Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4564: Ancestor war

The supreme elder Cang Mie Zhan Zu of the Chaos God of War Palace killed the Chaos Immortal Mansion.

As soon as he appeared, he stared directly at Jiang Yichen, because Jiang Yichen had the aura of Chaos Zi, don't ask, Chaos Zi was definitely dead in the hands of this guy.

Chaoszi is the **** child of the Chaos God of War Palace, and was trained as the next palace owner of the Chaos God of War Palace.

This Chuanzi is also very against the sky. After a thousand years of cultivation, he is already a quasi-supreme. In time, it may not be possible for the Chaoszi to hit the extreme realm.

But now, Chaoszi died and disappeared, everything was over, and the efforts of the Chaos God of War for thousands of years were wasted.

Jiang Yichen killed Chaoszi, and the consequences were very serious. He directly caused the Supreme Elder Cang Annihilation of the Chaos God of War Palace, and another war ancestor of the Chaos God of War Palace was also bringing people to the Chaos Immortal Mansion.

In fact, the reason why Cang Mie Zhan Zu was so angry was because Chao Zhuanzi was actually a descendant of him.

Without any hesitation, Cang Mie Zhan Zu directly tried to blast Jiang Yichen and others into dregs and avenge Chaos Son.


The terrifying big hand descended from the sky, covering the world, and everyone under the big hand would be killed directly.

The extremely powerful **** shook the sky, and Cang Mie made a move, and the situation changed suddenly, the sun and the moon were dark, and under the big hand, the sky and the earth were directly annihilated.

Jiang Yichen's extremely Dao Taoist weapon did not dissolve the power of Cang Mie's palm.

This was an astonishing scene. I saw that the blue dragon transformed by Jiang Yichen's Dao Dao tool was photographed from the sky by a big hand.

Seeing that Jiang Yichen couldn't stop it, a yin-yang Taoist talisman immediately rushed out of Qin Yao's body and instantly became bigger, not only blocking the big hand, but even blocking the entire sky.


Jiang Yichen roared wildly, madly urging the ultimate Taoist implement, and the next moment, the blue dragon that was shot down by the big hand from the sky rose again into the sky.

The two Great Dao-level Dao implements exploded with unprecedented power of the Extreme Dao-level, and the area around thousands of miles was violently shaking.


Amidst the loud noise, the two great Dao Dao tools collided with the big hands that fell from the sky, and a powerful extreme Dao-class energy storm swept out in all directions.

Where the energy storm passed, the void of heaven and earth was directly annihilated, as if it could be crushed and wiped out everything.

The yin and yang Tao Tu rushed down directly from the sky and sank into Qin Yao's body.

Qin Yao shook her body, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, a dragon shadow descended from the sky and rushed into Jiang Yichen's body. The powerful impact almost made his body shatter, only to see a series of hideous bloodstains on his body.

The big hand that slapped down from the sky finally dissipated into the void.

With just one blow, the Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor directly pressed the two great Dao Dao artifacts, the power of the world, which shocked Jiang Yichen inexplicably, this guy is definitely more than the Supreme Dao.


Qin Yao immediately grabbed Gu Xiaofeng, the little fat man next to him, and rushed to the distance with Daotu to protect his body.

Jiang Yichen also fled immediately.

This old guy is too strong, even if the two of them work together to sacrifice the ultimate Taoist weapon, they can barely block the seemingly random blow of the other party!

"Huh? Hongmeng gas?"

Just when Cang Mie Zhan Zu wanted to make another move, Gu Ling had already reached the end of the steps, ascended, and came to the gate of the temple.


Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor stretched out his right hand and grabbed it directly towards the temple. He actually wanted to grab the temple.

Hongmeng Qi is dispensable to the ancestors of Cang Meng, and it is a tasteless one. However, if you can get Hongmeng Qi, you can make people

Gu Ling looked up, his eyes indifferent, and then withdrew his gaze, and walked towards the temple.

At this time, she was not afraid of anything, unless there was an existence in the eternal realm that would attack her, but such an existence, even in the ancestor realm, was a rare existence.


Just when Cang Mie Zhan Zu's big hand was hundreds of feet away from the temple, the body of the nine stone men outside the temple rushed out of the bright lightning.

Nine Lightning Tribulation Lights shot up into the sky, and directly penetrated towards Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor. Each light was much larger than the mountains.


Cang Mie Zhan Zu was taken aback, he didn't expect that this temple was actually protected by formations.

I saw that the nine lightning bolts rising into the sky actually blocked the big hand that Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor grabbed from the sky.

At this time, Gu Ling had entered the temple, and came to the enshrined spirit in the middle of the temple.



The dull sound of crashing to the extreme continued to be heard from outside the temple, rippling in the void, even in the temple, you can still sense this kind of fluctuation.

Cang Mie Zhan Zu was attacking the stone man killing formation.

With his cultivation base and combat power, he couldn't help this killing formation for a while.


In the Stone Man Killing Array, the nine stone men kept roaring, it was as terrifying and terrifying as the nine Extreme Dao Supremes appeared in the world at the same time.


Cang Mie Zhan Zu was shocked and angry. At this time, the three guys had already escaped, but this was nothing. As long as these three guys were still in the Primal Chaos Mansion, he could kill them. These three guys avenged Chaoszi.

This magnificent spirit can allow him to cultivate another invincible heir.

"Receive the great energy first, and then kill these ants."

As soon as Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor gritted his teeth, he rushed into the killing formation below and fought against the nine stone men.


Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor was unmatched in combat power. He directly took out a halberd, and only one swept a thousand troops, and three stone men were swept away.


Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor danced the big halberd in his hand, and he kept sweeping away the stone man, smashing it away, and rushing towards the temple with great strides, extremely strong.

"The extinct war ancestor of the Chaos God of War really deserves its reputation!"

Some experts in the Taishi Realm watching the battle nearby had to marvel at the combat power displayed by Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor.

Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor was violent to the extreme, and the power of his body was surging. When he rushed past, the nine stone men couldn't stop him, and he rushed over.


The moment Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor stepped onto the steps in front of the temple, the whole temple shook violently.

At this time, Gu Ling had already walked out of the temple.

"Girl baby, hand over the grandeur, or else..."

Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor walked up the steps step by step, holding the big halberd in his hand, and staring at the opposite Gu Ling fiercely, with murderous aura.

"How else?"

Gu Ling said calmly.

"go to hell!"

Cang Mie Zhan Zu fiercely stepped on the ground.


The ground immediately collapsed, and he stepped out of a big hole on the extremely hard ground. The next moment, he disappeared in place.


Cang Mie Zhan Ancestor appeared above Gu Ling's head. He roared wildly, and the void was cracking. The big halberd in his hand slashed down at the Gu Ling below.

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