Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4554: God son? Just waste

It has to be said that the cultivation bases of the **** sons and saints of the Taishi Realm are indeed much stronger than those of the same level in the heavens and the human world. They are against the saints of the heavenly sect and the saints from the upper ancestor realm. The son is not inferior at all.

However, there were not many ancestors who came from Ye Lingtian, and there were only four or five people with Ye Lingtian.

However, there are as many as a dozen **** sons and saints from the Taishi realm, and each of them is one of the most outstanding descendants of a certain great religion in the Taishi realm.

After the war broke out, Ye Lingtian and Jiang Yichen's camp was somewhat difficult to resist.

However, Ye Lingtian faced Qi Tianzong Chihao, and Jiang Yichen stared at the Chaos Son of the Chaos God of War, blocking the two most powerful existences in the Taishi Realm camp.

However, the other **** sons and saints of the Taishi Realm are quasi-supreme powerhouses who have almost crushed the three worlds of Heaven, Human Realm, and Ancestral Realm.


A red-haired Taishi Realm **** child blasted a great teaching preacher of the human world away with a punch, reaching the extreme.


A white-robed saint from a certain holy place in the Taishi Realm pointed out, and a descendant of the Celestial Clan opposite her screamed. She was directly pierced by her eyebrows and fell from the sky. She died.

The allied forces of the heaven, the human world and the ancestor world have been continuously defeated by a group of gods and saints in the Taishi world.

"Haha, these guys are simply vulnerable."

"The ants in the lower realm dare to challenge the dragon. It's ridiculous."

"If you dare to peek at the great fortune here, you will die."

The **** sons and saints of the Taishi Realm were very disdainful, and would not put these people in the human realm, the heaven realm, and the ancestor realm in their eyes, and regarded them as ants and rubbish.


A divine beast in the Taishi Realm opened its mouth and spit out a divine fire, which burned the divine son of a certain holy place in the heavens to ashes.


On the other side, the descendants of another sacred beast race in the Taishi Realm showed their original form, opened their mouths and sucked, actually swallowing two descendants of the ancient world of the human realm into their stomachs.

"Hey, the descendants of the Black Sparrow tribe and the Devouring Tiger tribe are indeed well-deserved!"

The **** son of Taishijie Grandmaster laughed.

Both the Black Sparrow tribe and the Sky Devouring Tiger tribe are the divine beast races of the Taishi Realm. Among these two tribes, there have been the strongest existences. Their descendants are extremely powerful and can be compared with the descendants of the great religions and holy places of the Taishi Realm Shoulder to shoulder.

Just when the descendants of the major forces of the Taishi Realm were chasing down the descendants of the Heaven Realm, the Human Realm and the Ancestral Realm of the three great forces from all over the world, a little fat man walked over from a distance.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be more lively here than outside!"

The little fat man came with his hand holding his hand, with a faint smile on his face, his extraordinary temperament, and he looked like the world, as if he hadn't put these fierce and powerful Taishi Realm powerhouses in his eyes at all.

"Who is this guy?"

The gods and saints of Taishi Realm were shocked when they saw Little Fatty. They were all in the deep valley, facing Ye Lingtian and Jiang Yichen. They didn't know that the holy prince of Pingtian God Dynasty had been killed by Little Fatty. .

At this time, the slain and defeated Allied Forces of the Three Realms fled in panic. More than a dozen powerful men in the human world, the heavens and the ancestor world rushed past the little fat man.

In an instant, only Ye Lingtian and Jiang Yichen were left in a battle with Chi Hao and Chaos Zi.

This series of battles, the other gods and saints of the Taishi Realm are no longer ready, especially the battle between Ye Lingtian and Chi Hao, which is even more earth-shattering.

"Ye Lingtian, Jiang Yichen, really amazing!"

The little fat man glanced at the battle in the distance, and his eyes flickered. This kind of battle is exactly what he desires. When his cultivation is at his level, his opponents are hard to find!

And the group of guys in front of them, although they seem to be powerful, but the little fat guy doesn't have a sense of shooting. These guys are not qualified to be their opponents.

"Hey, Fatty, get out and die!"

The powerhouse of the Black Sparrow clan said contemptuously at the little fat man.

"what did you say?"

The little fat man turned his head and looked at the strong man of the Blackbird clan, his mouth raised, revealing a trace of disdain and cold arrogance.

"It's kind of say it again."

The little fat man smiled evilly.

"Haha, who does this guy think he is, the domain master of Taishi Realm?"

The **** of Taishijie said contemptuously.

The powerhouse of the Black Sparrow clan sneered and said: "I'll say again what can you do to me? Fatty, come and die!"

"Very good, there is a kind, then you go to die!"

The little fat man stretched out his right hand and directly volleyed towards the strong man of the black bird clan opposite.

The next moment, the strong man of the Blackbird clan felt his body tighten, and his whole person flew directly towards the little fat man.


The strong of the Black Sparrow clan was taken aback.


A group of black flames directly erupted from the body of the powerful black bird clan. The black flames burned the void, and the burned void was distorted.

He wanted to break free from the power that shrouded him.

