Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4665: The trial begins

The trial in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion begins.

In only ten days, the things in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion had a fatal attraction to all cultivators, that is, the supreme Supreme Being jealous.

However, Jidao Supreme cannot enter the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.

However, the existence of the Extreme Dao Supreme Level has also cultivated many younger generations. Qi Tianzong's divine sons have come to six. The first divine son is extremely powerful, and is invincible of the same rank in the Quasi-Supreme realm.

The strong among the imperial family of the Pingtian Divine Dynasty cannot be underestimated.

The **** child of the Purple Qi Donglai Sect rushed from a distance like a purple sun. The purple Qi surged for thirty thousand li, driving away the surrounding chaotic Qi.

"I have seen seniors!"

Wei Donglai, the first **** of the Purple Qi Donglai Sect, respectfully saluted Tong Yu, who was sitting at the entrance of the Chaos Xianfu World.


Tong Yu just nodded, and didn't say anything.

Wei Donglai naturally knew the rules, so he directly took out a Quasi-Supreme Taoist artifact from his body and handed it to Tong Yu.

After Tong Yu took it, he immediately put it away, and then handed over a large piece to Wei Donglai.

Wei Donglai saluted Tong Yu again, and then strode into the world of Chaos Xianfu and disappeared into the world of Chaos Xianfu.

A quasi-superior Taoist artifact or a quasi-immortality medicine, these two things can not be taken out by anyone, but at this time, Tong Yu has received almost five hundred quasi-superior Taoism tools.

This number is too alarming.

However, what made Tong Yu depressed was that although he had received almost 500 Quasi-Supreme Taoist artifacts, he did not even receive a quasi-immortality medicine.

The quasi-immortality medicine is far more precious than the quasi-sovereign Taoist artifact.

Because the quasi-sovereign Taoist artifacts can be refined, and the quasi-immortality medicine is a spiritual thing that is naturally raised.

With Tong Yu and Yin Tianyou sitting in the town, no one dared to make trouble. Everyone honestly handed in a quasi-superior Taoist implement, then received a large movement Taoist talisman, and then entered the world of Xianfu.

At this time, in the world of Immortal Palace, in a valley, two figures were facing each other, and a powerful aura emerged from the bodies of these two powerhouses.

"This yin and yang grass is mine."

An old man with white beard and hair coldly stared at a black-clothed youth opposite.

"Whose fist is hard."

The black-clothed youth sneered.


The old man roared, stretched out his right hand, and directly grabbed the black-clothed youth on the opposite side, and saw that above the five fingers of his right hand, there were Nine Nether Divine Flames beating.

These Nine Nether Divine Flames were extremely powerful, even if they splashed on the body a little bit, the next moment, instantly, the form and spirit burned by this monk would be wiped out.

Moreover, this kind of **** flame specializes in burning the primordial spirit of the monk, which is extremely vicious.

The war broke out and the valley shook. In the end, the old man had to smash the big moving road talisman and instantly escaped from the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion.

The yin and yang grass in the valley was obtained by the young man in black.

Yin and yang grass is a kind of magic medicine, the most burning is not a quasi-immortality medicine, but it can also change the physique of monks, making them suitable for cultivating yin and yang.

The good fortune in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion is still good.


Someone blasted a large mountain with a punch, and saw the mountain collapsed and an ancient temple appeared in front of everyone, causing a sensation immediately.

I saw one after another jewels rushing out of the temple, and there were at least a dozen powerful Dao artifacts hidden in the temple, and those were all supreme-level Dao artifacts.

However, the entire temple is enveloped by a powerful field, and if you want to obtain the ultimate Taoist artifacts stored in the temple, you have to break through this temple.


Someone shot directly, and the powerful force fluctuated vigorously, and the area was shaking.

That is the existence of Quasi-Supreme Peak.

However, the next moment, the Quasi-Supreme Pinnacle's existence that shot unexpectedly flew out, received a big shock, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, more than a dozen powerful auras appeared near the temple.

The figure of the old turtle also appeared nearby.

This guy is very careful and will never be the first to take the shot. He is watching.

"Well, I didn't expect someone to discover this temple."

On the top of a big mountain, Gu Fei set down a table and a few chairs, and then made some immortals, barbecues for wine, fruits and so on. He was drinking and eating meat while watching floating in the void. A light curtain in the middle.

I saw that the scene above the light curtain was constantly changing, sometimes the figure of the old tortoise appeared, and sometimes the figure of the ancient spirit appeared.

At this time, Gu Ling was in a battle with a divine son of Taishi Realm for a supreme Taoist artifact. It was a sword, a murderous divine sword.

The forest cold sword aura radiating from the divine sword seemed to freeze human souls.

This Excalibur is definitely a fierce sword with amazing power.


Gu Ling directly cast a fire fist, smashed out with one punch, and the flames skyrocketed, burning everything.

But the strong man who fought against the ancient spirits had a mighty cold breath, and the void around him seemed to be solidified.

This is the power of the yin.

This young **** son, from the Jiuyin Holy Land of Taishi Realm, is extremely powerful, but unfortunately, he met Gu Ling, the daughter of Gu Fei.


After fighting a thousand moves, the **** son of Jiuyin Holy Land was fisted away by Gu Ling, vomiting blood.

He retreated straight away, but didn't use the Great Move Taoist Talisman, and didn't leave the Chaos Immortal Mansion world. He still had the power to fight, so he still tried.

Gu Ling grabbed the killing sword.


The next moment, the sword energy rushed into the sky, and all the creatures within a thousand li could feel their souls trembling, and the peerless divine sword was finally born.

"Hey, I deserve to be Gu Fei's daughter."

Gu Fei was very proud.

At this moment, the figure flickered on the top of the mountain, Yan'er came, Laogui's old uncle came, and Jiang Renhuang's youngest daughter Jiang Lin also came.

For a while, there was lively on the top of the mountain.

Not many people can be Gu Fei's guests.

The Jagged Taoist walked to the top of the mountain and reported the latest events to Gu Fei.

Because of Gu Fei's return, all the major forces in the human world were very careful, not willing to provoke this evil star. You know, the forces that provoke this evil star are all destroyed.

That is, an Eastern world still stands on the eastern land of the human world.

Gu Fei didn't know how to touch the Eastern family, but because Jiang Renhuang came forward to mediate. Otherwise, it would be hard to say whether there is any Eastern family in this world.


At this moment, Gu Fei discovered that Zhao Hao and the others had been ambushed, and Meng Long was hit hard and fell to the ground, but Zhao Hao and Yan'er were fighting endless battles with the four quasi-superior.

"These guys..."

Gu Fei is angry, these people are looking for death!

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