Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4699: Devil and Chaos

Emperor Jiutian is very strong, can be called invincible under the supreme, pushing the world and the heaven horizontally, the supreme can not come out, who will fight for the front!

Such a powerful existence, now that the nine incarnations have been blown up by people, vomiting blood, this scene really stunned a group of powerful people watching the battle.

At this time, the great demon hand evolved by the demon from the eternal great world was directly wiped out from the sky, as terrifying as a millstone that destroyed the world.

Under the hands of the Great Sky Demon, everything was wiped out, and the emptiness was annihilated silently.

"Damn it! Only a little bit..."

Emperor Jiutian's destiny turned to profound arts, his body burst out with a dazzling divine light, and his whole person was like on fire. In that divine light, there were countless lines looming and intertwined.

However, no matter how desperate Di Jiutian was, it was still difficult to contend with that demon. After all, the opponent's cultivation base was higher than him, and the great demon's hands were still obliterated towards the emperor.

Seeing that Emperor Jiutian was about to be wiped out by the hand of the Great Heaven Demon, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the side, grabbed Di Jiutian, and directly grabbed Di Jiutian out of the hand of the Great Heaven Demon.


The big sky demon's hand directly slapped on the ground, and the ground within a radius of more than tens of thousands of miles fell apart immediately, the dust rushed to the sky, and the magic light rushed to all directions.

Some unlucky guys were directly penetrated by the magic light, and instantly turned into black dust, dissipated in the void, and suddenly disappeared.


All the people who watched the battle were frightened and turned around and fled.

Nima, it turns out that you have to pay the price of your life while watching a movie!


The big demon suddenly turned around, and two **** magic lights rushed out directly from his demon eyes, which were more than a dozen miles long, like a peerless magic sword, piercing the void of heaven and earth.

"What's so fierce, be careful I hit you all over the floor looking for teeth."

The person who shot and saved Emperor Jiutian was Tong Yu. Among all the people present, only Tong Yu had the ability to save Emperor Jiutian. The others really did not have this ability, and Gu Fei did not learn from Chaos Immortal. Come out of the house world.

"Haha... it's just a small native, what if that step is taken, do you know the eternal law?"

That big demon simply didn't put Tong Yu in his eyes.

"Eternal Law?"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yu's expression immediately became serious.

"I don't need your help!"

Di Jiutian was unexpectedly calm at this time, still holding the battle spear in his hand, but countless cracks appeared on the battle spear, as if it might break at any time.


The next moment, an extremely powerful aura burst out of Di Jiutian's body, and a true eternal force was born in his body.

He finally took that step.

Just now, the life and death of Di Jiutian was in an instant. Although the time was very short, the fate of his life flashed in his mind.

When I was a child, I was bullied, and then I worshipped a little school. Within a few years, that little school was destroyed by other schools. Master and brothers were all dead, but he was alive.

After he was successful in his cultivation, he went back and killed all the schools that had lost his master.

Since then, he has been advancing all the way, sweeping nine days, and changed his name to Di Jiutian. He is the one who wants to become the emperor. In the end, he succeeded.

Emperor Jiutian is the Great Emperor Jiutian.

Throughout the ages, the great emperors who have appeared in the world and heaven can be counted with one hand.

The Great Nine Heavens existed as famous as the Great Yin Yang.

Di Jiutian looked back on his life, and then he had an epiphany. At the critical moment of life and death, he had an epiphany, and finally successfully took that step and successfully transformed his divine power into eternal power.

Eternal origin breeds in his body.

The successful cultivation of the eternal origin is considered half-step eternity, because Emperor Jiutian began to transform into the eternal Taoist body.

Of course, this is not a true eternal state, but the existence of a half-step eternal state can already use some simple and easy eternal methods.

Neither Emperor Jiutian nor Tong Yu has an eternal law. This supreme magical power and combat skills are firmly in the hands of the top forces in the eternal world.

The Eternal Law will not be taught easily, and even true disciples among the top powers can hardly get the complete Eternal Law.

Except for the top powers in the eternal world, only Gu Fei has the eternal law.

Moreover, the eternal law he created is definitely not inferior to the eternal law mastered by those top forces in the eternal world.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist."

Looking at Emperor Jiutian, Tong Yu felt a little complicated. This guy had an epiphany at the moment of life and death. This luck is really against the sky!

You know, he has planned endless years, and even hesitated to arrange a big world into an eternal killing game to gather the endless life force, and finally took that step.

He did not become the true eternal in the end, only half-step eternity.

In Tong Yu's view, he is very lucky to be a half-step eternal existence. It is too difficult and too difficult to become a true supreme Supreme.

But now, Di Jiutian had an epiphany, and his cultivation base broke through the shackles, breaking through to the half-step eternal realm.

