Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4787: Weird supernatural powers

In the Feitian Devil City, on the street, the Fei Tian Devil stopped Gu Fei's incarnation and the group of people, the man killed, and the woman grabbed back to warm the bed.

This flying demon was so arrogant, it immediately aroused everyone's anger.


Feitian Devil was not joking, an old servant in black next to him shot directly, only to see the old servant stretched out his right hand and grabbed Ming Lie's forehead directly.

"court death!"

Ming Lie is not a good-tempered master. He moved, but he didn't seem to move again, because his movements were too fast, and the afterimages left by him had not disappeared. He returned to where he stood.

It was as if he had never moved.

But at this moment, the old servant of Fei Tian Devilzi was cast by someone else, standing there motionless, maintaining the posture of shooting.

"What's wrong with this guy."

Fei Tian Mozi pushed his own old servant, and then, almost scared him to pee, the black-clothed old servant seemed to fall apart, and it broke into tens of thousands of pieces and splashed with blood. He is all in.


The Flying Devil was shocked and angry.

"Do you know who Lao Tzu is? Lao Tzu is the only son of the city lord, the city lord, do you know? The flying devil ancestor is Lao Tzu's father, anyone who dares to kill Lao Tzu is dead."

The Flying Devil yelled.

"Oh, I'm so scared, haha..."

Minglie laughed loudly.

"It's another guy who doesn't learn or know how to play, but only knows how to fight father."

Chilong said disdainfully, he looked down on these guys most.


Gu Fei's incarnation directly ordered Minglie.

"Yes, master!"

Ming Lie hurriedly took his command, then grinned and forced him step by step towards the Flying Devil.

"you dare!"

The Flying Devil was shocked and angry.

"Why don't I dare?"

Minglie smiled and said.

"You guys get on it!"

Fei Tian Devil shouted at the people behind him.


More than a dozen powerful demons immediately roared and shot towards Minglie.

"A bunch of trash!"

Ming Lie sneered, and immediately fought against these dozen demon heads. This was a one-sided battle. He punched a dozen demon heads and all of them became scum.

However, the Flying Devil directly turned around and fled while ordering his subordinate Xiang Minglie to shoot.

This time it was really kicked on the iron plate.

However, Minglie didn't let the Flying Devil's plan go.

I saw him jump up and descend from the sky, stepping this arrogant and domineering flying demon under his feet.

"Forgive me, good fellow, please don't kill me."

The Fei Tian Devil was stepped on the ground by Ming Lie, shaking with fright.

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

Minglie smiled.

"This this this..."

Flying Devil is really anxious.

"No? Then go to death!"

Minglie stepped **** his right foot and said "touch!"

At the moment when Ming Lie killed the Flying Devil, a roar came from the city lord's mansion.


Endless demon energy erupted from the city lord's mansion, and instantly enveloped the entire sky, and a powerful demon power descended on everyone.

The countless demons in the entire Flying Demon City were panicked to the extreme.

That is the magic power of the Extreme Dao level, and most people simply cannot bear it.

"Who is it, who dares to kill my son."

The voice of the Flying Demon Ancestor came from the city lord's mansion, and his grief and anger were extreme. Someone dared to kill him, the son of the city lord, in the flying devil city. It was too arrogant.

"How about Lao Tzu who killed it?"

Ming Lie said coldly in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.


As soon as Ming Lie finished speaking, a magical shadow appeared opposite him.

"It's just an avatar, so crazy?"

Fei Tian Demon Ancestor stared at Ming Lie opposite, furious, that was his only son, who was killed in this way, and he was still on his own territory.

The other party simply doesn't put himself in his eyes!

"Cut, that precious son who madly overwhelmed you? He was going to kill and rob him in broad daylight. I killed him, it would be cheap for him."

Ming Lie sneered. With Gu Fei's incarnation behind his back, he was not afraid of Flying Demon Ancestor.

"go to hell!"

Flying Demon Ancestor slapped Ming Lie directly with a palm.

The powerful force waved vigorously, and the entire city was shaking.

"the host……"

Minglie escaped faster than the rabbit, and as soon as the Flying Demon Ancestor shot, he hid behind Gu Fei's incarnation.

"This guy was bluffing me?"

Thinking of this, the Flying Demon Ancestor became even more angry.

"Go and die!"

The Flying Demon Ancestor didn't hesitate, and the huge magic hand shot directly at Gu Fei's avatar and them, covering everyone under the magic hand.


The void under the demon hand was bursting into space cracks after another.


The incarnation of Gu Fei and the Flying Demon Ancestor slapped a palm. He was still like a mountain. The Flying Demon Ancestor actually took a half step back. It was this half step that made the Flying Demon Ancestor almost crazy.

He was a dignified Demon Ancestor, Extreme Demon Venerable, but he was shocked by a human race for half a step, which made it difficult for him to accept.

"Extreme Demon Killing Domain!"

Flying Demon Ancestor directly displayed his assassin.

Gu Fei's avatar only felt that the sky was spinning, as if he had entered another world, and it was pitch black everywhere.


A magic light flashed, and he didn't even avoid it. The magic light directly hit him, and directly slashed him for a dozen miles.

However, in this demon realm, there was pitch black all around, and Gu Fei's avatar didn't know how the other party wanted to attack him.


Gu Fei's avatar smiled and saw countless light blades slashing towards him from all directions, he opened his mouth and sucked, and the endless light blades were all swallowed by him.

Not only was he devouring those light blades, he was devouring the power of this demon realm.

All magical powers, all assassins, are to be promoted with power, without the blessing of power, no magical powers can be displayed.

"You lunatic."

At this time, Flying Demon Ancestor was shocked to the extreme, and the other party used this trick to break his own demon realm.


The entire Demon Realm was shaking, and countless spatial cracks broke out, and it seemed that it would be unable to hold it.

Flying Demon Ancestor can only put away this magical power.

"Haha, what, go on! Why did you stop?"

The incarnation of Gu Fei, who had devoured a lot of energy, laughed.


Flying Demon Ancestor is not light.

The next moment, he disappeared unexpectedly.


Gu Fei's incarnation was taken aback, what magical power is this?

Then, a fist suddenly appeared in the void and hit his back fiercely. He staggered a few steps forward and almost broke his spine.

This was a punch of the Extreme Dao Demon Venerable. If I changed to a normal Extreme Dao Supreme Venerable, he would be crippled by this punch. Unfortunately, the person this Flying Demon Ancestor encountered was the incarnation of Gu Fei.

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