Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4616: Kill the formation and change the owner

Tianjizi was so strong that he directly activated the Promise Clock and shattered the Heavenly Wolf Supreme Immortal Body.


The moment Sirius Supreme's Extreme Immortal Body exploded, the entire Great Abyss Killing Array was like a **** Shenyang suddenly appeared.

The terrifying voice of the Great Dao spread out in all directions, and the Extreme Dao Supreme fell, this kind of momentum is incredible, the sky is raining blood, and the world is in sorrow.

Every drop of Sirius Supreme’s blood is blooming with dazzling blood, and a drop of Supreme’s blood can destroy the universe.

"That cub of Sirius died like this?"

Some incomparably old figures appeared outside the Great Abyss, and each one seemed to have existed in Henggu. The rhyme of Taoism and the aura all seemed to have existed since the beginning of chaos.

It has to be said that these existences are much stronger than the average Extreme Dao Saint Immortal, even if they are not the Extreme Dao Great Emperor, they can definitely be called a Half Emperor.

The great emperor of Jidao was the master of all the regions of Taishi Realm, standing high, overlooking the world.

The Great Emperor Ji Dao used the Taiji Realm as a chessboard to play the world, and those Ji Dao holy immortals were nothing but chess pieces in the eyes of the Great Emperor.

Wasn’t the wolf supreme a **** that day?

"That guy is dead? Impossible!"

In the eyes of the peerless killing array, Gu Fei's primordial spirit, who was fully refining the killing array, looked up at the dazzling blood red in the sky, his expression was very calm.

When he was in the Ancestral Realm, he fought in ten directions. He didn't know how many Extreme Dao Sovereign died in his hands. He even desperately killed the Ancestral First Demon.

Even if Sirius Supreme really fell, he would not be moved. A sacred immortal of the Extreme Dao died and died. What's all the fuss about?

Besides, Sirius Supreme should not be able to die.

Because if this guy was killed so easily, he wouldn't be able to live until now.


The whole killing array suddenly shook, and the blood mist that exploded quickly gathered together. The next moment, the endless blood suddenly disappeared, and a figure appeared in the void.

This person is exactly the Sirius Supreme who has just been blasted by Tianjizi with a Promise Bell.

"I knew this guy was not so easy to be killed."

Gu Fei's primordial spirit was talking to himself. At this moment, the power of the great power on his body began to wipe out a mark on the array, a mark of Sirius Supreme.

However, the moment he touched that brand, a dazzling celestial light burst out from that brand. The next moment, a figure appeared in the void.

"Want to take my big formation? You can go to death!"

The faint figure smiled at Gu Fei's soul.

"this is……"

Gu Fei's primordial spirit couldn't help being stunned. The brand left by the opponent on the formation was not a normal spiritual brand, but a primordial soul. This was the soul of the Heavenly Wolf Supreme.

It stands to reason that the primordial spirit can be divided into tens of millions of sacred immortals after cultivation, but it is a little overkill to imprint a primordial spirit on the formation plate to control the formation plate.

You know, once the soul of the soul is destroyed by a person, it is an extremely painful thing, just like a person's soul is torn apart by life.

After all, that is the original spirit, if the original spirit is destroyed, oneself will naturally be greatly impacted.


The Primordial Spirit of Sirius Supreme shot directly at Gu Fei's Primordial Spirit, and saw that the right hand of the Primordial Spirit of Sirius Supreme was caught in the void, and a war spear immediately appeared in his hand.


Without any hesitation, this scaled-down version of Sirius Supreme directly attacked Gu Fei's soul with a spear in his hand.


Gu Fei's primordial spirit smiled. The next moment, a sword light rushed out of him, and this sword light directly split the Heavenly Wolf Supreme Primordial Spirit in half.

"how is this possible……"

The moment before the Primordial Spirit of Sirius Supreme dissipated, there was such a wave of divine consciousness.

"In my eyes, nothing is impossible."

Gu Fei's primordial spirit said indifferently, that sword light flew back, lingering around him, an eternal breath spread from the sword light.


At the moment when Gu Fei's primordial spirit smashed the primordial spirit of Sirius Supreme with a sword, Sirius Supreme, who had just reorganized the extreme immortal body, suddenly hugged his head and roared.

"Is this guy crazy?"

Tianjizi didn't rush to make a move. He could feel that the power in the current Sirius Supreme's body was chaotic and seemed to be out of control. This was not a good thing.

But, soon, he calmed down, his face became extremely hideous, and a blood stain broke open between his eyebrows, and blood leaked from the blood stain.

"Little unexpectedly..."

Sirius Supreme was really angry. Although his primordial spirit can be divided into thousands, but one primordial spirit is destroyed, then wait if he loses his life.


At this moment, the entire killing array suddenly shook violently, and countless array patterns appeared in the virtual opening of the Champions League, overlapping and overlapping, endless.

Countless array patterns are intertwined to form one array after another. At this time, everyone can see that countless arrays have appeared on the edge of the abyss.

Those formations enveloped Tianjizi, Sirius Supreme and others.

Every array picture revealed a terrifying murderous look.

"This is an absolute formation, and it doesn't seem to have any students."

An old antique half-step emperor exclaimed.

"Between the array map and the array map, there are still some gaps, that is a glimmer of life."

An old voice sounded, only to see an old man with white beard and hair coming from far away, and two Taoist children followed by the old man.

The two Taoists were holding a box in one hand, and a nine-section whip in the other. On the nine-section whip, countless stars flickered.

"It's worshiping the dust formation."

Someone exclaimed.

"Worship the dust formation?"

Some of the older generations of Ji Dao Saints were taken aback. They couldn't think of the movement of Da Yuan, and they were shocked by the existence of this reputed to be the first in the Taishi Realm.

Bai Chen is the founder of the Xuantian Formation Sect of the Taishi Realm. His formation is the second in the Taishi Realm, and no one dares to be the first.

He also saw the weakness of this killing array, but there were too many arrays. Even if there was any gap between the array and the array, it would be blocked by other arrays and the road to life would become a dead end.

I saw that the countless formations that had emerged instantly disappeared, and disappeared directly in the void.

"Well, this peerless killing formation has changed its owner."

Chen Zhenzhenzun said calmly.

"Change master?"

Hearing the words of Baichen Formation Venerable, everyone was stunned for a moment, and the Killing Formation changed its owner. What does this mean? Could it be possible that someone has taken control of the Killing Formation from the hands of Sirius Supreme?

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