Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4575: All ways to return

Just when Gu Fei broke through the boundary wall of the Taishi Realm and entered the Taishi Realm, great good fortune finally appeared in a region within the world of the fairy house in the chaotic crack.

It was an extremely ancient temple, and the auras in the ancient temple were so powerful that even the ordinary supreme could not enter it.

At this time, in the Eastern Territory of the Xianfu World, one after another, the extreme powers of the gods erupted, each of which shook the world, and countless creatures in the Xianfu world were lying on the ground shivering in fear.

The star beast respected Gu Ling, Fatty, and Qin Yao.

The Supreme Black Wind also became honest at this time, staring solemnly at the ancient temple suspended in the void in front of him.

Sheyang Supreme had already held the divine bow in his hand.

The three supreme under Gu Fei, even in the Ancestral Realm, can become a hegemonic existence, but here, they have to be honest.

Especially the Star Beast Venerable, this guy is a Star Beast, who devours the stars to improve his cultivation and combat power.

This guy is a master-level existence, and he doesn't know how many stars he has to swallow to have his current cultivation realm and combat power.

"It's all rubbish!"

The Star Beast Venerable glanced around, with a look of disdain, the fluctuations of the mighty star power came out from his body, and the surrounding starlight dotted, like a starry sky looming.

"The power of stars?"

Secretly there are extremely strong people exclaimed.

"Said we are rubbish?"

"Does this guy think he is invincible in the world?"

"Arrogant and ignorant guy."

The supreme Supremes near the ancient temple were all startled and angry. This guy is a noble lord, so powerful that he might even sweep all the Supremes.

Moreover, there is a very serious problem, that is, Di Jiutian is on the side of the Star Beast Venerable.

Of course, only the supreme of the heavens and the human world knew about this question, and those who came from the Taishi realm did not know the relationship between the emperor nine days and the star beasts.

"Why, don't you get out of here, do you want Lao Tzu to ask you to get out?"

Xingchen Beast Sovereign glanced coldly at the surrounding supreme ones.

"Huh! Your Excellency is too overbearing, great luck, great opportunity, and those who have the chance to get it, do you want to swallow it alone?" A supreme who was covered in the black mist sneered.

"I just want to swallow, so what?"

The star beast is extremely powerful.


All the supreme present were shocked, even the supreme who knew the details of the star beast was unbelievable, this guy was so crazy to fight all the supreme with his own strength?

You know, although this guy is the Lord, there are also Lord-level existences among the Supreme Lords present, and there are also Lord-level existences in the Ancestral Realm.

"Kill this arrogant guy."

"If you want to swallow great luck, does this brute beast have this strength?"

Said with supreme disdain.

However, these guys are a group of talkers, talking powerfully, but no one wants to be the first to shoot.


At this moment, a muffled sound that shook the sky and the earth came from a distance, and a figure appeared on the horizon. The next moment, the man came near the ancient temple.

The violent breath came from the person's body, a terrifying coercion caused the whole world to vibrate, and there appeared one after another dark space cracks.

When this person appeared, it was as if he could shatter the world and turn it into chaos again.

"Peerless and powerful"

Such a thought came to all the supreme's minds.

"Who is this person?"

Gu Ling looked at the man and couldn't help frowning. This guy is very strong, and his cultivation is definitely not under the Star Beast Venerable.

"Not the heaven, the earth, the guy in the ancestor world."

Sheyang Zhizun quickly said.

The powerful laws of the Great Dao that came out of the body do not belong to these three realms at all, because the laws of heaven and earth in each great world are different and unique.

The strong who grew up in different worlds carry the mark of the world where they are located.

"Then this guy is from the Great Beginning Realm."

Qin Yao said.


The visitor didn't say anything, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the ancient temple suspended in the void, actually wanting to grab this ancient temple directly.

Everyone was shocked.


The Star Beast Lord roared, and in the next moment, countless stars burst out from his body and blasted away directly at the people coming. The power of the stars directly crushed everything and shattered the void.

The starlight rushing out of the star beast is as terrifying as the real star.

"That is"

The old emperor Qi Xiao from the Pingtian God Dynasty of Taishi Jie and Kunyu, a warrior ancestor from the Chaos God Palace, were shocked and inexplicably surprised when they saw that person, and guessed the origin of the other party.

"He is here too?"

Kun Yu stared at the man fiercely, very jealous.

"court death!"

When the man saw that someone dared to shoot at himself, he couldn't help being furious. His big hand was still grabbing towards the ancient temple, but the other hand was held with five fingers, and he directly blasted his fist towards the countless stars.

This punch directly shook the heavens and punched out a black hole in the void of the Xianfu world.

I saw that countless stars were directly swallowed by the black hole punched out by that person, and it was so easy to break the supernatural power of the star beast.


