Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4626: Break through purgatory with one sword

The Nine Heavens and Ten Lands Destroying Immortals Formation is the supreme killing formation of the Xuantian Formation Sect.

This killing formation can only be used by the founder of the Xuantian Formation Sect, worshiping Chen Zhenzhen and the thirteen sons of Xuantian. The others can't even arrange this killing formation.

The thirteen sons of Xuantian teamed up to lay down this killing formation, which could kill the sacred immortals of Extreme Taoism.

They once killed an elementary sacred immortal of the Extreme Dao in this nine-day and ten-dimension celestial array, which had once killed the sacred immortal of the Extreme Dao.

Back then, when the news that the Xuantian Formation Sect used no battle to kill the Extreme Dao holy immortal came out, the world was immediately shocked.

You know, that is the ultimate holy immortal, standing on the peak of the heavens and the world, overlooking the world, all beings are under their feet, and hundreds of millions of living beings surrender.

However, the Xuantian Formation Sect actually relied on a killing formation to refine and die a supreme sage, how could people not be shocked?

And now, the Xuantian thirteen sons of the Xuantian Formation Sect have set up a nine-day and ten-dimension-destroying formation, and they have trapped Gu Fei and Heavenly Wolf Supreme in the formation.

"Traitor Sirius, die!"

Without extra words, the thirteen sons of Xuantian came up with a killer move, the endless sky fire turned into thirteen fire dragons, and they rushed directly to Gu Fei and Sirius Supreme.

"Hey, I am not your enemy, don't hurt Chi Yu."

Gu Fei couldn't help feeling a little angry when seeing these guys even killing himself.

"Friends, sorry."

Qu Ao, the eldest among the Xuantian thirteen sons, said coldly.

"What are you talking about, don't you even let me go?"

At this moment, Gu Fei was really angry. These guys really wanted to kill himself and Sirius together, which touched his bottom line.

Gu Fei's most unbearable thing is to kill innocent people indiscriminately. People didn't provoke you, and then you were killed. How wronged.

"Who told you to be with this traitor?"

Another young monk from the Xuantian Formation Sect looked at Gu Fei who was trapped in the Formation Sect with contempt.

At this time, the thirteen fire dragons had already been culled in front of Gu Fei and Sirius Supreme, and the surrounding void burned by the terrifying skyfire power was distorted.

Gu Fei only felt that his whole body was dry and hot, sweating like rain, as if he were in an oven.

Wolf Supreme was even more unbearable that day, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

"That's no discussion."

Gu Fei’s tone became cold. The next moment, he lifted his right hand and patted the thirteen dragon shadows in the sky with a palm.


There was a loud noise and the void vibrated. Under everyone's shocked gaze, the thirteen fire dragons that were smashed towards Gu Fei and Sirius Supreme were all shaken away.

"how is this possible……"

The eyes of Qu Ao and other disciples of the Xuantian Formation Sect almost fell to the ground.

With just a seemingly random palm, thirteen fire dragons were blasted into flight. This is considered to be a move by the ultimate saint, and this is absolutely impossible!

No one knows the power of this nine heavens and ten earth celestial exterminating array better than Qu Ao and others.

Even the old antiques of the Taishi Realm who were watching the battle from a distance were all moved when they saw this scene.

"Who is this guy?"

"The noodles are very raw!"

"Could it be an extremely powerful person from another world?"

Some old antiques are communicating with spirit.

Although the Taishi Realm is very large, there are not many Extreme Dao Supreme-level existences. Most of the antique-level Ji Dao sages know each other.

Gu Fei is absolutely unfamiliar to them, as if it came out of thin air, even those super old antiques in Taishi Realm can't see his roots.

"But so!"

Gu Fei stood proudly and said indifferently.

"what did you say?"

Hearing what Gu Fei said, the thirteen sons of Xuantian were all angry. This guy dared to underestimate their Nine Heavens and Ten Lands Destroying Immortal Formation, it's **** it!

You know, this killing array has lived and passed through the ultimate holy immortal.

"It's far worse than the ten thousand array map."

Gu Fei said.

"Ten Thousand Arrays?"

Qu Ao and the others were even more angry when they heard this. The Nine Heavens and Ten Lands Destroying Immortal Array, but the master dedicated to the Ten Thousand Array Diagram and spent countless efforts to develop the killing array.

This guy dare to say that this killing array is inferior to the ten thousand array map?

"Big brother, what are you waiting for? Since this guy wants to die, we can fulfill him."

One of Qu Ao's junior sneered.

"Yes, send them on the road!"

Said the formation master of the other Xuantian Formation Sect.

"Well, in that case, Junior Brothers, let this guy see what we are capable of."

Qu Ao stared at Gu Fei with a sullen face and said.

"bring it on!"

Gu Fei hooked his fingers to Qu Ao and others.


Without any hesitation, Qu Ao directly initiated another change in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Exterminating Array.

In the next moment, the sky and the earth suddenly became cold, and the sky and earth went dark immediately, as if it had suddenly entered the dark night.


Gu Fei felt the changes around him, but did not show any shocked expressions.

However, the surrounding void seemed to be solidified, and he sensed the existence of the power of Taiyin, and this killing array attracted the power of Taiyin unexpectedly.

Just now it was the power of the sun, but now it suddenly became the power of the yin. This killing formation could allow these two diametrically opposite powers to change at will, but this is enough to show that this killing formation is extraordinary.

The control of this killing formation on power has reached the extreme. Although it is only a killing formation, it is really not inferior to the ten thousand formations.

"Ice Purgatory!"

Qu Ao's voice sounded in the killing array. The next moment, there was snow in the sky, and a cold wind soon blew again. The cold wind was biting, even Gu Fei felt a bit of chill.

That day, the wolf supreme had to urge Ten Thousand Array to protect his body.


It seemed that a terrifying and extremely cold purgatory had appeared between the heavens and the earth, and the power of the yin broke out, and everything was frozen.

"Only this level?"

Gu Fei didn't move, Fengxue couldn't get close to his body at all, and he didn't even touch the corners of his clothes. Even if the surrounding void really solidified, he still wasn't affected in any way.

"Master, this level is already pretty good."

The Sirius Supreme was really shocked by Gu Fei this time, and he had to urge the Ten Thousand Array to protect his body, otherwise the cold would invade his body.

But Gu Fei was good, he didn't need to do anything, just stood there quietly, this side of Purgatory couldn't even shake him.

"The sword breaks purgatory!"

Gu Fei grabbed his right hand in the void, and the next moment, a divine sword immediately appeared in his hand.


Without any hesitation, Gu Fei slashed out with a sword, and a sword light rushed out, lighting up the dim purgatory in an instant. https:

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