From Tong Yu's point of view, it's so easy!

Di Jiutian didn't speak, but saw that his hand holding the battle spear tightened, and an eternal force immediately spread into the battle spear. The next moment, the countless cracks that appeared on the battle spear were quickly disappearing.

"Old man, we continue to fight in ten directions."

Emperor Jiutian muttered to himself while touching the spear in his hand.

"You two go together!"

The great demon from the eternal great world glanced at the two indifferently. He came from a supreme demon sect in the great eternal world, and he mastered the supreme law.

He who mastered the eternal law was almost invincible in the same rank.

This is Zong Yan's confidence.


Tong Yu was angry. This guy is just a half-step eternal guy. Everyone has the same realm. Why should he underestimate himself? It's really hateful.

"To fight, I can do it alone."

Emperor Jiutian walked up with the spear in his hand.

"Really, that fellow Taoist should be careful."

Tong Yu said, he just stepped aside, since Emperor Jiutian is going to fight this demon, let him go to fight.




Every time Di Jiutian took a step, the whole world shook, and the aura of the whole person was constantly rising, as if the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth was shaking under his feet.

The breath rushing out of him directly dissipated the chaotic energy of the entire world.

"Hey, it's interesting!"

Zong Yan stared at Emperor Jiutian and said with a grinning smile.

This guy's cultivation base just broke through to the half-step eternal realm, but the vitality on his body was extremely strong.

At this point, Di Jiutian was much stronger than the ordinary existence that just broke through to the half-step eternal realm.

After swallowing the spirit of Emperor Jiutian, his cultivation level will definitely increase!

In Zong Yan's eyes, Emperor Jiutian was his prey.

Even Tong Yu is his prey.


Di Jiutian did not hesitate, and went straight to attack Zong Yan. The war spear in his hand was pierced instantly, and the whole world was illuminated by the bright divine light.


Zong Yan sneered, and saw that he stretched out his right hand, and directly grabbed the war spear that came through the hole, and suddenly grabbed the war spear that came through the hole.

"Let it go!"

Zong Yan yelled, and the big hand holding the battle spear shook, trying to take away the battle spear of Emperor Jiu Tian.

However, countless Dao patterns suddenly burst out on the battle spear, which actually shook Zong Yan's hand holding the battle spear away. A few drops of magic dropped and turned into a sea of ​​blood.

That is the sea of ​​demon blood, as long as it is a living creature, it will be demonized into a monster after a drop of it. Only existences stronger than Zongyan will ignore this sea of ​​demon blood.


The countless powerhouses nearby who watched the battle all fled to the distance like crazy, and the sea of ​​magic blood was expanding rapidly, directly flooding the area of ​​tens of millions of miles.

Fortunately, this is the place where the heaven and the world meet, otherwise, there will be many dead people.

"This guy……"

Everyone was shocked and inexplicably, that devil blood actually drowned directly towards the entrance of Chaos Immortal Palace.


At this moment, a force directly rushed out of the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, and directly rushed away the drowning magic blood. A beam of divine light shrouded the entrance of the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion and will continue to be submerged. But the magic blood of Zhi blocked it away.

"the host?"

Tong Yu turned and looked at the entrance of Chaos Immortal Mansion. It was Gu Fei who was making the shot just now.

Only Gu Fei himself can block the surging demon blood. Otherwise, if the demon blood is poured into the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, countless powerful people who are trying in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace will suffer. .

Gu Fei would naturally not allow such a thing to happen.


At the same time, a divine light directly broke through the sea of ​​demon blood, and instantly killed Zong Yan's body.

This person was Di Jiutian, he separated the Demon Blood Sea, and he was extremely strong.

"Mad chaotic universe!"

Zong Yan shouted, his hands danced, and the whole world shook. The power of the chaos broke out to the extreme, and countless dark cracks appeared in the whole world.

A terrifying destructive force spread out and shattered everything.


The war spear in Emperor Jiutian's hand directly pierced into the chaotic void in front of Zong Yan, but the war spear was shaking violently and received great resistance.

"this is……"

The battle spear in Emperor Jiutian's hand was shaking violently, and cracks appeared on the battle spear again, as if to be shattered by Zong Yan's terrifying magic power.


Di Jiutian's head and long hair danced, and the whole person seemed to burn, and an unimaginable force burst out of him, directly shaking the world.

Numerous cracks appeared in the void around him.

Seeing the war spear in front of him still stabbing at him bit by bit, Zong Yan couldn't help being shocked. Could this guy also master the eternal law?

Zong Yan guessed wrong this time. Di Jiutian did not master the eternal law, but he had fought for a lifetime and had extremely rich combat experience, and his combat power was much stronger than the average half-step eternal.

"Huh! Do you force me to make a trick?"

Zong Yan suddenly calmed down.

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