Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4669: Eternal god

"Who is that person, who can fight Gu Ling endlessly!"

Someone nearby exclaimed.

Gu Ling used to be famous in the heaven and the human world. Everyone knew that she was Gu Fei's daughter, and no one dared to provoke her easily.

You know, Gu Fei is extremely short-sighted. If his daughter is bullied, those who dare to bully his daughter will be out of luck.

"do not know!"

"never seen it!"

"Could it be the guy who came from that Taishijie?"

"I don't know how high the sky is."

"Just looking for death, to provoke a peerless enemy for his family."

The nearby powerhouses are watching the battle, and no one dares to take action. You know, this is Gulin, who dares to fight Gulin's idea! ?

The most important thing is that this world of Chaos Immortal Mansion already belongs to Gu Fei. He is the master of this world. In other words, whoever he wants to die can't get out of this world.


The young strong man who fought against the ancient spirit suddenly punched a boxing technique, and the powerful punch came from his fist, shaking the void.


Seeing this, Gu Ling squeezed the five fingers of his right hand. The next moment, a ball of fire burst out from her fist, and she directly greeted the opponent's fist with a punch.


With a loud noise, the two fists smashed together instantly, two powerful forces exploded, and the two figures flew backwards at the same time.


The young strong man was very surprised. The boxing technique displayed by this woman was not trivial. This was not a technique below the extreme Dao, but a technique above the extreme Dao.

"Little master, be careful!"

One of the young people's followers shouted.

This young man has a lot of followers, and two of the elders' cultivation bases are even more powerful, both of which can become the supreme beings with only one step.

And the cultivation of the young people's other followers is not weak.

Among them, seven were wearing black armor, holding a war spear, and riding a tall horse. Their murderous auras were particularly strong, and their killing aura was earth-shaking.

These seven warlords are definitely strong men who have come out of the sea of ​​blood from the corpse mountain. The murderous aura on their bodies has been transformed into real things. With the naked eye, they can see countless creatures struggling around them. Roaring.

The Seven Great Wars will all stare at the Gu Ling in the field, holding the spear tightly in their hands, and will shoot at any time.

Being locked by this kind of killer-level powerhouse actually had some impact on Gu Ling, because he had to be distracted to guard against these seven guys.

No one knows when these seven guys will make a move. They appear to be making a move because they are putting pressure on Gulin.


Someone stood up and shouted at the seven war generals.

The seven war generals didn't even look at that person.

"Dare to ignore Lao Tzu, you are amazing, I want to see what you have."

The man said that he took a step, and instantly appeared over the head of the seven war generals, and then stepped down towards the seven war generals. A golden foot larger than a hill appeared over the heads of the seven war generals. .

Stepping on seven generals with one foot, this kind of courage is not something ordinary people can have.

"Who is that person?"

"Huh, you are not even him?"

"Is he famous?"

"That's Gu Xiaofeng, Gu Xiaofeng, who has become famous in the heavens recently."

"It turned out to be that fat man?"

Someone exclaimed.

Gu Xiaofeng, Gu Zhong’s son, and Gu Fei’s disciple, had a self-cultivation and pursued his father Gu Zhong. He once swept thirteen cities and defeated the thirteen **** sons and saints of Taishi Realm in one day , The name moves heaven.

There was a descendant of the sky demon who wanted to assassinate Gu Xiaofeng, but was finally assassinated by this Gu Xiaofeng, and the body was hung on the head of the largest city in the Eastern Region of Heaven.

"Little fat man, if you were still watching the show, I would have spanked you long ago."

Gu Ling said loudly to Gu Xiaofeng.


Gu Xiaofeng almost fell from the sky when he heard this.

At this time, the warlord who was like the seven mountains moved, and saw that they raised their hands at the same time, and the spears in their hands pierced into the sky at the same time, and seven bright lights instantly appeared between the heaven and the earth.

It's like Optimus Prime.

However, Gu Xiaofeng's big feet still stepped down and directly collided with the seven divine lights.


The void shook, and the next moment, the seven divine lights rising up into the sky were crushed by Gu Xiaofeng's big foot, turning into countless golden lights and disappearing into the void.


Without any suspense, Gu Xiaofeng stepped the seven war generals and their mounts into the ground with one kick, and a giant footprint appeared on the ground.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. This guy is so cruel, he stepped on if he didn't agree.

The Seven Great Wars will be turned into meat sauce by Gu Xiaofeng's foot, and they are dead. This is the killing **** who came out of the sea of ​​blood! Just died like this?

Some people feel that this scene is too unreal.

"Little guy, you dare to kill my eternal warlord, you are looking for death!"

An old man pointed at Gu Xiaofeng and roared.

"You are looking for death!"

Gu Xiaofeng suddenly smiled evilly. The next moment, his whole person disappeared in place again, and the next moment, when he reappeared, he was already above the old man.


He stepped on the old man again.


The old man roared, and the next moment, his whole person suddenly turned into a heavenly sword, smashing the big foot directly with a sword.

Then, Gu Xiaofeng's big feet directly retracted.

This was the first time he heard of this eternal god. Taishi Realm should not have this god, and there is no such power in the human world and the heaven.

"Eternal God?"

On the top of the mountain in the distance, Gu Fei's eyes suddenly lit up. Could these guys come from another world that can compete with Taishi Realm?

The young man who has fought endless battles with the ancient spirit is the eternal son of God, the son of the eternal god.

"The frog at the bottom of the well dare to be mad in front of Lao Tzu, and surrender quickly, or Lao Tzu will make you better than dead." The young man said loudly to Gu Ling.

"Huh! Which green onion are you?"

Gu Ling said disdainfully as he shot.

"In that case, I will send you on the road."

The **** of the eternal gods made a move, and saw that his hand was actually holding something, it was a box, an extremely old box.

The eternal **** child tried his best, even using the strength of the milk, and then opened the box.

It was this gap that an unimaginable breath came out of the box, and the surrounding sky and earth was instantly sealed by ice.

"this is……"

Gu Ling was hit by the cold breath that came out from the gap in the box. The next moment, she was frozen in an instant.

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