Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4547: Immortal Kingdom

At this time, the forces of the Heaven Realm, the Human Realm, the Ancestor Realm, and the Taishi Realm simultaneously appeared in the chaotic cracks between the Heaven Realm and the Taishi Realm.

They all headed for the immortal palace that was just born, wanting to obtain the great opportunity and great luck in the immortal palace.

This Immortal Mansion is really extraordinary. There is chaos surrounding it, even the quasi-superior can hardly push the gate of the immortal mansion. Some people speculate that this is the immortal mansion left by the Jidao Supreme.

The Xianfu of Extreme Dao Supreme Grade, even the quasi-sovereign would be crazy about it.

At this time, the holy sons and goddesses from Taishi Realm had already entered the fairy mansion, but Gu Ling and Qin Yao had not entered, and it was rare for someone to find their way.

They are not in a hurry and wait for the result.

However, not everyone was as calm as they were, and saw a golden light rushing from a distance, and one end rushed in from the gate of the fairy mansion.

"That is……"

"A strong man of the Golden Spirit Ape Clan?"

Someone saw an ape-like figure with golden hair wrapped in the golden light.

"Is that boy Yuan Gang?"

Laogui's old uncle frowned. Why did this guy come? He had some friendship with Yuan Gang's ancestors, but he couldn't watch the descendants of the deceased fall into the fairy house.


The ancestor of the monster race took one step and disappeared into the void in an instant. The next moment, when he appeared again, the person was already standing in front of the gate of the fairy palace.

"Old uncle!"

The old turtle was taken aback. He wanted to stop the ancestor of the demon race, but the ancestor of the demon race had already taken one step and walked directly into the fairy house.


The old turtle is a little anxious. There is definitely a big danger and a big horror in this fairy mansion, even if the existence of the extreme supreme level enters, it is dangerous!

At this time, a sword light rushed from a distance, broke the chaotic energy outside the Xianfu directly, rushed into the gate of the Xianfu, and disappeared inside.

"The Supreme Elder of the Haotian Sword Sect?"

Someone recognized the kendo expert.

The Haotian Sword Sect is a sect of swordsmanship in the heavens. Its strength is among the major forces, belonging to the middle and upper levels. Compared with the demons, the Buddhism, and the Xuantian Holy Land Taiqing Holy Realm, these forces are one level behind.

However, the Supreme Elder of the Haotian Sword Sect was a leader in swordsmanship, and it only took half a step to become the supreme Supreme.

However, the Supreme Elder of the Haotian Sword Sect wanted to take this half step, but it was extremely difficult. He wanted to compete for the great good fortune of the Immortal Mansion, and wanted to go further and break through to the extreme realm in one fell swoop. .

Whether it is Yuan Gang of the Golden Spirit Ape Clan or the Supreme Elder of the Haotian Sword Sect, they are all great figures in the heavens, and their cultivation is close to the realm of the ultimate realm.

Di Jiutian also came, he was a real master-level existence, this fairy palace, he really looked down upon him, unless this fairy palace was left by the supreme existence of the eternal realm.

But is this possible?

"Little Junior Sister!"

Emperor Jiutian came to Gu Ling and Qin Yao's side.

"Brother Emperor!"

Gu Ling said.

"Are you Di Jiutian?"

Qin Yao looked up and down Di Jiutian curiously.

"The emperor of the Qin clan?"

Di Jiutian looked at Qin Yao indifferently. Although his cultivation was suppressed to the Quasi-Supreme realm, the "power" that he revealed was still amazing.

The general quasi-sovereign standing in front of Emperor Jiutian would feel a great deal of pressure.

But Qin Yao was still calm and calm, without the slightest tension.

He is the emperor of the Qin clan, with the strong blood of her father flowing in his body, naturally without fear of Emperor Jiutian.

"My Master and your Master are husband and wife, aren't we also brothers and sisters? Brother Di, what do you think?" Qin Yao looked at Di Jiutian with a smile.


When Di Jiutian heard this, he couldn't help being stunned. He had never thought about this issue before, and it seemed that what Qin Yao said was nothing wrong.

When the three of them were talking, many more powerful men in the heavens and the human world broke into the fairy mansion, and even the powerful men in the ancestor world could not sit still.

The supreme king Ye Beichen also broke through the chaotic energy outside the Xian Mansion, and stepped forward to the front of the gate of the Xian Mansion. The open door was pitch black inside, like a bottomless abyss. It is possible to swallow any creature near the abyss at any time.

Ye Beichen hesitated, but still walked into the gate and disappeared inside.

The blood rain is still falling, very strange, no one knows where the blood rain comes from, as if it appeared out of thin air, the blood rain contains a powerful corrosive force.

Even the quasi-sovereign body guard divine light can corrode.

After Ye Beichen entered the Immortal Mansion, even a group of powerful people from the Ancestral Realm followed Ye Beichen into the Immortal Mansion and disappeared inside.

At this time, dozens of quasi-extreme-level powerhouses have entered the fairy house.

And until now, no one has come out of it, from the most advanced Black Jiao Zhunzhi and Nine Lions Zhunzhi, to this group of people in the Ancestral Realm.

Gu Ling saw the Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor and also entered the fairy mansion, and even several big monsters from the ancestral land of the demon clan also entered the fairy mansion.

