Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4542: Weird blood hand

A corner of the unknown world smashed into the heavens. At the intersection of the two worlds, the two laws of heaven and earth were incompatible. Under the collision, interweaving, and obliteration, a chaotic crack of hundreds of millions of miles long was formed.

The emergence of chaotic cracks caused shocking changes to the creatures in the cracks. The two heavens and the earth converged to give birth to chaotic energy, making the chaotic cracks seem to be in a state of chaos before the heavens and the earth were opened.

All the creatures contaminated with Chaos Qi have undergone unimaginable changes and become chaotic creatures.

The place where the Chaos Qi is the strongest is even conceived of innate creatures, rare magic medicines or supreme magic materials. For the monks in the heavens, these represent great opportunities and great fortunes.

Some people got the seedlings of Chaos Lotus, some got the peerless **** iron bred in the chaos, and some got some inheritance from another world.

Because in the chaos crack, there is a cave left by a strong man in another world.

At this time, a huge immortal palace was suspended in the chaotic crack, and endless chaotic energy was surging outside the immortal palace, and from time to time, chaotic electric lights appeared in the chaotic energy.

The Chaos Qi that enveloped the Immortal Mansion was more than ten li thick, and only saints in the realm of Saints could see through the ten li chaotic Qi and see the scene inside the chaotic Qi.

However, there are exceptions, that is, Tianji Shenfu's Tianji Jian. At this time, around the Xianfu, there are celestial eyes laid down by Tianji Shenfu.

The Sky Eye can monitor the Xianfu, and it can also detect the Xianfu under the Chaos Qi. Everyone outside the gate of the Xianfu is under the supervision of the Sky Eye.

"Oh my God, what is that..."

At this time, countless strong people from all over the heavens who were watching the live broadcast of Tianji were staring at the scene on the light curtain dumbly.

"Is that blood?"

"Blood wafted out of the fairy gate?"

I saw a red liquid floating out of the fairy gate that only opened a gap, and a **** smell immediately filled the world.

"It's really blood!"

A black-clothed blood-haired old man near the gate of the fairy mansion changed wildly. He came from the blood wolf clan. This blood wolf is a blood-eating creature. Their sense of smell is extremely powerful. As long as there is a trace of blood in the void, they can Capture this temperature for the first time.


Blood wafted out of the fairy gate, which shocked everyone inexplicably.

The Qinglong in front of the Xianfu gate also had an extremely dignified expression, and a divine light emerged from his body, blocking the blood that was floating towards him.

However, when the blood touched the light of the bodyguard on Qinglong's body, there was a sound similar to a hot red soldering iron being violently dropped into the water.

The light of the bodyguard on Qinglong's body turned dim.

"Can actually corrode my body guard light?"

Qinglong was taken aback, and hurried away.

At this moment, a blood-colored arm suddenly stretched out from the gap in the gate of Xian Mansion. There was still blood dripping on the arm, and the outstretched palm pressed against the fairy gate, leaving a blood-colored handprint.

Everyone who saw this scene through the Tianji live broadcast felt very strange and terrifying.

Qinglong discovered that on the gate of Xian Mansion, where the handprints were, the Dao pattern revealed from the gate had become a little dim.

"what is that……"

Gu Ling, who had been watching from a distance, saw this scene, her eyes flashed with a light, she couldn't sense any breath of life from that **** hand.

At this time, the **** hand suddenly grabbed to Qinglong, and the monstrous blood rushed out from the **** hand, and instantly enveloped the entire void of the world, directly blocking all the way out of Qinglong, like a monstrous blood wave toward the sky. Qinglong swept away.


Qinglong roared wildly, and the big dragon halberd in his hand swept forward directly, breaking through the mighty waves of blood, and smashed it fiercely on the big **** hand.


When the big dragon halberd in Qinglong's hand was slashed on the big **** hand, there was a sound of metal collision.


Qinglong only felt that an extremely powerful force was uploaded from the Great Dragon Halberd, his hands shook, and the Great Dragon Halberd almost took off and flew out.

He was directly shocked and flew through the Chaos Qi outside the Xian Mansion. After flying thousands of miles away, he stopped the retreat. He firmly grasped the big dragon halberd, his eyes through the Chaos Qi, staring at the fairy gate. The **** hand, the hands holding the big dragon halberd ooze blood.

"What it is?"

Heaven, the ancestral land of the monster race, and the old turtle are also watching the live broadcast. This guy has obtained a heavenly secret rune from the heavenly secret mansion. As long as the rune is activated, a light curtain will appear in front of him.

At this time, on the light curtain in front of the old turtle, the scene of the blood hand repelling the Qinglong appeared.

"Hey, what else can there be, that kind of place is definitely not a good place, it is very strange and terrible." An old voice came, and an old man didn't know when he came behind Laogui.

"Oh, my god! I said, old uncle, you walk silently? I scared the demon master to death."

The old man spoke suddenly, and the scared old turtle almost jumped up.

"Huh! Stinky boy, with your old uncle's cultivation skills, still walking with sound?"

The old man slanted his eyes at the old turtle and said.

The old turtle was speechless.

"I said old uncle, do you think there is a big horror in this fairy mansion?"

Laogui humbly asked for advice, because he knew that his old uncle was definitely a super old antique. In this world, no one really knew more than him.

Sometimes, living a long time is also a capital.

"Did you not see? That thing is not a good thing. Those guys who went in before have probably died in it." Laogui's old uncle said to the **** hand on the light curtain.

"The black dragon from the ancestor realm, and the nine golden lions, it's a pity to die." Laogui sighed with regret.


The old uncle chuckled and said, "What a pity you, they are not your subordinates."

"Those are top foods!"

The old turtle licked his lips.


The old uncle's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he turned and walked out.

"Uncle, where are you going?"

Cried the old turtle.

"Go eat."

The old uncle kept walking.

"I'll go too." The old turtle quickly put away the secret rune and chased up, and asked: "Where are we going to eat?"

"Didn't you say that the black dragon and the golden lion are the top foods? I'll go take a look, just stroll around Xianfu, maybe I can pick some magical medicine."

The old uncle said.


The old tortoise is speechless again. The ancestor said just now that there is a big horror in that place, but now he is going to find something to eat in that place? This old ancestor is definitely a foodie!

As a result, one old, one small, two big foodies left the Yaozu ancestral land directly to the Chaos Crack.

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