Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4736: Wronged, too wronged

In the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, the ancient spirit fought against the Eastern Heaven Overlord. The battle was extremely fierce. The Gu Ling’s killer sword faced the Eastern Heaven Overlord’s Emperor’s sword.

Whether the sword of the killer is better or the sword of the emperor is better, no one knows.

"What's wrong with this?"

When the old turtle arrived, he saw that the sky was full of fierce sword energy across the sky and the earth, two different kendo powers roaring between the sky and the earth.

"Hey, you two don't fight." The old turtle stepped on anxiously, Nima, I don't have much time, what are these two little girls doing.

"I said you didn't hear it, so stop."

The old tortoise uses the voice of the Dao Dao.

"To shut up!"

Dongtian Overlord said angrily.

"What's so special about these young people now is that they don't know how to respect the old and love the young. It's really going downhill!" Old Turtle said bitterly.

"Rely on the old and sell the old, give you a sword!"

A fierce sword light from the Eastern Sky Overlord's thoughts immediately slashed towards the old turtle, leaving a dark space crack where the sword light passed.

"Ouch, are you serious, little girl?"

The old turtle hurriedly sacrificed the sword light that was directly shattered by the seal of the Emperor.

"It's okay to say that you want to fight. Give me a golden lotus first, how about you fight?"

The old turtle said loudly.

"Dao Jinlian? Who has the Great Jinlian."

The old turtle's voice spread far, and the nearby Quasi-Supreme rushed from all directions as if they had been beaten with blood.

However, waiting for these quasi-superiors is a sword of light that seems to be able to open up the world, whether it is the sword of the killer or the sword of the emperor, it is not the ordinary quasi-superior can resist.


A sword light flashed, and a quasi-supreme who was so excitedly killed was suddenly split in half.

"Nima, this is a trap!"

"Who is it that said there are great golden lotus here."

Those people were dumbfounded, and the sword light flashed one after another, and people were being beheaded continuously, and their deaths disappeared, and the Quasi-Sovereign Taoist weapon could not block these sword lights.

"Just now this guy said that there is a big golden lotus here."

A little monk with white teeth and red lips pointed to the old turtle and said.

"Nima, are you going to make trouble, little bald? When did Lao Tzu say that there is a great golden lotus here." Laogui is really wronged, he and Buddhism are really predestined, but it is the predestined fate.

"He must have a golden lotus on him."

Everyone stared directly at the old turtle.

"I don't have a golden lotus, don't be fooled by this little bald head."

The old turtle quickly clarified.

But how can those people believe it? Directly embraced.


The old tortoise exploded directly and fled without even turning around. There were dozens of quasi-supreme squads, and even those first gods in the eternal world would flee.

Of course, there are some ruthless people who might kill the Quartet, no matter how many people you come, I just kill!

However, even if Gu Ling encounters this situation, it is impossible to retreat all over, but these people are a mob. If they are afraid of killing, they will naturally disperse.

The old tortoise is not a guling. Although the shell of the tortoise is hard, it can't withstand the bombardment of dozens or hundreds of quasi-supreme. Don't escape? Get ready to be shredded!

"Little bald head, you are waiting..."

Laogui's anger, there was Fan Xiu first, and now his apprentice came again. Are these two masters and apprentices both his nemesis? It's unlucky to see a bald head!

"This guy has escaped. There must be a golden lotus on him."

Add another fire to the little bald head.

"Not bad!"

Everyone's eyes are red, desperately hunting down the old turtle.


The old turtle simply wanted to tear that little bald head into pieces. This little guy was too damned, and he couldn't care about asking Gu Ling for the golden lotus. It's important to escape!

His escape shocked the entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world, because this scene was so spectacular that countless escape lights were chasing a escape light.

The terrifying coercion swept across all directions, and everyone was stunned wherever he went.

"Who is that? It's so cool to run away."

Someone said.

"It seems to be the ruffian demon lord in the heavens." Someone recognized the old turtle.

"What did that guy do that hurts the world, so many people want to kill him?"

"I heard that he has golden lotus on his body?"

"Matt's Avenue Jinlian, you said it earlier."

Everyone was not calm, and directly joined the ranks of chasing and killing the old tortoises, and the chasing and killing teams continued to grow and were extremely spectacular.

"Everyone said I don't have the golden lotus."

The old tortoise was chased into the sky and lost his temper.

"Who is that, was chased so miserably."

Brother and sister Ziyunxiao looked at the old tortoise who rushed past and the chasing army behind him was also dumbfounded. What exactly did this guy do? It provokes anger!

Laogui was hunted down by countless people from the Eastern Region to the Western Region, and from the Western Region to the Southern Region. Finally, he rushed into the Northern Territory, but still did not get rid of those who were chasing after him.

Qin Yao, Ziyang Emperor and the others had already snatched the Golden Lotus of the Avenue, and did not know where to hide to refine the Golden Lotus of the Avenue.

At this time, the golden lotus that landed from above the nine heavens was almost completely robbed. You know, in the previous battle, countless quasi-superior died.

No amount of golden lotus can withstand countless quasi-supreme competitions.

However, there are still countless people haunting the Jedi in Chaos Immortal Mansion, because some people have seen some golden lotus fall into the Jedi.

In order to avenue the golden lotus, the quasi-superior must be crazy, and many people venture into the Jedi.

There were even people who got the Great Dao Jinlian from the Jedi, but the person who got the Great Dao Jinlian was besieged and died as soon as he came out of the Jedi.

A big golden lotus caused a **** crime. After a great battle, countless quasi-supreme died, and finally the big golden lotus was taken by the first demon of the eternal demon sect.

The first demon of the Eternal Demon Sect was also seriously injured and dying, and fled directly back to the eternal world.

It was too tragic. The entire Chaos Immortal Mansion world was raining blood. It was as horrible as blood purgatory. You could see Quasi-Supreme's corpses and broken Taoist artifacts everywhere.

And those who get the golden lotus of the Great Dao have become the quasi-supreme public enemy of the world. Everyone wants to get the golden lotus of the Great Dao. Whoever has the golden lotus of the Great Dao will be unlucky.

Laogui was not the first person to be hunted down. This kind of hunting was performed everywhere in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace.

However, Laogui was wronged because he didn't have the golden lotus at all.

"Tell you, I'm Gu Fei's brother, Gu Fei, do you know who it is? It's the man who descended the Dao Jinlian. He is my brother."

The old turtle had to move out of Gu Fei.


Those who chased and killed the old turtle were all taken aback. This ruffian-like guy was actually Gu Fei's brother?

In fact, the quasi-supreme of the heavens and the human world has not joined the team of chasing and killing the old tortoise, because they all know the identity of the old tortoise.

Chasing and killing Gu Fei's brother in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace was the rhythm of hunting for death.

However, not many people in the Taishi Realm, Ancestral Realm, and the Eternal World knew the relationship between Gu Fei and Laogui, so they dared to chase and kill Laogui.

When the old turtle moved out of Gu Fei, some of the quasi-superiors in the Ancestral Realm retreated, while the people from the Taishi Realm and the Eternal Great World continued to chase and kill the old tortoise.

"You bastards, do you want to die? Okay, I will do you well." The old turtle gritted his teeth and rushed directly to the Nine Heavens.

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