Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4595: Void Devourer

The Taishi Realm, the sect of the Pingtian God Dynasty, was a cultivation family that started from Zhendao. This family is very famous even in the entire Taishi Realm cultivation world.

This Array Dao can not be cultivated by anyone, and cultivating Array Dao is far more difficult than ordinary exercises.

The Zong family does not have the ultimate saints, but there are immortal-level formation powerhouses, especially the two great ancestors of Zong Chen and Zong Feng, who are the mainstay of the Zong family.

With the assistance of Zong Chen and Zong Feng, the three princes of Ping Tian absolutely gained the upper hand in the battle to seize the concubine. Even the great prince is still very low-key.

In fact, the two great ancestors of the Zong family assisted the three princes of Pingtian and indirectly revealed some of the thoughts of the emperor of Pingtian to the princes.

Who is the biggest backer of the clan?

Ping Tian Ren Huang.

The Zong family does not have the ultimate sage to sit in. This is the biggest sorrow of the Zong family, because they have to rely on the Ping Tian Ren Huang, otherwise, the Zong family is in danger.

If you cultivate to the extreme, you can also achieve the extreme, but it's difficult.

The Zong family has never been out of the Extreme Dao Saint Immortal, and there is no Extreme Dao Divine Array Guardian. If there is an Extreme Dao Saint Immortal who has committed the crime, you will not be able to stop the slap of the Extreme Dao Saint Immortal even if you have thousands of arrays.

However, the Zong Family's formations are very useful. The Pingtian God Dynasty relies on the Zong's formations to move horizontally and horizontally across the world and contend with the top forces of all parties.

The two ancestors of the Zong family are undoubtedly the confidants of Ping Tian Ren Huang.

Ping Tian Ren Huang's confidant assisted the Ping Tian three princes. In other words, Ping Tian Ren Huang might mean the three princes. Is the third prince going to become the holy prince?

The major forces in the Pingtian Imperial City are all speculating and watching, and they dare not stand easily.

If you stand in the wrong team, it is very serious. If you stand in the wrong team, it is possible to rob your family and destroy the clan.

However, the current advantage lies in the three princes.

Other princes want to compete with the three princes for the position of the holy prince, and there are really not many chances of success.

This is also the reason why these three princes are so high-profile and even arrogant. In his opinion, who is the position of the holy prince?

In his opinion, he is complacent, but in the eyes of others, he is overconfident.

"Boom Rumble"

At this time, a short mountain outside the Sirius Mountain Range exploded directly, dust filled the sky, and endless formation patterns emerged in the void.

However, the moment the formation pattern emerged, it was directly annihilated in the void, and the power released was absolutely devastating.

One after another, the formations were falling apart, the killing formations were collapsing, heavy destructive powers were erupting, wiping out everything, the earth was sinking, and a big pit appeared.

Where the low mountain was located, the void seemed to have turned into chaos, and various forces were intertwined, and a dazzling electric light tore the void.


The followers of the Pingtian Third Prince were all stunned to see this scene. This kind of power is too terrifying, I am afraid it is close to the ultimate power.

At this time, the hearts of the two great ancestors of Zong Chen and Zong Feng were bleeding, but the formation they had sacrificed for countless years was destroyed.

It is not an easy task to refining each array sacrifice.

To build formations, especially those of the Immortal Venerable level, it must be a rare talent, and only this kind of talent can withstand the powerful formation power.

Divine talent is hard to find, and the effort required to refine the formation is unimaginable.

The value of each formation in the hands of the two great ancestors of the clan is a sky-high price, which is comparable to a peerless divine fruit, and it is impossible for others to get such a formation.

But now, the formations made by the two ancestors of the Zong family themselves have been destroyed by a dozen of them. Such a loss, even the two ancestors of the Zong family will vomit blood.

"Not worth it!"

The two ancestors of the Zong family stared at the mighty smoke and dust ahead with weeping faces, and the destructive power came in mighty, but these two old guys turned a blind eye.

"That ant"

Zong Chen's face was twitching.

"Just died like this?"

Above the sky, the prince Pingtian still had a calm face, his city mansion was very deep, and he would not easily express his inner emotions, so that others would not be able to guess what he was thinking.

Perception told him that the person named Chu Shaoyun should not be simple.

However, the force released by the self-destructive formation and the collapse of the killing formation is too strong. Can this Chu Shaoyun block such destructive power?

He is at the center of the heavy killing array!

"Hmph, dare to be presumptuous in front of the third prince, death deserves it."

Those followers of the three princes were surprised and happy.


Pan Jianming and Wang Chen, who slid faster than a rabbit, were speechless when they saw this ending. A little guy in the realm of transforming gods actually caused the two great ancestors of the clan to bleed heavily!

"Tsk tusk, dozens of formations, and they are of the Immortal Venerable level."

Pan Jianming also suffered pain for the two ancestors of the Zong family.