The Star Beast Lord roared wildly, and in the next moment, countless stars rushed out of him. Among those stars, three hundred and sixty-five stars were particularly bright, shining on the heavens.

Those three hundred and sixty-five stars moved according to a certain trajectory, which actually enveloped that guy, and that person's big hand was directly shaken away by the power of the erupting stars as soon as he grabbed the Middle Ancient Temple.

"Zhou Tian star formation?"

The man was taken aback. At this moment, he only felt a flower in front of him. When he looked at it again, he found that he was surrounded by bright stars, as if he had entered a star field.

"Good fellow, I didn't expect you to cultivate this week's Tianxingchen Array to the point of being a world of your own."

The man said in a deep voice.

"You know that Lao Tzu is great, don't you obediently kneel down and beg Lao Tzu to spare you?"

The voice of the star beast veteran resounded in this starry sky.


The man directly raised his middle finger.


Without any hesitation, the Star Beast Venerable directly launched this Zhoutian star array. The next moment, those three hundred and sixty-five stars immediately released the endless star power, falling from the stars and turning into Three hundred and sixty-five pieces of peerless sword light slashed towards that person.

"All the ways to return to the original!"

The man roared, and a cloud of black light appeared on his body. The next moment, the three hundred and sixty-five sword lights bursting out of the sky was swallowed by the cloud of black light.

"how is this possible"

Seeing this, Star Beast Master couldn't help being moved.

"Is that the Supreme Sect Master Mo Yuan of Guiyuan Tianzong?"

The ancestor Qi Xiao of the Pingtian Divine Dynasty was still skeptical, but now, seeing that the guy in the Zhoutian star formation displayed the Guiyuan Tianzong's Zhenzong magical power, he no longer doubted it.

The Guiyuan Tianzong is one of the ten great heavenly sects in the Taishi Realm. The power of this supreme heavenly sect is not weaker than the Pingtian God Dynasty, and the Supreme Sect Master Mo Yuan is even more a weird.

This guy had already cultivated to the quasi-sovereign realm, but this guy didn't know why, he cut his own cultivation base and started from scratch.

Mo Yuan had re-cultivated for a thousand years, and he had once again cultivated to the realm of the noble master. It only took half a step for his cultivation to break through to the quasi-superior realm and restore his previous cultivation.

This is the second day for him to rebuild, and every realm has been cultivated to perfection by him, without any weakness or flaw at all.

Although Mo Yuan is also a master-level existence, he is much stronger than ordinary masters, and he almost pushes invincible hands of the same level.

Although the Star Beast Venerable is powerful, but now, it is actually deflated in this Mo Yuan's hand.

"Although your Zhoutian star array is very strong and self-contained, but I, Mo Yuan's Guiyuan Tiangong is not a vegetarian." Mo Yuan's voice did not contain any emotions, or even any emotional fluctuations.

"Boom Rumble"

The black light that burst out from Mo Yuan was actually wiping out the Zhoutian star array, the endless star light was being swallowed by the black light, and the stars were being wiped out one after another.

"Guiyuan Heavenly Power?"

Gu Ling was standing beside the Star Beast Venerable, and she could sense that the power of the Star Zhoutian Great Array of the Star Beast Venerable was being madly swallowed by that Mo Yuan.

Can this heavenly power actually refine the power of the stars?

"Swallow the power of others to strengthen yourself?"

Qin Yao's face was extremely solemn.

Does this Mo Yuan possess this kind of supernatural powers, isn't he invincible?

"How could Lao Tzu's Zhoutian Star Array only have this power?"

In the next moment, the Star Beast Venerable turned into a starlight directly, and merged with the Zhoutian Star Formation, and the human formation became one, and the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation suddenly soared to a terrifying level.

The power of the stars has become extremely condensed.

"What, I can't breathe it?"

Mo Yuan was shocked. He was frantically devouring the power of the surrounding stars, but at this time, he could not swallow a trace of the power of the stars.

At the same time, three hundred and sixty-five stars appeared in the big array again.

"You go to die for Lao Tzu!"

Three hundred and sixty-five stars slew towards Mo Yuanzhen at the same time, and wherever they passed, the void was directly obliterated and turned into nothingness. This was a blow to the world.


Mo Yuan was blown away directly, with a trace of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

This Mo Yuan was so good that he flew directly out of the Zhoutian Star Sword Formation with this blow from the Star Beast Venerable.

"The guy from Taishi Realm is vulnerable!"

The star beast shook his head.

"It's a bit early to say this."

Gu Ling said.

At the same time, Mo Yuan, who was blasted away by him, came back again, only to see him blast out with a punch, directly blasting the Zhoutian star formation into a big hole.

Countless stars disappeared.

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