Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4712: See also brick

The sons and saints of the top powers of the eternal world are not comparable to the sons of the eternal gods.

You know, the Eternal God Dynasty is just one of the three powers in the Eternal World Xianzhou, and it is not the top power in the Eternal World.

Now, the passage between the Chaos Xianfu world and the Eternal World is in Xianzhou, which makes Xianzhou the focus of the entire Eternal World cultivation world.

There are not many passages between the Eternal World and other worlds. The emergence of a passage to and from the Lower Realm in Xianzhou will naturally become the focus of the top forces in the Eternal World.

At this time, the eastern region of the Chaos Immortal Mansion World suddenly gathered the gods and saints of the four top forces of the Eternal World.

If the news goes back to the eternal world, it will inevitably cause a sensation.

The eternal world is too big, whether it is the Golden Crow Clan, the Wu Ji Xianzong, the Beigong Family, or the Eternal Xianzong, they are all far apart.

In normal times, it is not easy for the **** sons and saints of these top forces to meet.

Especially Wu Ji Xianzong and Eternal Xianzong, the two top forces are deadly rivals, Wu Jizi and Yu Huang, naturally show hostility.

And Yu Huang is the same.


Without any nonsense, Wu Jizi and Yu Huang shot each other at the same time.


A loud noise was like thunder, and everyone's eardrums were extremely painful.

The two figures fought in one place instantly, and an astonishing energy fluctuation erupted. The entire world was shaking, and the people around couldn't help retreating to the distance.

"Hey, there is a good show."

Bei Gongyu smiled and took off the wine gourd around his waist, unplugged the cork and took a sip, the aroma of wine filled the void.

"These two guys..."

The Emperor of the Sun was staring at the two great powers who were fighting, and the golden crow's power was surging, and this kind of battle was exactly what he needed.

Because the usual practice is no longer of any use to them, but often in the battle of life and death, they may completely stimulate their potential and achieve the ultimate leap.

Gu Ling was also staring at the Great Sun Emperor and Yu Huang who were fighting. She was shocked in her heart. Is this the real strength of these people?

At this time, in the western region of the Chaos Xianfu World, countless blood lights suddenly rushed from all directions and gathered on the top of a big mountain.

A vague figure appeared in the **** magic light.

"Those guys come from the eternal world..."

Mo Daoxie's figure appeared in the blood light, and countless blood lights disappeared instantly, all submerged in his body.

The eternal world is also a legend for him.

After using the True Devil Blood Escape Dafa, the Devil Dao Xie was very weak. He shook his body and almost fell to the ground. The guy with the sword was too powerful, and he couldn't escape without this trick.

People from the eternal world are really strong.


At this moment, a figure instantly appeared behind Mo Daoxie, and directly slapped a brick on the back of Mo Daoxie's head, and the brick was instantly shattered.

Mo Daoxie threw forward directly to the ground, gnawing mud.

"Who the **** is it!"

Mo Daoxie was slapped by the bricks, and Venus danced wildly in front of him, and almost fainted.

"Hey, I didn't faint without being photographed."

The person who made the sneak attack was somewhat surprised.

"Who are you, are you the one sent by that mean villain Tong Yu?"

Mo Daoxie stood up swayingly, and then turned to stare at the man. He was furious, almost bursting into flames in his eyes. This guy dared to attack him.

"Tong Yu? Who is that? I don't know."

The man shook his head.

"You weren't sent by Tong Yu, so what are you doing assaulting me?" Mo Daoxie was completely mad, and he didn't even know this guy.

"Are you stupid, I attacked you, of course, for the origin of Hunyuan Hongmeng!"

The man was laughing, because he had already seen that this evil spirit was weak now, and it happened to take advantage of his weakness to ransack this guy severely.


The evil spirit was frightened and angry.

"Are you curious why you knew you would be here?" the man said with some pride.


Mo Daoxie sneered, and did not speak.

"Who am I, I am Hei Tian, ​​although your blood escape Dafa is powerful, but my escape method is not inferior." The person continued.

"Your name is Heitian?"

Mo Daoxie finally knows the name of this guy. This guy looks gentle, but he is black and terribly shot. This brick is very good.

Moreover, what really moved the evil spirits was that this guy had a certain escape method, and this escape method was not inferior to his own real devil blood escape.

"Well, I don't talk nonsense, hand over Hunyuan Hongmeng's origin!"

Hei Tian stared at the evil spirit and said coldly.

"I didn't. That was a rumor spread by that mean villain Tong Yu." Mo Daoxie shook his head.

"Hey, is it? If that's the case, then we can't talk to each other."

Hei Tian's voice cooled down, and he didn't expect this guy to hand over Hunyuan Hongmeng's origin obediently. This guy is very cunning!

"Huh, let's go!"

The evil spirit said that a group of **** magic light rushed out of his body, and then rose to the sky, about to flee.

"Zhen Feng!"

Hei Tian directly threw out an array plate, and the next moment, a large array instantly enveloped the entire mountain, and the void seemed to be solidified.

Countless array patterns are intertwined in the void, forming countless arrays, shaking the sky with murderous aura, and shocking the creatures in the nearby area with great horror.


Mo Daoxie was taken aback, he was blocked by the killing formation and landed on the mountain again.

At this time, one after another killing formations soared high into the sky, trapping the evil spirits on the mountain top three levels inside and three levels outside. They were tightly trapped and hardly escaped.

"This guy……"

Mo Daoxie had to be moved. Throwing these away at will, wouldn't it consume resources? When are these killing arrays so cheap?

The evil spirit has a toothache, how can you fight against such a local tyrant and kill the guy who throws it casually?

Use True Devil Blood Escape Dafa again?

Mo Daoxie directly denied it, and if he played it again, even if he didn't get killed by the other party, he would still play to death by himself, and he couldn't stand the consumption anymore.

However, it is impossible to admit the evil spirits.

"Little guy, don't push too much."

Mo Daoxie stared at the figure in the sky, gritted his teeth and said, Laozi's dignified generation of demon masters have been bullied by these juniors one after another, and they really live on dogs.


Hei Tian laughed: "Don't lean on the old and sell the old in front of Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu goes through countless reincarnations. When I go through the world, your grandpa's grandpa still doesn't know where to play in the mud."

With the continuous improvement of the cultivation level, the memory of the seal deep in the soul of Hei Tian began to continue to recover. His cultivation method is very special, and he can accumulate strength through repeated rounds.


Mo Dao Xie was shocked when he heard this, this is a field that even he dare not touch!

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