The Five Elements Celestial Sect is a top power, and there are also Masters of Formation Dao in the Five Elements Heavenly Sect. However, compared to the clan, the Master of Formation Dao of the Five Elements Heavenly Sect is just like a child who just knows how to walk.

"Haha, Pingtian God has a great cause in the family, and even a prince is followed by two great Dao Xianzun."

At this moment, a loud laugh came, and then, a demon-like figure burst through the clouds, took one step, and came directly to the vicinity.

"God of Purgatory Palace?"

The third prince of Pingtian raised his eyelids, and looked at the endless magic light in the sky opposite, like the figure of the magic sun.

As the top power of the Taishi Realm, the Purgatory Demon's Palace has naturally more than one blood son.

"Hey, it's the God of Blood Slaughter, this guy is a lunatic, he is here too?"

Pan Jianming couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the strong magician.

"He is the God of Blood Slaughter?"

Wang Chen was shocked when he heard the words. This Blood Slaughter God was really a lunatic. This guy once slaughtered the entire city because other people treated him a little bit lightly.

The murderousness of the God of Blood Slaughter is the strongest among all the gods of the Purgatory Demon Palace.

"What are you lunatic doing here? We don't welcome you."

A follower behind the Pingtian Third Prince jumped out, pointing to the **** of the devil in the opposite sky and shouting.


Xue Tu Shen's face instantly sank, and the next moment, the follower of the Third Prince suddenly screamed and fell directly from the sky.

"God of Blood Slaughter You"

The **** waiter beside the third prince screamed again.

The follower of the third prince fell from the sky to the ground, struggling violently on the ground, tearing his body dripping with blood, as if there was something in his body.

The follower's body seemed to have countless poisonous insects crawling and biting, and soon the hapless guy was left with only skin and bones.


With a soft sound, countless black poisonous insects broke out of the body of the followers of the third prince and flew out.

As soon as those poisonous insects came out, they disappeared directly, but this surprised everyone. These poisonous insects ate a fairy emperor alive!

"Can eat Immortal Emperor's poisonous insects?"

The three princes all had eyebrows twitched.


"Something got inside me."

"Roar, it's a poisonous insect!"

A dozen followers of the Third Prince suddenly screamed and screamed. Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, these dozen followers were all eaten by poisonous insects.


The ancestor Zong Chen suddenly waved his hand, and a dozen poisonous insects appeared directly in the void, and then they broke apart.

A dozen poisonous insects were also wiped out by Zong Feng's wave.

"Void Devouring God Insect?"

The face of the eldest prince was a little ugly.

This kind of poisonous insect can even eat the fairy emperor, it is really terrifying, and the reproductive ability of these poisonous insects is too strong, eating a fairy emperor, the number of poisonous insects directly increases several times.

After the poisonous insects had eaten the dozen or so immortal emperors, the number of them was even greater, and the blackness filled the sky, but in the next moment, all the countless poisonous insects disappeared.

"It's really such a poisonous insect, shit, I'm not playing anymore."

The **** of the Five Elements Tianzong, Pan Jianming, slipped straight away. Before he slipped away, he did not forget to pull Wang Chen away.

Wang Chen is just a heavenly immortal. The Void Devouring Divine Insect can escape into the void and cannot be defended against. Once this poisonous insect gets into the body, it will be too late.


The **** waiter next to the third prince shot directly, trying to freeze the void god-eaters with the power of the lunar yin.

A terrifying cold air immediately spread from his body, and even the air seemed to be solidified, and the remaining immortal emperors quickly moved to resist the cold air.

However, the void was still empty, and half of the Void Devourer did not appear.


Everyone was taken aback. The existence of the Immortal Emperor couldn't stop the Void Devouring Insects. Only the existence of the Immortal Venerable Grade, possessing extremely powerful spiritual thoughts, could sense the existence of the Void Devouring Insects.

"His Royal Highness the Three Princes"

The **** waiter was really frightened.


The third prince sneered, took out a jade bottle directly from his body, and then uncorked the bottle.


The third prince directly urged the bottle, and the next moment, a force of swallowing the sky rushed out of the jade bottle, and countless metal rubbing sounds immediately sounded in the void.

This kind of sound hit my ears, and immediately caused goose bumps on my body.

"Huh, this is"

Seeing this, the God of Blood Tux on the opposite side glanced at the jade bottle in the hands of the third prince, his face was a little different.

I saw countless poisonous insects that had escaped into the void directly emerged from the void, sucked in the jade bottle in the hands of the third prince, and collected into the jade bottle.

"It's just a little poisonous insect."

The third prince said disapprovingly.

"There is no insect king, the insect king is in your hands!"

The three princes looked at the God of Blood Slaughter.

"A bunch of clowns who want to kill me? Just kidding!"

At this moment, a voice sounded. Hearing this voice, even the third prince was taken aback, and the very deep prince of the city also immediately changed color.

"He didn't even die? How is this possible"

Everyone was shocked to the extreme.

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