Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4782: The remnants of the ancient times reappear

Shang Qingzong, in fact, has always been in the ancestor of Tenglong, and has not left.

At the beginning, the Shang Qing Sect was attached to the Huanggu Zhou family in the Southern Wilderness, but the Huanggu Zhou family was trapped in an internal struggle, and finally the entire Zhou family fell apart and completely declined.

The Shang Qingzong took the opportunity to occupy a small extraterritorial world that originally belonged to the ancient Zhou family, and successfully escaped the most chaotic period.

After playing the ancient Zhou family, the major forces in the Southern Territory of Tenglong Ancestral Star divided the Zhou family's territory. The Qinglong clan, the Suzaku clan, the White Tiger clan, and the Xuanwu clan were all very powerful.

In the current human world, Tenglong ancestors are in the Southern Wilderness, and the strong come out in large numbers, and the Azure Dragon returns to the Southern Wilderness, and directly retreats to the extreme realm.

At this time, the Shangqing Sect, who had been in hiding for many years, was attacked into the small world of Shangqing. Countless disciples were brutally murdered, and even the high-level members of the Shangqing Sect died a lot.

Now, the enemy has surrounded the gate of Shang Qingzong, and only after the duel of the big men on the top of the mountain is over, the battlefield will be cleared.

Among these mysterious people who suddenly appeared, the head of the black-clothed man had reached the realm of quasi-supreme, and the strongest master of the Shangqing Sect was only the realm of the holy.

This mysterious man in black has never taken any action. Even so, the Shang Qingzong was killed by the men in black, and it was impossible to compete with these people.

And now, on the square in front of the ancestral hall of Shang Qingzong, the mysterious man in black is finally about to make a move. This final blow needs him to complete.

Just when Lin Xueer and others were desperate, Gu Fei came.

"Gu...Gu Fei..."

Lin Xueer's voice trembled.

"It's you?"

The man in black seemed to be scared to pee.

"Are you the remnant of Yuangu?"

Gu Fei could see the reality of this guy at a glance.


The man in black was even more shocked, and involuntarily stepped back.

Yuan Gu is definitely the most mysterious person in the ages, even Gu Fei has never seen his real body, but the power of the Yuan Gu is extraordinary.

No matter how Gu Fei was destroyed, the power of the Proterozoic would be inexhaustible. After a long time, the power of the Proterozoic would reappear again, which made Gu Fei a headache.


The man in black turned around and fled.

However, Gu Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed the black man who had fled.

The man in black couldn't help but flew towards Gu Fei's big hand, and was grabbed by Gu Fei's big hand.


The man in black exploded directly, and a terrifying destructive force burst out.

However, Gu Fei remained unscathed.

Quasi-Supreme's self-destruction is no small matter, but Gu Fei has confined this power, otherwise, once this power is allowed to explode, the entire Shangqing Xiaotiandi will probably be destroyed.

However, such strength is too weak for him.

"Ancestral Realm?"

Gu Fei directly read the soul memory of this guy, but he only knew that there was a base of Proterozoic in the Ancestral Realm, and this man in black was the remnant of the Proterozoic from the Ancestral Realm.

In the next moment, all of the men in black exploded in an instant, turned into a cloud of blood, and disappeared directly.

When Shang Qingzong saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded.

"The young disciple of the Taixuan Clan back then has become so powerful?"

Many people in the Shang Qing sect knew about Gu Fei, but they had been in hiding for too long, and news from the outside world could not be spread into this small world.

Shang Qingzong didn't even know that the outside world had turned upside down, and they didn't think that the Gu Fei in front of them was so powerful as to be invincible in the world.

Afterwards, Gu Fei was invited into the Shangqing ancestral hall by Lin Jinghong, the contemporary lord of Shangqing Sect.

I don't know what Gu Fei and the high-level officials of Shangqingzong said, the whole Shangqingzong is actually preparing to move out of the small world of Shangqing.

Shang Qingzong wants to open another mountain gate in Tenglong Zuxing.

The place is ready, that is, the ancestral land of the Huanggu Zhou family.

The ancestral land of the current Huanggu Zhou family was occupied by the Hundred Races Alliance of the Southern Wilderness.

The so-called Hundred Races Alliance is actually a great alliance of the major races in the Southern Wilderness, and they are all alliances of small and medium forces.

For example, the Azure Dragon clan, the Suzaku clan, the Baihu clan and the Xuanwu clan, did not join this hundreds of clan alliances, with the strength of the four major clans, there is no need to rely on the alliance to survive.

Gu Fei appeared in the Southern Wilderness.

His appearance immediately caused a sensation, and the Qinglong clan was even more frightened. You must know that when Gu Fei made his debut that year, he fought against the heroes in the Southern Wilderness. His strongest opponent was Qinglong.

Gu Fei appeared in the Southern Wilderness, and it was at the sensitive time when the Qinglong retreat hit the extreme realm, no wonder the Qinglong clan didn't frighten.

It was the Xuanwu clan and the Baihu clan for fear that Gu Fei would come here.

However, they all thought too much. Now Gu Fei didn't bother to care about these guys. He went directly to the ancestral land of the ancient Zhou family.


He just said a word, and then, the Hundred Clan Alliance, which had occupied the ancestral land of the ancient Zhou family for decades, went all out in despair.

What Hundred Clan Alliance was simply a joke in Gu Fei's eyes.

The ancestral land of the ancient Zhou family has long been dilapidated, and even the ancestral veins of the earth deep in the earth have been severely damaged, but after all, this is the ancestral land of the ancient Zhou family.

Although the earth veins are damaged, they are not impossible to repair.

Gu Fei immediately set about repairing this ancestral land.


The sky and the earth shook, and the broken peaks flew up from the ground, and the broken earth veins were continuously connected, and the aura of the whole world was aroused.

Those Southern Wilderness strongmen who saw this scene in the distance were all stunned.

This is definitely a way to change the world, it's too scary, no wonder he can step into the extinction land, flatten the devil's cave, and kill the ultimate demon ancestor!

Under the dumbfounded gaze of all the Southern Wilderness experts, since Gu Fei had only used less than two hours to repair the ancestral land of the ancient Zhou family.

From the extent of the destruction of the ancient Zhou family's ancestral land, Gu Fei could imagine how terrifying the war that broke out here back then.

You know, the ancestral land of the ancient Zhou family must be guarded by countless formations and blessed by the power of countless formations. The battle that year almost destroyed this ancestral land.

In that civil war in Huanggu Zhou's family, I am afraid that all forces except the power of the extreme path have already been used.

Repairing an ancestral land is just a piece of cake for Gu Fei in the eternal realm. When Lin Xueer came out of the small world of Shangqing, she saw the gathering of spiritual energy in front of her. At that time, it was stunned.

With the return of the Shang Qing sect, Tenglong Zuxing, the former Three Avenue Gate of the Eastern Region, finally reappeared in the world.

After the affairs of Shang Qingzong came to an end, Gu Fei was looking for the disciples who had disappeared that year, Chilong, Yaoyue, where did you go?

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