Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4784: Human True Hero Panwu

The demons of the Yuanmo world are over.

The strong in the entire Demon Race were killed by him, and the rest were just some small shrimps. The Human Race in the Yuan Demon Realm was about to rise.

Gu Fei's incarnation then began to build a cross-border array.

Within a few days, an altar appeared among the mountains, sitting on the top of a mountain.

"Master, did you really rebuild the altar?"

Minglie could hardly believe his eyes.

He stepped forward and placed one hand on the altar, and then used the power of the magic way.


There was a tremor in the void, and then the void around the three heads was covered with array patterns after another.


A light gate appeared above the sky.

"Go, go to the Underworld Realm and see."

With a wave of the big sleeve of Gu Fei's avatar, he immediately took the Elder Demon Boy and Ziyang Heavenly Emperor into the big sleeve, then rose up into the sky and rushed directly into the light gate.


Seeing this scene, Ming Lie was stunned. How could this guy rush me?

He also rose up into the sky and entered the light gate.

At this time, Gu Fei's avatar only felt that the sky was spinning around for a while, and then his eyes lit up, and he appeared in a valley.

He looked around and saw that there was also an altar not far from them.

The function of the altar is to build the gate of light. Through the gate of light, they can cross borders and back and forth between the two worlds.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared beside Gu Fei's incarnation. This fellow was his own, the unlucky fellow in the Underworld, Ming Lie.

Gu Fei's avatar immediately waved his big sleeve, and four figures appeared in the void.

They are Chilong, Yaoyue, Bold Demon Boy and Ziyang Tiandi.

Gu Fei's incarnation did not take the Five Elements Heavenly Emperor away from the Yuan Demon Realm.

Chilong and the others just came out of the big sleeves of Gu Fei's incarnation, they felt a powerful oppressive force, and this oppressive force originated from the entire world.

The Underworld is a world with perfect laws of heaven and earth, and the power of the laws of heaven and earth here is much stronger than that of the original demon world.

However, Chilong and Yaoyue are both saints, and Bulao Yaotong and Ziyang Tiandi are quasi-sages, and they soon adapted to them.

"Haha...really back."

That Ming Lie laughed excitedly.

"Welcome the master's return."

At this moment, the three magic shadows rushed in from outside the valley, fell in front of Ming Lie, and lay directly on the ground, saying very respectfully.


Chilong and the others were taken aback. These three demons turned out to be Quasi-Supreme-level existence.

The Quasi-Supreme-level demon actually bowed so humbly in front of Ming Lie, which made Chilong and the others unbelievable. You know, Quasi-Supreme, in the Primordial Demon Realm, can already be an emperor.

But here, those emperors are actually kneeling down to worship Minglie.

"Hmm! Get up!"

Ming Lie nodded and said.

"Thank you, Master."

The three demon heads stood up cautiously, and then looked at Gu Fei's incarnation, Chilong and the others warily.

"You are very prestigious here!"

Gu Fei's avatar said calmly.

"Uh, the master joked."

Ming Lie quickly said.


When the three demon heads heard Minglie calling a black-clothed young man his host, they were immediately shocked. What is going on and which one are they playing?

"Well, tell me about the forces in this Underworld Realm!"

Gu Fei's incarnation didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy, but he planted a forbidden law on this guy, but he was not afraid of this guy flying into the sky.

"This one……"

Minglie explained the situation of the entire Underworld Realm.

It turns out that this Underworld is also a world dominated by demons, and there are also human races here, but the human race is almost dead.

There is no other reason, that is, being almost driven to extinction by the demons.

However, almost, the human race has not really been extinct, because the underworld demon world once produced a human race supreme, this human race extreme supreme killed the Quartet, and countless demons in the underworld demon have suffered.

In the end, the ultimate supreme of the human race shocked several demon ancestors, and those demon ancestors joined hands and severely damaged the ultimate supreme of the human race.

That human race supreme, before dying, opened up a territory for the human race that only the human race can enter with his own extreme power.

Even the Demon Ancestor couldn't get in.

Because the Extreme Dao Supreme of the Human Race, the power that burst out before his death was too strong, even if the Demon Ancestor wanted to break through, he would have to pay a heavy price.

No Demon Ancestor was willing to pay that price, so the human domain of the Underworld Demon Realm was preserved in this way.

In order to protect the human race in the Nether Demon Realm, the Extreme Supreme Supreme of the Human Race did not hesitate to sacrifice himself. He is the great hero of the human race in the Under Demon Realm.

He opened up the human domain for the human race, and the human race can thrive in the human realm for endless years.

The human race in the human realm built a temple to commemorate the human supreme, and that human supreme, named Panwu, is the ancestor of the Pan race among the human race of the underworld.

"What a Panwu!"

After listening to the story of Panwu, Gu Fei’s avatar couldn’t help sighing, sacrificing himself for the sake of the human race, not hesitating to impose a ban on the human race, opening up a place for the human race to protect the human race, he is a true hero.

However, there are countless races of demons in the Underworld. The strongest are the cow demons, the dragons, and the five element demons, the wind demons, the wing demons, and the corpse demons.

The most powerful and mysterious is the Hongmeng Demon Race.

Among these demons, there are Extreme Demon Ancestors, and the Five Elements Demon Race has more than a dozen Extreme Demon Ancestors, which is the strongest Demon Race apart from the Hongmeng Demon Race.

The incarnation of Gu Fei really admired Panwu, and even found a respite for the human race in such a harsh environment.

However, according to what Minglie said, in recent years, the power of forbidden law under Panwu has gradually weakened. Once the power of forbidden law disappears, it will be the time when the human race will be destroyed.

"Master, we have to help a bunch of human races here."

Yaoyue said.

"Yes! Master, the human race here is really miserable."

Chilong also said.

"Well, it looks like we are going to kill again."

Gu Fei's incarnation sighed, violating my human race, even if it is far away, it will be punishable.

"Haha, let's kill it? With you human races?"

At this moment, a loud laugh came from outside the valley, and then more than a dozen demon shadows rushed in from the valley, and the two heads turned out to be two extreme demon ancestors.

The demon power erupted from the extreme demon ancestor, almost everyone in the valley could not breathe.

"You Sha, Wu Xiao, it's you? How do you know here?"

Ming Lie couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the two great extreme demon ancestors.

These two guys have hunted and killed themselves for thousands of years, and even their real bodies didn't know where they were hiding. They didn't expect them to find them in the end.

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