Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4725: Mouse King

In the eastern part of the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, in the depths of the starry sky, the ancient spirit fights the eternal fairy sage Yu Huang.

Both of them used Dao Weapon. What Gu Ling held in her hand was the Emperor's Divine Mace that her father Gu Fei had given her to defend herself, but Yu Huang was holding a sword weapon.

This sword is not simple, but the most precious among the eternal fairy sect, the True Phoenix Sword.

The true phoenix sword is an ancestor of the eternal fairy trail, who hunted and killed a true phoenix with great supernatural powers, and was refined from the true phoenix bones of the true phoenix.

The true phoenix, but the existence of the extreme Dao level, the true phoenix sword made from its true bones is naturally extraordinary, even if it is not a true eternal Dao implement, it is a quasi-eternal Dao implement.

However, in this place, Yu Huang did not dare to use the true power of the True Phoenix Sword, which made her feel extremely aggrieved.

However, even if he did not dare to use the true power of the True Phoenix Sword, the quasi-eternal Taoist weapon was the quasi-eternal Taoist weapon. After fighting against hundreds of tricks, the human emperor's magic weapon in Gu Ling's hand was actually covered with swords after another. mark.


Gu Ling couldn't help being surprised when he saw the sword mark on the human emperor's mace. This was a human emperor's mace, which could compete with the Jidao Dao tool, and was cut out of the sword mark.

Is the sword in the opponent's hand really an eternal Dao weapon?

"True Phoenix spreads its wings!"

Yu Huang roared, and finally used his assassin, and saw a divine phoenix phantom emerging from her body, flapping its wings high, and bursting out countless sword lights on its double-spread wings.

Every sword light split the void.

Fiery sword energy filled every inch of the void, and the temperature in the entire world was rising rapidly. This is the Fire Sword Dao, and the power of the sword light is extremely powerful.

"Good job!"

Gu Ling shouted, and the next moment, she turned into an immortal sword light soaring into the sky, and directly greeted Yu Huang's sword light.

It is also the fire swordsmanship, and it is also fierce to the extreme.

However, there is one difference. Gu Ling's sword has a stronger killing and cutting aura, because her kendo has been inherited since ancient times, and Gu Fei’s kendo was born out of Zhutian Nine Swords.

The Nine Zhutian Swords are the supreme swordsmanship created by the sword servant with the way of killing and enlightenment by killing. This kind of swordsmanship is powerful in killing and is number one in the world.

Therefore, Gu Ling's sword is also full of killing.

When the killing sword came out, the world changed color.


The two strong kendo powers collided together in an instant, bursting out strong waves, and a sword light rushed out one by one, and the huge stars were cut in half wherever they passed.

After just a few breaths, Gu Ling flew out, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.


Yu Huang stood with his sword, his face flushed red, and a stream of blood had poured into her throat, but she was swallowed back alive.

In the Kendo competition, Yu Huang was slightly better on the surface, but in essence, it was really hard to say who won and lost.

"In order to enter the kendo?"

Yu Huang had to put away her contemptuous heart. This power in the lower realm was the strongest opponent she had ever encountered, and was definitely not inferior to the goddess and saints of the top powers in the eternal world.

Both Bei Gongyu and Wu Jizi had to move.

"Come again!"

The more Gu Ling fought, the more courageous she was. Only an opponent of this level deserves her all-out fight. Martial artists are natural warriors who can stimulate their potential in battle.

"Afraid you won't make it?"

Yu Huang was also aroused by Gu Ling's strongest fighting spirit and directly displayed the True Phoenix Sword Technique.

Gu Ling directly used the Emperor God's mace as a sword, and the immortal sword light that killed the swordsmanship constantly collided with the sword light of the true phoenix that Yu Huang had chopped off, bursting out bright sword lights.

Those strands, strands of sword light cut the void.

The two great kendo masters fought together, and it was difficult to tell the winner or loser.


At this time, in the central area of ​​the Chaos Immortal Mansion World, Heitian followed behind Ziyang Emperor and broke into the underground tomb of Jidao.

"Nima, what a wicked door here!"

Heitian fought a cold war, and saw that the long tomb passage was dim and dark, and was still surrounded by a faint mist, scattered with broken stone figures.

Obviously, the Ziyang Emperor rushed in directly.

However, Hei Tian was extremely cautious. Even so, he was still attacked by stone men. These people were very strong and had quasi supreme combat power.

Even if Hei Tian wants to solve a stone man, he also has to spend some hands and feet.

After solving a few stone men, passing through the tomb passage, the front suddenly opened up and lit up, and the front was a huge cave.

I saw the flowers, plants, trees, small bridges and flowing water, and aura surrounding it. It was actually an excellent place for cultivation, and there was also a rare elixir planted here.

Some old medicines such as True Dragon Grass, Celestial Fruit, Purple Ginseng King, etc. have even become refined.

Hei Tian looked at these elixir, his saliva was about to drip to the ground.

"Well, where did Ziyang Emperor go?"

Hei Tian's gaze swept around, and he couldn't even see a person here.

"Hey, it's cheaper for me in the end!"

Hei Tian didn't hesitate any more, and he collected the elixir from the cave sky. When he wanted to transplant the purple golden ginseng king into his inner world, this guy also slipped fast. It turned into a big fat boy, but the big fat boy slipped naked directly.

"Hey, can you escape?"

Hei Tian displayed his magical powers, stretched out his big hand, and directly caught the big fat boy who had been transformed by King Zijin Ginseng, and threw it directly into his inner world.

However, at this moment, a fist slammed in front of Hei Tian in an instant.


Hei Tian sneered, and the next moment, he disappeared into the void in an instant.


The person who attacked was somewhat surprised. A figure appeared in this cavernous sky, and saw that this was a deer-headed creature, short and thin, like a mouse.


There was a loud slap in the face, and the next moment, the deer-headed rat-eyed guy flew out, and dozens of **** teeth flew out of his mouth.


The man slammed heavily on the wall, then rolled to the ground again, his left cheek swollen.

"If you don't have the ability, you still learn to attack?"

Hei Tian's figure appeared in the void, Lao Tzu was a black hand, the ancestor of the clappers, you want to sneak attack Lao Tzu, this is simply looking for death.

"Senior for mercy, senior for mercy!"

The man knelt directly in front of Hei Tian, ​​and instantly persuaded.

"Who are you, why are you attacking me?"

Heitian is not a good kind.

"Back to senior, I am the Rat King, one of the twelve Lord Gods of Taishi Realm."

The man answered honestly and respectfully.

Taishi Realm, Mouse King?

Hei Tian stared at this fellow like a big mouse, somewhat suspicious. He was not very familiar with Taishi Realm. He didn't care what the twelve lord gods were.

"Why attack me?"

Hei Tian looked at the mouse king lying under his feet with a smile.

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