Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4624: Recognize me as master, life and death are my

Gu Fei's inner heaven and earth, but he was re-sacrificed when he was still in the eternal realm, it was more perfect than the general big heaven and earth, and the law of heaven and earth was stronger.

Although his inner world is not as powerful as the ancestral worlds of Taishi and Ancestral World, it is definitely stronger than the world of Ten Thousand Formations.

The world created by the existence of the eternal realm is definitely stronger than the world opened up by the existence of the Extreme Dao level. This is absolute.

The breath of Gu Fei's Inner Heaven and Earth just broke out from the painful body, and the Inner Heaven and Earth of Ten Thousand Arrays immediately became unstable.


The inner world of the Ten Thousand Forms Tu is trembling and frightened. This is a crush on the realm, and it is an absolute crush. It seems that this world may collapse directly at any time.

Once this side of the world collapses, the consequences will be absolutely serious. The Ten Thousand Array will not be destroyed, but it will also be half-waste.

"how is this possible……"

The Sirius Supreme was roaring, and the breath radiating from Gu Fei's body made his soul tremble. Even if it was fused with Ten Thousand Forms, he felt that his soul was about to collapse.

At this moment, Sirius Supreme felt a great panic, an extreme horror, the feeling that his soul was about to collapse, which he had never encountered before.

Even when he was in front of the great emperor, he was not afraid and dared to challenge him, but now, he could not have any idea of ​​resistance.

"come out!"

Gu Fei stood with his hand in his hand, but with a loud shout, the entire world of Ten Thousand Arrays shook violently, and a figure fell out of the void.

This figure is exactly the soul of the supreme Sirius.

Sirius Supreme was frightened, angry, and frightened, but in the end, he was the ultimate holy immortal, although he was terrified, he was still calm.


The primordial soul of Sirius stared at Gu Fei, his eyes flickering fiercely.

"What are you?"

Gu Fei flashed and appeared directly in front of Sirius Supreme, and then, the soul of Sirius Supreme was kicked directly by Gu Fei.

Sirius almost vomited blood with an aura, but he didn't dare to fight back, because if he fights back, the opponent will definitely kill him without hesitation.

He knew that he was over, and it was even worse than the battle before the endless years. Even though he was defeated in the battle back then, he was even forced to pretend to die by those behind the scenes.

Of course, his original physical body was completely dead, without any vitality, but the soul was extremely powerful during this long period of cultivation.

He professed himself in a coffin made of chaotic omnipresent divine iron, waiting for the moment when he came back to the world.

He even released the news, saying that he had obtained the legendary divine fruit of good fortune, and wanted to draw the former enemy into the abyss and then kill it.

I have to say that this Sirius Supreme is really patient.

Planning through the ages, even pretending to be dead, in order to attract the enemies of the past and have revenge.

However, no one would have imagined that Sirius Supreme's eternal layout had caused variables that even Sirius Supreme could not control because of Gu Fei's intervention.

If, the Sirius supreme tragedy that was about to succeed would be.

Then there was no suspense. Gu Fei grabbed the soul of Sirius Supreme, and directly read his soul memory, knowing all the causes and consequences.

"An ordinary little green wolf has cultivated to become the Supreme Supreme?"

After Gu Fei knew everything about Sirius Supreme, he couldn't help being moved. The growth of Sirius Supreme was somewhat similar to himself.

Wasn't the self in those days regarded as waste?

Originally, he wanted to kill Sirius Supreme, but it was easy to turn around, but after reading the memory of Sirius Supreme's soul, he changed his mind.

"The emperor shot?"

Gu Fei let go of Sirius Supreme's primordial spirit. In Sirius Supreme's memory, he saw a big hand descending from the sky and photographed a blue wolf that was larger than the ancient mountain.

With that blow, the stars fell, and the mountains and rivers crumbled, as terrifying as the last day.

That is the Great Emperor, the supreme Supreme Dao emperor in the Taishi Realm, and the Supreme Dao Saint Immortal, just the name of the creature that has just broken through to the Supreme Realm.

Above the Ji Dao Saint Immortal, there are Ji Dao Immortal Ancestor, Ji Dao Half Emperor, and Ji Dao Great Emperor.

"It's just a master-level existence."

Gu Fei said indifferently, he pondered, and with his current cultivation base, it seemed to be a little struggling to deal with the so-called great emperors in this world.

Leaving the life of Sirius Supreme, this will make some great emperors in this world restless!

"Now I give you a chance to take revenge."

Gu Fei looked at the little green wolf who had already shown his original shape and said.

"A chance for revenge?"

The little green wolf was already desperate, but after hearing Gu Fei's words, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn’t it just for revenge to set up your own life?

"what chance?"

There was a wave of divine consciousness from the body of the little green wolf.

"Recognize me as Lord."

Gu Fei looked at the little green wolf at his feet indifferently.

"Acknowledge you as Lord?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Qinglang's eyes flashed a struggling gaze.

"the host!"

Little Green Wolf gritted his teeth and lay directly under Gu Fei's feet.

"Very well, accept me as the master, life and death is up to me, I will ask again, do you regret it?"

Gu Fei's voice was still indifferent.

"No regrets!"

Little Green Wolf's tone was extremely firm. This was not only his chance to avenge, but also his chance to survive. As long as he didn't want to die, he could only recognize Gu Fei as the master.

Of course, he also has a second way to go, and that is death!

However, if Sirius Supreme dies, everything about him will go with the wind, revenge or something will naturally disappear, and his enemies don't have to worry about him killing them, day and night will be restless.

"it is good!"

Gu Fei directly punched the seals into the body of Sirius Supreme.

Sirius Supreme shook his whole body, he instinctively felt that his soul had been tampered with, but he could not sense the existence of anything.

It can only be said that the other party's prohibition is very clever.

"Come on, hand over the divine fruit of good fortune!"

Gu Fei said.

"Yes, master!"

The Sirius Supreme hurriedly opened the Inner Heaven and Earth, and a jade box flew out of his Inner Heaven and Earth and fell into his hand.

He respectfully handed the jade box over his head to Gu Fei.


Gu Fei picked up the jade box, and saw that the jade box was actually made of nine-day **** jade, with mountain birds, insects and fishes engraved on it. This is just the surface.

Inside the jade box, there are faint Dao patterns looming, and the contents in the box are sealed with Dao patterns.

Gu Fei carefully opened the jade box for a moment, and an unimaginable vitality immediately emerged from the box. Moreover, this life essence was extremely pure, with a trace that was enough to live and die.

Even if a mortal breathes a trace of this kind of breath, I am afraid that he can live for hundreds of years, without any disease and pain for a lifetime.

"This is the divine fruit of good fortune?"

Gu Fei was surprised to find that even his divine mind could not perceive the contents of the box.

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