than the extreme realm.

However, the eternal supreme, not to mention the heavens, there are only a few people in the ancestral world, and they all exist in the hidden world and are not known to the world.

In this way, Gu Fei could really walk sideways between the heaven and the earth.

Even those ancient forces who have passed on endless years dare not offend Gu Fei, just like the remnants of the Proterozoic, the descendants of the sky demon, and the Buddhism and other forces, they dare not blatantly oppose Gu Fei.

"Well, that Fanxiu child hasn't delivered the things yet, is he trying to regret it?"

In the ancestral land of the monster race, Gu Fei said, touching his chin.

Last time, Gu Fei helped Fan Xiu solve the eternal evil Xuan Huang. In order to invite Gu Fei to take action, the little monk Fan Xiu promised Gu Fei 20 drops of undead liquid, three golden Buddha fruits, and how to refine the nine days. The secret of **** iron.

The secret of refining the Nine Heavens Divine Iron, and the three golden Buddha fruits, the young monk Fanxiu was quickly sent by others, but the twenty drops of Immortal Liquid were delayed.

This made Gu Fei a little unhappy.


Just when the battle between Emperor Jiutian and Star Beast just ended, a loud noise suddenly came, and then a scene that shocked countless people appeared on the horizon.

I saw the sky and the earth cracked, and the chaos was violent, as if a world suddenly crashed into the heavens.

A series of pitch-black spatial cracks spread from the horizon, and each spatial crack is like a bottomless abyss that makes people palpitating.

The terrifying aura of destruction came from the horizon, and countless strong men trembled.

"what's going on?"

Gu Fei was taken aback. This kind of big collision between heaven and earth was not easy. He just glanced at the sky and knew that it was going to be bad. It seemed that one of the heavens and the earth had crashed into the heaven.

"Could it be that the Xuanji realm master of the Xuanji realm has killed again?"

The old turtle said in shock.

The Profound Extreme Realm almost captured the Heaven Realm at first, even threatening the Human Realm, and finally even the Emperor Jiang Ren was alarmed.

Although, in the end, the real body of the Profound Extreme Realm Master did not come, but this was the collision of the two worlds. After the war, many people were killed on both sides.

Some superpowers in the heavens that have passed on for endless years also declined completely after this battle, and then were replaced by other forces.


Gu Fei stood up fiercely from the big stone and stared at the broken world on the side of the sky. The aura of heaven and earth that did not belong to the heavens that came out of the broken world was not from the Profound Extreme Realm.

He still knew the heaven and earth aura of the Profound Extreme Realm, and was fundamentally different from this heaven and earth aura.

This is because the Profound Extreme Realm is also one of the heavens and myriad realms, but the aura of heaven and earth radiating from this world that suddenly crashed into the heavens seemed to be different.


At this moment, a huge tentacle directly stretched out from the broken void, and a scream rang out. A saint standing in the cloud was actually entangled by this tentacle, and then pulled into the chaos. .


Everyone was shocked.

"Everyone, mysterious creatures appear, what is this?"

The live broadcast of Tianji Shenfu continued, and this time even an informant appeared.

"Who knows what this is."

"This thing is definitely not a creature in our heavenly realm, it can actually kill the saint."

The Tongtian live broadcast platform established by Tianji Shenfu is extremely lively. As long as you master the Tianji runes, you can project your own images and sounds on Tianjijian, allowing others to see him and hear him.

I have to say that this live broadcast platform constructed by Tianji Shenfu is really a bit against the sky.

Moreover, they charge fees, immortal crystals, **** crystals, these are all hard currency in the cultivation world, as long as they are monks, they will use them.

However, these are all secondary. The Heavenly Mystery Palace is actually still using the Heavenly Mirror to collect various vitality. It does not matter if there is no fairy crystal magic stone. As long as a certain amount of vitality is injected into the heavenly magic rune, it can also replace the fairy crystal magic stone. Corresponding services of Tianji Shenfu.

And the vitality that the monks poured into the heavenly secret rune would be sensed by the heavenly secret, and then taken away by the heavenly secret.

The Secret of Heaven can monitor the world, become the eyes of the sky, and gather the vitality of hundreds of millions of monks. As long as they have enough vitality, they can create something terrifying.

At this time, through the live broadcast, there was even a sacred blood splashing out of the chaos. Needless to say, the saint who was caught by the tentacle just now absolutely suffered.


The world was still falling apart, countless Chaos Qi rushed out, and it didn't stop until a long time later, and then a chaotic crack that was hundreds of millions of miles long appeared in the heavens.