However, that force was so powerful that even if the powerhouse of the Black Sparrow clan shot with all his strength, he still couldn't help but flew towards the little fat man, and the little fat man grabbed his neck and held it in his hand.

The powerhouse of the Black Sparrow clan wanted to struggle, but at the next moment, he realized that he couldn't even move his finger and he was directly imprisoned.

"You want me to go and die?"

The little fat man said with a smile.

"Do you know who I am? Just let me go, or you will die miserably."

The powerhouse of the Black Sparrow clan said fiercely, without any awareness of being a prisoner.

"is it?"

The little fat man sneered coldly, and the next moment, the power in his hand spit out, and the strong man of the black bird clan was directly shaken into a cloud of blood, and even the soul was directly shaken away. 】


"He actually killed the Black Sparrow God Son."

"Does he know how much trouble he has caused?"

"The ancestor of the Black Sparrow clan is going to be crazy."

A group of powerhouses in the Taishi Realm who were watching the show were stunned by this scene. No one could have imagined that this little fat man dared to kill the **** son of the Black Sparrow clan.

Moreover, the combat power displayed by the **** black sparrow was so horrible that he was killed by this fat man?

"What kind of god, it's just a waste."

The little fat man clapped his hands and said.

"Fatty man, go to hell!"

The best friend of the Black Sparrow God, the quasi-supreme Heaven-Swallowing Tiger of the Sky-Swallowing Tiger clan roared and took a breath, wanting to swallow the little fat man.

A force of swallowing the sky came out from the mouth of this swallowing tiger, and the whole world shook, as if it could really swallow the sky in one mouthful.

The Sky Swallowing Tiger clan is indeed very strong, with its talents and supernatural powers against the sky. If it is in the outside world, the **** of this Sky Swallowing Tiger might directly swallow everyone in a huge city with a population of tens of millions.

If it's a supreme-level swallowing tiger, one bite can really swallow the sky.

"Want to eat me?"

The little fat man stood with his hand in his hand, letting the powerful devouring power envelop him.

Although the swallowing force was powerful, the little fat man was as stable as the ancient sacred mountain and could not be shaken. The swallowing tiger's mouth was crooked, and he could not move the little fat man.

"how is this possible……"

All the gods and saints of Taishi Realm were directly dumbfounded.

This is the saint child of the Sky-Swallowing Tiger clan. This saint child of the tiger has just swallowed a strong man of the same level and is fierce.

However, this little fat man simply ignored the heaven-swallowing supernatural power of the Saint-Swallowing Tiger.

The void around Little Fatty's body was distorted, cracking into a series of cracks, as if it would break apart at any time, and be swallowed by the Heaven-Swallowing Tiger Saint Child.

"What is this guy doing?"

Above the sky, Gu Ling and Qin Yao, who watched the little fat man's power, were a little inexplicable. With the strength of this guy, it was enough to sweep these so-called **** children and saints in the Taishi realm.

Is this guy teasing these guys?

"Want to eat me, I will eat you first!"

The little fat man also opened his mouth and inhaled. The next moment, a stronger swallowing force directly smashed the sky-swallowing tiger, and then the sky-swallowing tiger flew directly towards him, quickly became smaller, and was swallowed by him in one bite.

"This this this..."

All the gods and saints of Taishi Realm were directly stunned by this scene.

"This guy actually swallowed the Heaven-Swallowing Tiger Saint Son in one bite?"

Everyone was sweating on their foreheads, this little fat man was terrible.

"Haha, do you guys dare to say that we have no one in heaven?"

Behind the little fat man, there was a burst of laughter.


All the gods and saints from Taishi Realm all changed color directly, and they were all startled and angry.

Some people were even directly timid, and they couldn't help but step back a few steps. Only three existences that were stronger than ordinary **** sons and saints showed endless fighting intent.

"Well, if you don't play with you, let me come over and die!" Little Fatty said disapprovingly, then he turned around and said to the guys behind him: "I belong to the human world, not the heaven. "

"Aha, it turned out to be a fellow of our world, fellow mighty."

"A fellow in the human world, you have to help us out."

"Yes, these beasts from the Taishi Realm are really disgusting."

The strong from the human world immediately boosted their morale, but the strong from the heavens was a bit embarrassed.

"Hey, it turned out to be a fellow Taoist in the human world, but we are allies on the same front."

"Yes, Heaven and Earth is a family!"

The strong man of heaven said with a smile.


The little fat man shook his head without saying anything.

"Dead fat man, you are looking for death. You killed the black bird **** child and the swallowing tiger saint child, do you think you can still live?" a Taishi realm **** child stared at the little fat man and said coldly.

"Hey, are you, those old crows, old tigers are going to jump out? Then let them come, come one, I kill one, come two, I kill a pair."

The little fat man's eyes suddenly changed sharply, and he scanned the gods and saints of Taishi Realm. The momentum of the world made the gods and saints almost breathless.

"This guy……"

The gods and saints were shocked again. The aura on this little fat man was too strong, and it seemed to be stronger than Chi Hao and Chaos Son.

The humble creatures in the lower realm can actually be so powerful?


The little fat man directly killed the group of gods and saints in front.

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