Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4739: Yan'er's Great Tribulation

Feeling that her cultivation realm was about to break through, Gu Ling went directly to the Nine Heavens where the old turtle was, and gave the old turtle a golden lotus.

However, the old tortoise who took the Dao Jin Lian was frowning. This niece gave the Dao Jin Lian to herself in front of those outside. This time it was really hard to beat.

"Goodbye Uncle Turtle!"

No matter how much Gulin left, he left.

At this moment, the hundreds of quasi-sovereigns outside the first seal of the Nine Heavens looked at the Dao Jinlian held by the old turtle, all eyes were red.

That is a great fortune against the sky, which can make people achieve the ultimate leap and achieve the ultimate supreme.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many quasi-sages can't take that step in a lifetime, but it's different with Dadao Jinlian.

As long as the Golden Lotus of the Great Dao can be refined, the Quasi-Supreme of the Golden Lotus of the Refining Dao has at least 70 to 80% chance of hitting the success of the Great Dao and becoming the Supreme Supreme.

Moreover, Dao Jinlian can also enable the second generations of the Ji Dao bloodline of the body to cut off their Ji Dao bloodline and complete a new transformation.

The second generation of Ji Dao like Laogui, who inherited the blood of their Ji Dao father, and that bloodline contained Ji Dao grade fragments of their father.

Before hitting the Extreme Dao Supreme, the Extreme Dao-level Dao Fragments in their bodies will make them practice twice with half the effort. This is their talent.

However, once they reach the quasi-supreme realm, the shards of the avenue from their fathers will become shackles, firmly suppressing their own avenue.

Without refining the Dao fragments from their parents, they will never be able to become the Supreme Dao.

However, Dao Jin Lian can smelt all Da Dao fragments, can give the old turtle a new life, and then have the opportunity to hit the extreme realm.

Everyone outside looked like a hungry beast staring at a piece of fat, wishing to swallow the old turtle.

However, with Tong Yu and Di Jiutian in the seal, even if the people outside wanted to get the golden lotus, they would not dare to break into the seal.

You know, those two want to kill them, just as simple as snapping their fingers.

"Hey, brothers, I'll be here waiting for my brother to leave the customs."

Laogui couldn't leave, he didn't dare to leave at this time.


Tong Yu disappeared as he spoke.

This nine-layered seal is not limited to the first layer, but a full nine layers. He directly enters the second layer of seal, without seeing it.

"Hey, don't go!"

Laogui saw that Tong Yu was gone, and couldn't help being surprised. If even Di Jiutian had left, those outside would definitely rush in and tear him to pieces in the first place.


The old turtle opened his mouth and inhaled, swallowing the Dao Jinlian in his hand.

"This guy……"

Those outside were almost crazy when they saw this.

The old tortoise was very simple, and directly sat cross-legged in the void, running the profound arts to refine the golden lotus.


The people outside are going crazy, this guy is refining the golden lotus in front of them grandiosely, but they are helpless.

Fortunately, Di Jiutian did not intend to leave.

In fact, Di Jiutian was really afraid that Laogui would be killed by those outside. You know, Laogui and his master are brothers who have experienced life and death.

If Old Turtle was killed on his own territory, how could Gu Fei give up?

I actually want Lao Tzu to protect this old ruffian, hey!

Di Jiutian shook his head helplessly.

At this time, Gu Ling left the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion directly. She was wearing Gu Fei's sky blue fairy and gold battle suit, which was an eternal Taoist treasure.

As long as it is not the supreme being of the eternal realm, no one can hurt her.

"Where to cross the robbery?"

Gu Ling went out of the Primal Chaos Mansion, pondering where to go to survive the catastrophe.

"See the little master."

At this moment, the three figures rushed from a distance, and then bowed down in front of Gu Ling.

"Is it you?"

Gu Ling had an idea as soon as he saw the person.

"You guys get up!"

Gu Ling said.

"Yes, little master."

The people who came to stand up, they are the Star Beast Venerable, Sheyang Supreme, and the Black Wind Supreme.

These three guys were so bored outside, they just had a battle with old antiques from other worlds, and they killed one of the other guys.

"Go to the Ancestral Realm!"

Gu Ling said.


The Star Beast Venerable immediately took out a formation, and the moment the formation flew out of the Beast Venerable's hand, it quickly grew bigger.

Soon, this formation was suspended in the void like a big mountain, and the whole formation was filled with an aura of infinity and vicissitudes.

This is a super formation that can be transmitted across borders.

"Little master, please!"

Xingchen Beast Venerable did not dare to neglect, because he knew that the master was about to succeed, and he was about to reign over the ancestral world again, and no one would be the master's opponent.

Gring and the others boarded the battlefield, and then started the battlefield.

In the next moment, endless Dao patterns emerged from the formation, and a group of divine light instantly enveloped the entire formation. Then, the group of divine light soared into the sky, broke through the void, and disappeared in an instant.

"These guys finally left."

After Gulin and the others left, powerful figures appeared one after another around them.

In this prosperous world, the heavens, the human world, and the ancestor world and the Taishi world can all come and go freely. Of course, this will only work if you can afford a cross-border price.

You know, the power required to start a cross-border super formation is extremely powerful and requires a lot of aura.

Gu Ling went to the Ancestral Realm, but Yaner went to the Taishi Realm.

At this time, a woman in white was sitting cross-legged on a peak in the Zuyuan Mountain Range in Taishijie.

In front of the white-clothed woman, there was a big cauldron, and a divine sword was inserted on the ground next to it, which was a seemingly ordinary long sword.


High above the sky, the avenue shook, and endless tribulation clouds gathered on the top of the mountain. Soon, the day turned into night, and one after another dazzling lightning appeared in the tribulation cloud.

The terrifying aura of destruction is overwhelming.

At this time, one after another powerful divine consciousness rushed out from all over the Taishi Realm and swept towards the Zuyuan Mountain Range. However, when their divine consciousness approached the peak of the Zuyuan Mountain Range, their divine consciousness was directly affected. Beheaded.


There was a horrible roar from Old Antique, and there was also a cracked eyebrow and blood oozing out.

"What's the matter, there is actually a force covering that area."

"Even the spirit of my waiting is blocked?"

Someone exclaimed.

"It's time, come on!"

Yan'er stood up and looked up at Jieyun in the sky. There was no sadness or joy on her face. At this moment, she was surprisingly calm.

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