Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4644: Shifang Vibration

At the junction of the Taishi Realm and the Human Realm, chaos loomed around, and it was like the appearance of the world before it was opened up, and it was extremely chaotic.

One after another powerful figures haunt this almost chaotic area.

Only the existence above the holy rank can walk in this kind of place, and the creatures below the holy rank, unless they are protected by the treasure, otherwise, entering this kind of place will be in danger at any time, and they don't even know how to die.

At this time, something happened in this chaotic zone that made everyone dumbfounded. The gate of that chaotic fairy house was actually closed.

From the mouths of some creatures who had escaped from the fairy mansion, many people knew a great event that could shake the realm of Taishi, the world, the ancestors, and the heavens.

There is a great horror happening in the inner world of that Chaos Immortal Mansion.

As the news spread, the top powers of the four worlds couldn't sit still, because the most outstanding figures among the top powers of the four worlds all entered this fairy mansion.

Before that, countless gods and saints of Taishi Realm had fallen into the inner world of Chaos Immortal Mansion.

Now, among the top forces in the four worlds, a terrible thing is happening, and the cards of their disciples who have entered the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion are constantly cracking.

Once the fate card is broken, it means that the person who left the fate card is dead.

"how is this possible……"

In the human world, an old roar came from the ancestral land of the Jiang family.

There are countless life cards in a large hall in Jiang Family Ancestral Land. At this time, a Jiang family elder guarding this hall was staring at the broken soul cards and his eyes were red.

"Hurry up and invite the ancestors!"

The elder of the Jiang family stumbled and rushed out.

A life card with Jiang Yichen's name was broken.

This is terrible, but that is the direct line of Jiang Renhuang, the ancestor of the Jiang family, and the most outstanding existence of the younger generation of Jiang family, actually died in that fairy mansion?

The news of Jiang Yichen's death in the Chaos Immortal Mansion soon spread from the Jiang family. All the Jiang family members were shocked to the extreme, especially the Jiang Renhuang family members, it was hard to accept this fact.

That Jiang Yichen's grandfather roared up to the sky, leaving blood and tears. It was his grandson who died in that fairy mansion. His grandson will take charge of the Jiang family in the future.


A pavilion in Jiang's ancestral land was directly exploded into powder, a figure soared into the sky, and instantly disappeared at the end of the sky.

"Sixth Patriarch, that is Sixth Patriarch, Jiang Yichen's grandfather..."

Someone exclaimed.

Everyone knows what the Sixth Patriarch is going to do. The Sixth Patriarch is a quasi-supreme.

"Oops, the Sixth Patriarch took away a decree of the First Patriarch!"

Soon someone discovered that there was one thing missing from the Jiang family's treasure house. It was an extremely old thing, and it could be regarded as one of the Jiang family's cards, a decree of the ancestor of the Jiang family.

The ancestor of the Jiang family is also a human emperor, and the ancestor of the Jiang family is extremely powerful, and has reached the end of the emperor's great path.

The ancestor of the Jiang family wanted to take the legendary step and surpass the emperor's pole, so he left the Jiang family and never heard from since.

The ancestor of the Jiang family did not leave a life card, and no one knew whether the ancestor was dead or still alive.

"That little fellow Jiang Yichen is dead? How could this be..."

In a courtyard in the Jiang family ancestral land, a little girl looked at the maidservant opposite in shock.

"Miss, this is true, Master Yichen's life card is broken."

The maid carefully glanced at the little girl, and said nervously, that the generation of the little girl in front of him can be said to be able to walk sideways in the Jiang family.

Even the Patriarch did not dare to offend this little ancestor.


The little girl was a little sad.

"No one will play with me in the future."

The little girl said, the whole Jiang family, and the little fellow Jiang Yichen looked pleasing to her eyes, the others were trembling and cautious in front of her, which was very boring.

"I'm going to find my father!"

The little girl suddenly thought of something and rushed out.

"Go... to find the ancestor?"

The maidservant was taken aback.

"Miss wait..."

The maid hurried out.

Just when the Jiang family was outraged by the clan, other orthodoxy in the human world also experienced a lot of turmoil, and the life cards of the outstanding descendants of these top orthodoxy were also broken.

The Patriarch of the ancient Zhao family broke the cup in his hand and directly ordered the three tribe elders to leave the Zhao family with the treasures of the ancient Zhao family.

In the Southern Territory, in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, there was also a peerless power in the ancient Zhou family. One step forward, he directly entered the Tianxu and embarked on the ancient road to the sky.

In the human world, in the ancient Li family, it was also rumored that a Taoist son of the Li family had fallen outside the sky.

The ancient Li family is the descendant of the legendary Supreme Dao ancestor. As a descendant of Tao ancestors, the ancient Li family has a profound background. In the entire human world, no force dares to easily provoke the ancient Li family.

The Dao Son of the Li family has fallen. For the ancient Li family, this is definitely news that shocks the entire Li family.

An ancestor of the ancient Li family went directly out of the customs, then entered the treasure house of the Li family, took a big killer from the Li family, and left the Li family.

Not only the human world, the heavens, the Taishi world, and the ancestor world are all in action, and they have sent their peerless powers into the heavens and headed to the Chaos Immortal Mansion.

All of a sudden, the heavenly powerhouses gathered.

All forces in the heavenly realm are extremely tense. You must know that these powerhouses who have entered the heavenly realm are quasi-extreme-level existences, and these creatures also carry extremely Dao-level Dao implements.

Of course, in the heavens, no one dared to use the power of Extreme Dao level, because the power of Heaven's Punishment is stronger than before, even if the existence of the Lord level uses the power of Extreme Dao level, they have to kneel.

However, after entering the boundary area between the Supreme Beginning Realm and the Heaven Realm, everything is different.

"how is this possible!"

"what happened!"

"The door to this place is closed?"

When a group of powerful men came to the front of the Chaos Immortal Mansion aggressively, they were all dumbfounded, and the gate of the Chaos Immortal Mansion was actually closed.

"If the door is closed, open it again."

An old man with white hair and white eyebrows stared at the closed door and said coldly.

"Yes, fellow daoists, I think we should put aside our own prejudices for the time being and join forces to break this fairy palace."

A man like a swordsman came out.


Some powerhouses nodded, because now is really not the time to resolve personal grievances, they all want to know what terrible horror happened in this fairy house.


Some people sneered, disapproving.

"Whatever you do with so much nonsense, get out of it!"

A middle-aged man directly grabbed a big cauldron and slammed it at the closed gate of Xianfu.

"This guy……"

Everyone was surprised when they saw this.

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