Those wild ancient forces in the human world also sent people, and those who came were the **** sons and saints of these wild ancient forces, all of whom were quasi-superior.

The little supreme of the Jiang family also came.

This little Jiang family is a descendant of Emperor Jiang. He has a talent against the sky and his cultivation speed is astonishing. He was taken by the Emperor Jiang and personally pointed him for several years.

Jiang Yichen, the little supreme of the Jiang family has swept all opponents since his debut, almost invincible, and is known as the little supreme of the Jiang family.

Compared with the **** sons and saints of the Zhao Family, Zhou Family, and Li Family, Jiang Yichen is much better than them.

The goddess and goddess who walked out of the ancient forces of the human world surrounded Jiang Yichen and came to the front of the fairy mansion gate. Without any hesitation, Jiang Yichen and others walked directly into the gate.

As the little supreme of the Jiang family, Jiang Yichen has the confidence to ignore all the dangers in the fairy house.

On the Tianji live broadcast platform, the pot has already been exploded, and the little supreme Jiang family has made a big name in the world, and is famous in the world.

The appearance of Emperor Jiutian and Jiang's Little Supreme caused a sensation on the Tianji live broadcast platform.

"Little Junior Sister, I'll go in and have a look."

As Di Jiutian said, he directly held the **** war spear and rushed towards the fairy house. When he came to that layer of Chaos Qi, the **** war spear in his hand swiped and immediately opened it on the Chaos Qi. A crack of a thousand feet long.

He strode in, through the Chaos Qi, and came to the outside of the fairy mansion. Without stopping, he stepped into the stone gate with one foot and disappeared quickly.

Gu Ling and Qin Yao still did not move.

At this moment, even Laogui couldn't sit still a bit. The fairy mansion had a great chance and great luck, how could he let it go?

At this moment, horrible energy fluctuations came from the depths of the chaotic cracks, the endless chaotic energy was surging, and powerful figures came from the chaotic cracks.

"this is……"

Everyone was shocked to the extreme.

I saw that from the chaos cracks, there were countless warriors wearing battle armors, holding war spears, and full of murderous aura. Each of these warriors was extremely powerful and possessed the cultivation base of the Sovereign Class.

Thousands of warriors formed a battle formation, rushing from a distance, the momentum was earth-shaking, even the quasi-sovereign would change color.

"The soldiers of Taishijie Pingtian God Dynasty?"

A strong man from Taishijie exclaimed.

The thousands of soldiers, with their momentum like a rainbow, and their fighting spirit moved for nine days, they directly broke through the chaotic energy outside the fairy mansion and directly rushed into the fairy mansion.


Just when the soldiers of the Pingtian God Dynasty rushed into the fairy mansion, a roar came from afar, and another soldier rushed from a distance. Wherever they passed, countless strong men retreated.

"It's the **** army of the Wuji Dynasty in the world."

The strong in the heavens and the human world can't help changing their colors.

The Wuji Dynasty, peerlessly powerful, is the first dynasty in the world, and the Emperor Wuji is even the supreme Supreme Being. This dynasty almost dominates the world.

Of course, due to the existence of the power of Heaven's Punishment, Emperor Wu Ji also called himself a cultivation base.


The Wu Ji Divine Army was so powerful that it directly shattered the chaotic energy outside the Xian Mansion and rushed into the Xian Mansion.

Soon, there was a strong power fluctuation in Xianfu.

"what's going on?"

"When I first entered Xianfu, I started fighting?"

"Oh my God, it is the soldiers of the Pingtian God Dynasty. They actually lie in ambush in the Xianmen and ambushed the God Army of the Wuji Dynasty."

Some of the martial arts army flew out of the immortal gate, and directly exploded into a mass of blood mist in the void, and some soldiers from the Pingtian God Dynasty were also blown out, and they were also exploded into blood mist.


"Too despicable."

"Is there no one in the world to deceive me?"

The countless human and heavenly powerhouses who saw this scene through the Tianji live broadcast platform were all shocked and angry.

"Clear obstacles for my holy prince, whoever comes in will die!"

An old **** general of the Pingtian God Dynasty appeared inside the gate of the Xian Mansion, and he saw his war spear carrying a member of the **** general. This **** general is the one who led the martial arts army into the fairy mansion. .

That was a quasi-supreme, who died unexpectedly, the corpse was still picked on the battle spear by the enemy, and blood dripped along the battle spear.

In peace, the old **** will be majestic and majestic, scanning all directions, watching the world.

"Wuji Divine Army was completely destroyed?"

"how can that be……"

"Does Pingtian Shenchao want to be an enemy of the world?"

Someone exclaimed.

"Is Pingtian Saint Prince coming?"

"This guy is too domineering."

There are also many powerful people from the Taishi Realm. When they think of the Pingtian God Dynasty, they sweat on their foreheads. This is definitely a behemoth. It has passed on endless years and is an immortal dynasty. It can compete with the immortal great religion and the most powerful clan. .

At this time, the Pingtian Old God General was guarding the gate of Xianfu, and for a while, no one dared to step forward.


But soon, a sneer sounded, and then a figure walked out from a distance, and saw that this person was actually a young monk with a purple golden bowl in his hand.

"This guy……"

When everyone saw this man, their eyes widened.

"Hey, that old guy is going to be unlucky."

The old turtle smiled too.

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