The chaos there is mighty, isolating all divine thoughts, it is the most chaotic place where the laws of the two worlds collide together.

Moreover, in that chaotic crack, unknown creatures haunt from time to time.

Some strong people who went to check were attacked before they approached, and some hapless guys directly lost their lives.

However, some people who are not afraid of death broke into the chaos, and some people came back alive and said things that everyone was shocked by.

After entering the chaos crack, it was a chaotic world that seemed to never end. In this chaotic world, powerful chaotic creatures were haunting.

Those chaotic creatures are all innate creatures bred from chaos, no wonder they can kill the saints.

Chaos creatures can actually be called congenital creatures, or congenital gods and demons. Among the congenital gods and demons, the most powerful ones are bred in chaos.

Because they are the chaos innate gods and demons, they are creatures that have existed before the heavens and the earth are opened up, and it can be said that they are the first creatures after the heavens and the earth are opened up.

"Chaos world? Not at all!"

A gleam of light flashed through Gu Fei's eyes, the world of chaos, it was a world that had been opened up by one side, but was still shrouded in chaos.

At that time, he experienced there for a while.

However, he was sure that the world behind the chaotic crack was not the chaotic world.

"Should we go in and take a look."

Laogui had already come to the top of the hill where Gu Fei was.

The Emperor Jiutian and Xingchen Beast standing behind Gu Fei were a little moved. This was a whole new world, and they wanted to see it.

Especially Di Jiutian, he is a natural warrior, and there are chaotic creatures in the chaos cracks. He really wants to fight the chaotic creatures.

You know, the chaotic creatures are peerlessly powerful and can easily kill the saints.

"Look at it first!"

Gu Fei was very indifferent. He was once the eternal supreme, disregarding the ancestor realm. Could it be that the world behind the chaos crack is comparable to the ancestor realm?


Everyone nodded, and now we really can’t be reckless, let others take the lead first!

Sure enough, many people are not calm, especially those wild ancient forces, this chaotic land is gestating great fortune, once they are obtained, they can soar into the sky and become a peerless strong.

Of course, these good fortunes are not so easy to get.

Soon, some forces began to join forces to send their respective elites into the chaos rift. At this time, the emperor Qin Yao, who had already worshipped Yan'er as a teacher, came again.

The emperor Qin Yao almost regarded the ancestral land of the demon tribe as her own home.

"The disciple Qin Yao visited Master."

She went to see Yan'er first. At this time, Gu Ling had already left the customs, and Gu Ling's cultivation base had soared, and she was already faintly catching up with Yan'er, which made her very envious.

How did Gu Fei teach Gu Ling, a cheap senior sister?

Qin Yao worshiped Yan'er as a teacher, with some calculations. As the emperor of the Qin clan, she sometimes couldn't help herself. This was the sorrow of being the emperor of the emperor clan.

With Gu Fei's current position in the heavens, even the Qin Clan directly ignored them, and the ancient forces were defeated.

The ancestor demons from the ancestor world were beaten back by Gu Fei, and the seven masters of the ancestor world were killed at the same time, and even six were cut by Gu Fei's sword.

The other was lucky, and was taken away by the old man in a rag bag. Although the death penalty is exempt, it seems that it is not much better than death in the hands of the old man.

"Father! I want to practice."

Gu Ling then found Gu Fei, and the emperor Qin Yao followed her.

"Hmph, dare to hook up my daughter?"

Gu Fei glanced at Qin Yao and said blankly, don't ask, it was definitely Qin Yao's ghost who wanted to drag Gu Ling to explore the chaos crack.

"This has nothing to do with me."

Qin Yao stuck out her tongue and quickly hid behind Gu Ling.

"Father, I want to break through."

Gu Ling said that she didn't want to drag Gu Fei back, and she didn't want to hide behind her father Gu Fei whenever something happened.


Gu Fei actually saw Gu Ling's state at a glance. Her own daughter was terrible, and she had already stepped into the pinnacle realm of Quasi-Supreme with one foot.

"Okay, but you have to go to West Desert first to get some things for me." Gu Fei thought for a while, but agreed, because he knew very well that only after blood and tears can he become truly peerless. The strong.

Back then, Gu Ling set foot on the ancient human road, and Gu Fei didn't say anything.

"Yes, father."

Gu Ling said goodbye to Gu Fei, and then left the demon clan ancestral land.

But at this time, even more powerful chaotic creatures appeared in the chaotic cracks, and the saints began to fall.

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