Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4671: The real supreme world

The **** son of the eternal gods turned into a monster, which shocked everyone inexplicably.

The current eternal **** child is no longer a human, but a human-shaped monster. This monster is covered in purple scale armor. Every scale armor is shining, and each scale armor has ancient mysterious Dao patterns in it. Looming.

This is the strongest physique, the strongest form of the Eternal God Child.

"You can actually force me to show the strongest form, and you are worthy of death."

The blood-colored pupils of the Eternal God Child swept towards Gu Ling, Gu Xiaofeng and others, and the powerful spirit burst out from him, sweeping out like a stormy sea.

Even Gu Ling felt that his soul was trembling, as if his soul was about to be shaken out of the body by the other's spirit.


Gu Ling directly sat cross-legged in the void, running his profound arts with all his strength to resist the eternal **** child's divine consciousness attack, a beam of divine light emerged from her, blocking most of the divine consciousness.

"this is……"

Gu Xiaofeng's cultivation was almost worse than Gu Ling's. A gap was opened between his eyebrows, and blood was seeping out.

The other powerful creatures watching the battle all retreated far away, and no one dared to approach it. You must know that the divine consciousness fluctuations that erupted from the eternal **** child were indiscriminate attacks.


The Eternal God Child gave a grin, and left an afterimage directly on the spot, heading towards Gu Ling to kill.

His speed and strength are faster and stronger than before he was transformed. This punch has a murderous aura, especially assisting the divine mind attack, which at least doubles the power of his punch.

The suppression of divine consciousness made it difficult for Gu Ling to effectively dodge, but she was fearless, and she suddenly raised her head with an evil smile.


The Eternal God Child was taken aback, this guy is still laughing at this time?

In the next moment, he knew why this Gu Ling smiled, and saw Gu Ling's eyebrows suddenly split, and a divine light suddenly rushed out of her split eyebrows, and slaughtered him directly.

"this is……"

The Eternal God Child suddenly seemed to have seen a ghost, and was frightened unimaginably. The next moment, he directly retreated.

But the divine light rushing out of Gu Ling's eyebrows instantly turned into a divine sword and slashed towards the eternal **** child, at an extreme speed.

"Nine Secrets of the Fairy Way?"

Someone saw the origin of the magical powers Gulin displayed.

"The original deity of the Taoist sword?"

Gu Xiaofeng's eyes widened when he saw this scene. He is Gu Fei’s disciple, and naturally he also received the inheritance of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao. The power displayed by his hand is far from it.


The Yuanshen Taoist sword flashed past, and the next moment, the movement of the eternal **** child suddenly stopped.

"Master Shu Niu!"

Gu Xiaofeng had to admire that Gu Ling actually smashed the Eternal God's Son with a single sword.


The eternal **** son stared at Gu Ling, his eyes seemed to burst out of fire, he saw his divine body separated directly, and then dissipated in the void, completely gone.

"Just died like this?"

"how can that be……"

Someone in the distance exclaimed.

In their opinion, the eternal **** child is extremely powerful, and it is not ordinary difficult to kill this existence.

However, Gu Ling is just a sword, can he really kill the eternal **** child?

Even those followers of the Eternal Son of God were very frightened by this scene. You must know that once the Eternal Son of God is beheaded, as followers of the Eternal Son of God, they will also be buried with them.


Gu Xiaofeng smiled.

However, Gu Ling's face was still solemn.

"Could it be..."

Gu Xiaofeng couldn't help being surprised when he saw Gu Ling's expression.

Sure enough, a faint wave of divine consciousness suddenly appeared, and a figure appeared from the void without any warning. This person is the eternal **** child.

At this time, the eternal **** child still maintained the form of a monster, but there was a hideous bloodstain on his eyebrows that was difficult to heal.

The eternal **** son's eyebrows constantly seeped and dripped with blood, making him look even more hideous and terrifying.

However, Gu Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Eternal God Child was not killed by Master Gu Ling with a single sword, his breath was mostly weak.

In other words, the sword of Uncle Gu Ling had already severely damaged the Eternal Son of God.

"This guy actually comes from the eternal world."

Gu Ling suddenly said such a sentence.


"What world is that?"

"Eternal Realm?"

Everyone who heard Gu Ling's words was shocked to the extreme.

"Eternal Realm?"

Even Gu Fei couldn't help being moved. Only his existence knew that there was eternity above the realm, and that the great world of the extreme realm could be born, which is the perfect world.

But the Taishi Realm, Ancestral Realm, these big worlds are super big worlds, the source of the heavens and the world, and the highest known world form.

However, above the source of the heavens and worlds, there is a more advanced world, that is, the eternal world.

