Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4791: Kowtow to apologize

As soon as Gu Fei's incarnation arrived, he threw Chilong and Yaoyue into the battlefield where the dragon demon clan and the black demon clan were fighting.

Their appearance directly caused the powerful demons of the two camps to attack them at the same time.

Yaoyue confronted an ancient demon saint, and this ancient demon saint cultivated kendo, which made Yaoyue very surprised.

At this time, the demon cloud enveloped one area, and the demon energy on the battlefield was mighty. Many fierce demons fought in the sky and smashed into the demon cloud.

Yaoyue and Chilong both fought endless battles with their opponents. This time, they met their opponents, and their opponents were not bad.


Suddenly, a demon howl came from the depths of the ancestral land of the black demon clan.

Rolling sound waves came from the depths of the ancestral land of the Black Demon clan, spreading mightily, and the whole area suddenly had magical shadows falling from the sky like meteors.

The whole world shook, and the powerful demon masters in the realm of power were directly roared from the air by this demon roar.


Everyone stopped, even Chilong and Yaoyue stopped, and they all looked into the depths of the ancestral land of the Black Demon clan.

A blast of black demon energy burst into the sky from the ancestral land of the black demon clan, and the majestic power was gathering.


Heaven and earth descended a lot of black demon thunder, tearing apart the void, as terrifying as the arrival of the end.




In the ancestral land of the Black Demon Clan, a shocking collision sounded, and the entire mountain trembling amidst the bombardment, everyone was extremely nervous.

Dao Dao, like the dark magic light of the light of destruction, constantly rushed out of the ancestral land of the black demon clan.

"A fierce demon cannot be born."

"The devil is chaotic, and the creatures are overwhelmed. They can't let them succeed!"

The face of the strong demon clan of the dragon demon clan is ugly to the extreme.

"Haha, my ancestor is leaving the customs."

The people of the Dark Demons were surprised and delighted, and the Dark Demons seemed to be emerging.


Thunderbolt shook the sky, and the sky above the magic cloud suddenly flashed with thunder, and a magic hammer appeared directly above the magic cloud, changing into the size of a mountain, emitting thousands of magic light lightning, towards the ancestral land of the black demon clan below Bombarded away.

The world seems to be broken.


A roar came from the depths of the ancestral land of the Black Demon clan, and then, a **** magic light rushed out from the depths of the ancestral land of the Black Demon clan, and directly collided with the magic hammer that fell from the sky.


With a loud noise, the magic hammer that fell from the sky was directly blasted away and disappeared.

At the same time, a big dark hand rushed out from the depths of the ancestral land of the Black Demon Clan, and shot at the powerful Demon Clan among the demon clouds in the sky.

Seeing that the dozens of powerful dragons and demons on the cloud head were about to be smashed into **** by the demon hand, a thousand-zhang demon shadow walked directly out of the demon cloud, and hit it directly with a fist. The magic hand blasted away.

A huge fist, like a hill, under one punch, the void seemed to be collapsed.


With a sneer, I remembered that the palms of the fists intersect instantly, and the magic hand that had been shot from the depths of the ancestral land of the Black Demon clan dissipated into the void.

The strong man of the Dragon Demon clan was directly shot and flew thousands of miles away by the demon hand.

A figure surrounded by demonic energy appeared above the sky, overlooking the world.


The people of the black demons were surprised when they saw the middle-aged man. Their first ancestor had left.


The strong demon clan of the dragon demon clan sees that the situation is not good, and is about to run away.

"No one can leave, you are all going to die!"

The ancestor of the Black Demon clan roared and shot, and saw him open his mouth and inhale, and the endless magical aura gathered at him from all directions.

What makes the scalp numb is that the body of the countless demon races of the Dragon Demon clan is unexpectedly rushed out of the body of the demon Dao essence, and their vitality is rapidly losing.

Soon, the members of the weakly cultivated dragon demon clan turned into a corpse, and their spirits were completely swallowed by the ancestor of the black demon clan.

Even the powerful demon clan powerhouses of the great energy level, their vitality is being swallowed by the ancestor of the black demon uncontrollably, and all become the power of the ancestor of the black demon.

"go to hell!"

At this moment, the demon cloud that had not been dispelled actually seemed to be burning, emitting an endless black light, like the burning sky demon fire, burning the void into a distortion.

All the magic clouds hurriedly gathered in the middle, and a magic formation was revealed. At this time, the power of the magic formation seemed to have reached its limit.

The ancestor of the black demon, trapped in the demon formation, was still devouring the vitality of other demon races, and did not stop.


The magic array suddenly collapsed, and terrifying magic power spread out in all directions.

The ancestor of the black demon swallowed his vitality frantically, and even the magic formation could not bear it, and collapsed.

The ancestor of the black demon was even more rude, madly devouring the spiritual energy around the world, wanting to break through the shackles of cultivation and achieve the supreme Supreme.

However, this Fang Tiandi couldn't give birth to Extreme Dao Supreme, and what the ancestor of the black demon did was destined to be in vain.

Soon, the members of the Dragon Demon clan were all dead, and they all received their lunch.

No one thought that the dragon demon clan would be annihilated, and even the head of the dragon demon clan almost finished playing.

The ancestor of the black demons is too cruel.

"You two can ignore my devouring power?"

The ancestor of the black devil stared at Chilong and Yaoyue.


At this time, through the dazzling technique, the eternal demon boy and Ziyang Tiandi who were watching the trials of Chilong and Yaoyue could not sit still.

"Do you bully the small with the big?"

Chilong said coldly.

"I'm just bullying the small, how about?"

The ancestor of the black demons grinned.


Chilong and Yaoyue were both startled and angry.

"Master, come and help!"

Chilong suddenly opened his throat and shouted.

"Hmph, no one in this world can save you, you should save some energy!"

The ancestor of the Dark Demon is very confident.

"is it?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang behind the black demon's ancestor.


The black demon ancestor's surprise was really not trivial. He locked himself in a retreat, did not practice successfully, and would not easily leave.

He thought he was invincible in the world, but at this time, he was shocked in a cold sweat, and the other party came behind him, and he didn't notice it.

If the other party wanted to attack him, there was definitely an 80% chance of success just now.

In other words, it was extremely easy for the opponent to kill him just now.

He turned around abruptly, and saw a boy in black looking at himself with a smile.

"who are you?"

The ancestor of the black devil stared at Gu Fei's incarnation and said in a deep voice.

"You don't know what you said, come here, kowtow and apologize, I will spare you."

Gu Fei's clone said.


The ancestor of the black demon was angry, and this guy dared to be presumptuous in front of him, asking himself to bow his head and apologize? If I did, this old face would be shameless.

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