Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4766: Guangcheng Junior Sister

Ji Changkong appeared in Domination City, which surprised Ji Xiaohua.

You know, the current Dominion City is in a very sensitive state, the city lord Ji Yuan was assassinated, and Ji Long was killed again.

City Lord Ji Yuan, but a member of the Jihuang camp, Ji Changkong appeared in Domination City. This would inevitably arouse other people's guesses, which is very detrimental to Ji Changkong.

Because everyone would think that he assassinated the lord Ji Yuan and the deputy lord Ji Long of Domination City.

However, since Ji Changkong dared to appear here, he naturally had something to rely on.

"What do you want?"

In the city lord's mansion of Domination City, Ji Xiaohua sitting on the lord's throne stared solemnly at Ji Changkong sitting below.

"What do I want, don't you know?"

Ji Changkong smiled.

"What do you want to do, I don't know."

Ji Xiaohua is not stupid, he actually doesn't want to choose the side, because the consequences of standing in the wrong team are very serious.

Just like City Lord Ji Yuan and Deputy City Lord Ji Long, both died.

No matter who killed Ji Yuan and Ji Long, there is only one conclusion, that is, someone is going to do something, and no one knows whether those people are targeting Ji Huang or Ji Changkong.

"Well, well, I'm not too difficult for others, but you can do it yourself."

Ji Changkong got up and walked out.

Looking at Ji Changkong's back, Ji Xiaohua's lips moved, but she didn't speak.

He was able to live until now, absolutely not by any **** luck. If he didn't choose the side station, he would often live longer. Facts proved that he was right.

This time, he still didn't want to choose the side.

Ji Changkong and Ji Huang are fighting for the position of Patriarch, Ji Changkong wants to pull Ji Huang from the position of Patriarch, and Ji Huang wants to kill Ji Changkong.

These two camps are fighting openly and secretly, which is definitely not a good thing for the Ji clan.

The two big camps are fighting endlessly, that is weakening the strength of the Ji clan, now that Ji Yuan and Ji Long are dead, that is the existence of the quasi-superior level!

After the death of the two quasi-superiors, even the Ji clan was wounded.

The biggest problem of the Ji clan now is that there is no Extreme Dao Supreme in charge. In the current world, there is no Extreme Dao Supreme in charge, and it is no longer the top power.

If Ji Dao Supreme makes a move, even the Ziweiji clan will have no resistance and will be directly erased.


Ji Xiaohua sighed and sat quietly on the throne, saying nothing.

At this time, in the inn where the Gu Fei family was located, the fat shopkeeper's attitude towards the Gu Fei family had completely changed, and he tried his best to please the Gu Fei family.

Because he knows that this family is definitely not simple, these few people definitely have great backgrounds, and even the Ji Clan doesn't care about it.

Only those super powers who have the supreme supremacy, dare to ignore the Ji clan!

Soon, Ji Xiaohua appeared outside the inn.

When someone spread the news that the Gu Fei family had killed Ji Long, Ji Xiaohua would come to the door so quickly.

But, what about it? Lao Tzu will kill as many people as they come.

Gu Fei didn't care at all.

"Guye, Ji Xiaohua of the Ji family, please see me."

The fat shopkeeper came and said to Gu Fei cautiously.

"No, my feet roll."

Gu Fei waved impatiently.


The fat shopkeeper quickly retreated from Gu Fei's room.

"not see?"

Ji Xiaohua was very surprised.

"Who are these three people?"

Ji Xiaohua directly took out a jade box and handed it to the fat shopkeeper.


The fat shopkeeper quickly accepted the jade box.

"Suspected of being a member of the Jidao family."

The fat shopkeeper deliberately lowered his voice.


Upon hearing this, Ji Xiaohua turned around and left the inn.

Soon after Ji Xiaohua left, Ji Changkong came.

"These guys are really endless."

Gu Fei shook his head. Under his induction, even the outside voice and every word the fat shopkeeper said could be clearly heard.

"Let him wait outside."

As soon as the fat shopkeeper walked outside Gu Fei's room door, Gu Fei's voice came from the room.


The fat shopkeeper hurried away


Just when Ji Changkong wanted to meet Gu Fei, a terrifying violent ape the size of a hill swooped down from the sky in an untouched mountain forest in a certain extraterritorial world of Zuxing Zhou.

Under the big tree, there was a young man standing, and the violent ape directly culled the white-clothed boy.

With this violent ape's flutter, a stern, fishy wind shook the trees below violently, and the dead branches and fallen leaves were rolled up for a long time.

The endless ferocious aura filled every inch of space in the forest, causing the white-clothed boy to have a feeling of suffocation, and his breathing became a bit rapid.

This blood-colored fur-colored demon ape swooped like the top of a huge mountain, and was fierce to the extreme. The blood-colored beast eyes, like monster blood-colored stars, gave out endless evil and fierce light.

It vowed to tear the creature below that dared to offend to pieces.

The thinking of the fierce beast is very simple, and the animal nature dominates everything. This demon ape feels a threat on the white-clothed boy. Therefore, the most direct idea is to eliminate the white-clothed boy.

"Good job!"

The white-clothed boy slammed his waist, and his muscles and bones immediately made a "crackling" explosion, and the muscles and bones were thundering. He looked up at the demon ape who had fallen above, with a trace of madness on his face. He wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth behind him, and a strong force burst out of him, like waterfall-like long hair flying wildly.


The white-clothed youth roared and his face became extremely terrifying. He split his legs and "canopy!" The ground was immediately stepped on, and the soil under his feet undulated violently like a wave. At the same time, his right palm was like a knife, slashing upwards. Out.


Like a magic weapon out of its sheath, a bright sword light shot out from the palm of the white-clothed young man, the bright sword light tore through the void, and slashed towards the demon ape that fell in the sky.

Senhan Dao Qi has diffused from Gu Fei's body. The trees within five feet of his body were cut into pieces silently, and the entire woodland shook, the trees swayed wildly, and leaves fell on the ground.

With the boy in white as the center, huge cracks extended from under Gu Fei's feet.

At this moment, the aura of the white-clothed boy was enough to eclipse heaven and earth, like the reincarnation of the **** of war, his domineering awe-inspiring, attacking the sky with a sword, and rushing straight up to kill the violent ape.

A trace of horror suddenly appeared in the **** eyes of the demon ape, it instinctively felt the danger, and then its claws leaned forward, and grabbed the sword light that looked like a horse.


The unmatched sword light shattered under the sharp claws of the demon ape.

"Roar!" The demon ape uttered a earth-shaking roar. The huge body as large as a hill, turned upside down at the moment of grabbing the sword light, a hood of blood, bursting into the air, a **** wave The smell floated in the air suddenly.

"Boom!" The whole ground trembled, and the demon ape fell into the forest, and a piece of woodland was immediately destroyed at the feet of the violent ape. I saw the huge pair of claws of the violent ape, which was **** and blood flowing. Out, dripping to the ground.

"Huh!" The violent ape made a move that Gu Fei could not imagine. It turned around and fled, "Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!".

The heavy footsteps caused the woodland to tremble, and wherever the ape passed, all the trees fell, and the broken branches and leaves were flying.

"Flee there!"

The white-clothed young man was taken aback for a moment. He didn't think that this demon ape would escape, so he jumped up and turned towards the other end like a phantom.

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