This eternal world was actually just a guess of Gu Fei when he was in the realm of eternity, but he couldn't expect that his own guess turned out to be true.

Gu Ling just slashed the Eternal God's Son with the secret technique of the Yuanshen Dao Sword, but he read some of the Eternal God's memories and knew some secrets.

"You unexpectedly..."

The Eternal God Child had to be shocked. After he was hit by the opponent's sword, even his own soul memory was read by the opponent.

This kind of secret technique is really unbelievable, and it is really hard to imagine that in this primitive and backward world, someone has actually created such an unworldly skill.

Even if he showed the strongest form, in front of these natives, he still couldn't see enough!

"You all go to die!"

The Eternal God Child suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a scroll, and saw that the scroll unfolded directly, and hundreds of millions of divine light immediately radiated from it.

Just like a thousand horses rushing out of the unfolding scroll, the entire Chaos Xianfu world was violently shaken by the impact of the force that burst out on the scroll.

"He is going to destroy this world?"

Someone exclaimed.

The unfolding of the scroll is like an eternal realm of supreme being shot, shattering the world and destroying everything.

"This is an eternal Taoist artifact!"

Standing beside Gu Fei, Tong Yu widened his eyes and stared at the scroll in the sky in disbelief.

He is a half-step eternal state, and he is naturally particularly sensitive to eternal aura. On that scroll, the true eternal level of supreme power was sealed.

Above the scroll of eternity, it seemed as if another eternal creature that was terrifying to the extreme wanted to rush out.

A beast claw protruded from the scroll, trying to destroy a world, the eternal power spread from the beast claw, shattering the world and destroying the void.

One after another, pitch-black space cracks appeared between the sky and the earth, just like black flashes, constantly appearing and disappearing.

As soon as that beast claw came out, countless powerhouses in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion all felt their souls trembling.

"Then Gu Fei is too ruthless, Lao Tzu is just taking part in the trial, did he actually take the shot himself?"

Some people were very dissatisfied. Only Gu Fei could show this kind of supreme mighty power in the world, but this time, Gu Fei did not take it personally.

At this time, even Gu Fei felt a great deal of pressure, and Gu Ling, Gu Xiaofeng and others couldn't even move a finger and were completely suppressed.

"Die, die for me!"

The Eternal God Child laughed wildly.

This scroll of eternity was his last trump card, that is, he never expected that he would use up the most precious scroll of eternity in a backward wild world.

Don't need to drop this scroll, I'm afraid I will confess my life here.

The horror of the beast claws protruding from the scroll of eternity reached the extreme, and the entire world of Chaos Immortal Palace would be wiped out.

However, at this moment, a sword light suddenly flew from the side, and the sword light did not see many pieces, and it was very clear to the naked eye.

However, this unremarkable sword directly made everyone dumbfounded.

I saw that sword light turned and slashed directly on the beast claw. The next moment, the beast claw was cut off without a trace of blood.

"It can hurt the eternal..."

The Eternal Son of God was shocked to the extreme.

His strongest form can definitely hold a blow from the Supreme Dao, but the power sealed in the scroll of eternity is a true eternal power.

Especially the beast claw, it is the strength of the eternal level.

He was cut off with a single sword.

"Who the **** is it, hiding the head and revealing the tail, it's a rat!"

The Eternal God Child was almost crazy. He scanned the Shi Fang, trying to find the rat who sneaked on him, but no one dared to jump out at this moment.

At this time, the scroll of eternity was broken and fell directly from the sky.

The sword light that had cut the scroll of eternity immediately disappeared into the void, as if it had never appeared before.

"the host……"

Tong Yu knew that in the entire Chaos Immortal Palace world, only Gu Fei could deal with the Eternal God Child.

However, even though Gu Fei broke the scroll of eternity with the Nine Sky Stars Sword, he did not continue to take action.


At this time, Gu Ling broke out, and endless divine fire erupted from her body. The nine divine phoenixes flew in the divine fire, and the power of the fire released was unprecedentedly powerful.

"Now it's our turn."

Gu Ling flipped his right hand, and the Nine Phoenix Ding appeared in her hand.

I saw the Nine Phoenix Cauldron flew out of Gu Ling's hand, and went directly to the town of Eternal God, and the nine divine phoenixes rushed out from the ancient Cauldron, and slaughtered directly towards the Eternal God.

The nine phoenixes came out together, and the ancient spirit had fully aroused the power of the nine phoenix cauldron, and the endless fire power swept the sky.

"Hey, I'm coming too!"

Gu Xiaofeng took out a magic knife from his body, and directly slashed it towards the eternal **** son, and a **** knife rushed out of the magic knife in his hand.

"you guys……"

The eternal **** son was frightened and angry. At this moment, he really had an urge to go crazy.

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