Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4597: Bronze Temple

The God Son of Purgatory Demon Palace was tragic. He didn't know that Gu Fei could reverse his attack. Not only would it invalidate his attack, he would even hurt himself if he was not careful.

At the next moment, his magic hand hadn't really caught Zhong Gu Fei, and his big hand grabbed it directly towards him.


The Blood Slaughter God had to move his face, he quickly moved a thousand feet and avoided, what kind of secret technique this is, it is so strange.

He only came here when Gu Fei was trapped in the killing formation. He didn't know that Gu Fei could reverse all the attacks, otherwise, he wouldn't do it as soon as he got up.

"Another trash!"

Gu Fei said coldly.

"what did you say?"

When the God of Blood Slaughter heard what Gu Fei said, he couldn't help being furious. Since his debut, he has never been so underestimated. This guy is too disgusting.

When the God of Blood Slaughter was extremely frightened, the third prince of Ping Tian made a move.

I saw that he directly took out a decree, the next moment, he urged this decree, and in an instant, a terrifying figure appeared in the world.

As soon as this phantom appeared, the whole world suddenly changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, everyone felt their bodies sink, as if they were suddenly pressed by a sacred mountain.

People with a weaker cultivation base are already shivering, and can't think of any resistance.

"His Royal Highness even has such things."

The two ancestors of the Zong family stared at the phantom in the sky in shock, with shock and envy in their eyes. That was the decree of the extremely sage!

This is the decree of the Pingtian Emperor of the Pingtian God Dynasty, and this is also one of the cards of the Pingtian Third Prince.

And now, Gu Fei actually forced the Pingtian three princes to use this hole card.

"Well, it's interesting."

Gu Fei looked at the phantom that Ji Dao's decree had transformed. He wanted to fight, but it was not the time now because he had sealed his Ji Dao cultivation base.

It's not difficult to unlock the seal, but it can't be done in a moment.

"Send you on the road!"

The Pingtian third prince yelled, and the phantom in the sky directly attacked and killed Gu Fei, and the terrifying power capable of killing the Immortal erupted from the phantom.


That phantom came to Gu Fei's body in an instant, and then blasted him away with a punch.

"Come on, come more violently!"

Gu Fei did not resist, letting the fist of the phantom blast towards him.


That fist directly hit Gu Fei's chest and abdomen, but Gu Fei didn't even move, but the phantom flew directly back thousands of feet away.


The God of Blood Slaughter was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

This guy has only the cultivation base of the realm of transforming gods, and he can actually block the blow of the Ping Tianrenhuang, which is really incredible, breaking the laws of this world.

The Blood Slaughter God didn't dare to attack Gu Fei easily.

Even the third prince of Ping Tian, ​​Yan Xun, had nothing to do with Gu Fei for a while.

"Just you **** also want to fight for the good fortune in the sky of Sirius?"

Gu Fei was very disdainful.

"Damn you!"

The Blood Tushen gritted his teeth and stared at Gu Fei.

At this moment, a dull and thunderous voice suddenly came from the depths of the Sirius Mountain Range.

"The entrance of Sirius Cave Sky appeared."

Everyone was surprised and happy, and then all rushed towards the depths of the Sirius Mountain Range.

"Huh! Let's go!"

The Pingtian Third Prince waved his big sleeves, and directly rode the beast into the sky and rushed into the depths of the Sirius Mountain Range.


Those followers of the Pingtian Third Prince hurriedly followed.

The Blood Slaughter God also greased the soles of his feet and slipped straight away.

Sirius Cave Sky was born, ten directions of clouds moved, and all the monks rushed towards the depths of the Sirius Mountain Range like crazy, wanting to enter the Sirius Cave Sky.

At this time, where Gu Fei was, all those guys ran away, which made him very depressed.

"Brother Chu, you are a bull!"

Then Pan Jianming came back surreptitiously, and gave a thumbs up directly at Gu Fei.

"Brother Chu, how did you do it?"

Wang Chen beside Pan Jianming was very curious.


Gu Fei shook his head directly, this is his own trump card, how could he easily tell others.

At this time, Gu Fei realized that the Pingtian prince Yan Zhao didn't know when he had already left.

"Go, let's go too."

As Gu Fei said, he took Pan Jianming and Wang Chen directly into the sky.

"Sirius Cave Sky, I'm here."


In the Taishi Realm, in the Sky Wolf Mountain Range, when Sky Wolf Cave Sky was born, a fairy mansion in the chaos crack was very lively.

The chaotic energy outside the Immortal Palace was completely swallowed by Gu Fei, so that anyone could enter the Chaos Immortal Palace to try his luck.

However, soon, the terrifying power of the extreme Dao suddenly broke out in the Chaos Immortal Mansion, and all the creatures were panicked to the extreme.

In a domain in the depths of the Primal Chaos Palace, one after another huge figures appeared in the void, and each figure revealed an extremely terrifying atmosphere.

All the big figures stared at the ancient temple floating in the void ahead.

At this time, the surface of the ancient temple fell off, and this was actually a bronze temple made of bronze.

This bronze temple is so long that it has existed for endless years, and the gods and demons are unpredictable. In the bronze temple, there is absolutely something that is enough to make the extreme supreme crazy.

Gu Ling was watching the play under the protection of the Star Beast Venerable.

She's not in a hurry, it's best for these guys to do a big fight and hurt both sides.


After a ten-day standoff, someone finally couldn't help but shoot.

Seeing the extreme power erupted, a young-looking young man stretched out his hand to take away the bronze temple, simple and straightforward.


At this moment, a huge figure stood in front of the supreme that shot.


The youth-like Extreme Dao Supreme is constantly making moves, the entire world is shaking, and the terrifying Extreme Dao power is spreading, and hundreds of millions of creatures are panicked to the extreme.

"Finally fighting."

Gu Ling sighed, these guys have been facing each other here for more than ten days.

The Great Dao War broke out, and with the shots of the Great Dao Supreme one after another, dozens of terrifying figures moved quickly in the void, violently forming an array.

The mighty energy fluctuations shook the whole world.

If it weren't for an incomparably powerful force to immobilize the entire world, even a supreme master of the extreme path could blast the sky with a punch.

The dozen or so Supreme Supremes all wanted to take away the bronze temple, but once someone made a move to the bronze temple, that person was directly forced back by the Supreme Supremes.

The bronze temple is very strong, even if the Extreme Dao Supreme hits it, there is not even a trace of it. This is definitely the supreme thing that surpasses the Ji Dao!

Not to mention the things in the bronze temple, this bronze temple itself is a supreme Taoist artifact, making Ji Dao Supreme jealous.

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