Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4681: Gather in the world of Chaos Fairy House

Chen Zhou unexpectedly exploded, which shocked everyone to the extreme. You know, this means that both body and spirit are destroyed.

A powerful creature, if it weren't forced to desperate, would never detonate itself. This is the last means to die with the enemy.


The moment Chenzhou exploded, the place where he was, was as terrifying as 100,000 volcanoes erupted at the same time. Everything that belonged to Chenzhou collapsed instantly and turned into dust.

Even his inner world is the same. The destructive power that bursts out from the collapse of the inner world is even more terrifying and powerful. It is destroying the heavens and destroying the earth, even the quasi-superior will be confused.

Moreover, this time comes from the eternal world, and the avenue of cultivation is extremely powerful, and his self-destructive power is naturally much more terrifying.

A terrifying storm of destruction swept out in all directions, and everything passed by was wiped out and ceased to exist.

The area tens of thousands of miles around turned into dust in an instant.

Some powerful creatures who were watching the battle around were actually affected, and the powerful Quasi-Supreme instantly turned into a cloud of blood, disappearing.

Even Zhou Qi and Ziyun brothers and sisters kept coughing up blood, especially Zhou Qi, cracks appeared one after another all over his body, and the whole person seemed to be breaking apart.

This little Tianzun of the ancient Zhou family was terribly scared. He looked down at the shield tool in his hand, and saw that the shield was also covered with numerous cracks, and the internal path patterns were almost obliterated by 80%.

"A quasi-supreme Taoist weapon has been abandoned!"

Zhou Qi is very painful, you know, this is a quasi-sovereign Taoist device, and it is a Taoist device that protects the body. If it weren't for this Taoist device protection today, he would only have to crush the Dao-shifting Taoist talisman and leave the chaos directly. The world of Xianfu.

However, in this way, he gave up this trial, unless Gu Fei's permission was obtained, otherwise, he would not be able to enter the Chaos Xianfu world again.

Zhou Qi naturally didn't want to leave like this.

"Gu Ling Daoist..."

Zhou Qi received a tremendous impact. He looked forward, and saw that the dust was rushing into the sky, and the sky was dark, and the terrifying aura of destruction hit his face, making his soul tremble.

He quickly took out a **** pill and ate it.

In the next moment, he burst into a colorful divine light all over his body. It was the five-element pill, which condensed the five-element essence, and the pill could melt in his body.

The crack on his body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Ziyun brothers and sisters also took out the **** pill and ate them. They had to restore their cultivation and combat power as soon as possible, otherwise, it would be very dangerous here.

As for the core area where Chenzhou blew himself up, everything seemed to be torn apart and wiped out, and nothing seemed to be left behind.

Zhou Qi and the others couldn't sense the breath of Gu Ling. They were all surprised, that Gu Ling was really dead? That's Gu Fei's daughter!

Gu Fei's daughter, naturally, would not fall so easily.

However, Na Chenzhou was a great man from the eternal world, and his self-detonation was of course not trivial. Zhou Qi and Ziyun brothers and sisters were just at the outermost periphery of the self-destruction and still suffered heavy losses.

It is conceivable what kind of attack the Gu Ling, who is at the core of the self-destruction, will be attacked.

Just when Chen Zhou blew himself up, in the eternal world, Chen clan, and ancestral land, an ancient existence of the ancestor level woke up from a deep sleep.

An extremely powerful wave of divine consciousness instantly enveloped the entire Chen family ancestral land.

"Chenzhou has fallen?"

The old voice resounded in the ancestral land of the Chen clan and spread throughout the ancestral land.

At this moment, in the depths of the Chaos Xianfu world, Gu Fei and the supreme being who crossed the boundary were in a fierce battle.


The supreme being who came across the boundary was powerful, and it could shatter the void with a gesture of action. The heaven and the earth here were stabilized to the extreme, and it could smash the void here, naturally extraordinary.


Gu Fei's fist seemed very slow, but it blocked the attack of any supreme being.

They finally rushed into the chaos.

No one knew the result of this battle, the supreme being retreated, and Gu Fei returned, but soon, a light gate appeared in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.

"Listen to Lao Tzu. People from the Eternal World will also participate in this experience. If you can kill you, you will kill me severely. If you can't kill you, you will hide."

Gu Fei's voice spread throughout the Chaos Immortal Mansion, and also into the ears of every creature.


Everyone is shocked and inexplicable, the people of the eternal world are coming?

Some people are fighting like a rainbow, while others are very upset. You know, that is the legendary supreme world, where the creatures are peerlessly powerful.

"Huh! Are the people of the eternal world invincible?"

Someone said disdainfully.

After Gu Fei's battle with the supreme being, although the supreme being retreated, he had put forward a condition that the people of the eternal world should also participate in this trial.

At this time, the light gate suspended above the sky suddenly opened, and a figure walked out of the light gate.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw the man, and saw that it was a woman in white clothes with a peerless appearance. This woman in white clothes looked weak but the breath radiating from her body was extremely powerful.


The white-clothed woman took a step and disappeared into the void in an instant, disappearing.

Then, the young generation of strong men from the eternal world continued to cross the border, and among them, there were more of the major forces of the eternal gods.

Soon, a war broke out in the world of Chaos Xianfu.

A woman in white fought against the strong men of the two human worlds outside a valley, and violent energy fluctuations erupted, attracting the eyes of countless strong men.

The woman in white was extremely powerful, and soon the two strong men who fought with her were killed by her.

She rushed directly into the valley, broke through and killed the formation, and took away a quasi-immortal medicine.

"How can you agree to that guy's terms?"

At this time, in the deepest part of the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, Gu Fei was talking with Laogui and others.

"The creatures of the eternal world are definitely much stronger than us as a whole!"

Laogui's old uncle said in a deep voice.

"What are you afraid of? Although the creatures of the eternal world are powerful, we are not vegetarian."

The old turtle's fighting spirit broke out, he just wanted to stimulate his full potential from the life and death battle.

"There is a medicine of immortality here. If it is taken by the people of the eternal world, it will be a heavy loss."

A fair-haired young man said that he is Yuan Hong, the holy prince of the golden spirit.

"Hey, who can take that thing?"

A figure shrouded in black air sneered.

"Pretend to be a fool!"

Gu Fei glanced at the dark shadow.

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