Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4789: Others eat chicken and I eat cow

Panwu Territory has existed for endless years. It is the great hero Panwu of the Underworld Demon Race to open the realm with his life, born in a small world where the Human Race can thrive and thrive.

The human race has multiplied endless years in the Panwu domain. Among the human race, each generation is strong, but no one can take that last step and achieve the ultimate supreme.

Without Jidao Supreme, the human race of the Underworld can only hide in the Panwu Realm and dare not come out.

Of course, Human Race does not completely cut off contact with the outside world. Human Race still often sends people out of Panwu domain secretly to collect information from the outside world.

The so-called knowing oneself, knowing the enemy will win every battle.

The human races in the Panwu Region are always preparing to break out of the Panwu Region again.

However, right now, the field power of Panwu Realm is steadily weakening. This is definitely a catastrophe for the human race, and it is related to the survival of the human race.

What makes people desperate is that they don't know why the power of the field will be weakened, and why this happens.

Without knowing the reason, there is no way to solve it.

Just when a group of high-ranking human races in the Panwu Region were at a loss, the incarnation of Gu Fei appeared in a city three hundred miles away from the Panwu Region with the Immortal Demon Boy, Chilong, and Yaoyue.

They were teleported directly from Flying Demon City to this Demon City.

This magic city is called the Scarlet Sky Demon City, and its lord is a great demon of the Sovereign level, named Scarlet Heaven.

Gu Fei's clone, they didn't want to care about this Scarlet Heaven Demon Saint, but this guy came to the door directly, wanting to destroy these human races who suddenly broke into the Demon City.

Since you want to destroy Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu can't help it.

Without using Gu Fei's clone to make a move, Ziyang Tiandi directly struck forward and killed the city lord of the Scarlet Heaven Devil City.

The demon sage of the Sovereign level is vulnerable to a blow before the quasi-sovereign.

"Too cruel..."

The entire Scarlet Heaven Demon City shook, and there was even a human race in the Scarlet Heaven Demon City, and the Lord of the City was killed, and countless demon heads in the city were fidgeting.

Some demons even escaped directly from Scarlet Sky Demon City.

"Human race was killed from Panwu Realm?"

Some powerful demons exclaimed.

In fact, the demon heads of the big powers in the Demon Race are very clear, as long as there is a Supreme Dao Supreme in the Human Race again, the Human Race will be killed from the Panwu Realm, and then compete with the Demon Race for the dominance of this world. .

"The power of the Panwu domain has begun to weaken. Will the human race want to die?"

A demon among the demons said such words.

This possibility is very high, because once the Panwu domain has a problem and cannot protect the human race, then the human race will never sit back and die.

It's not impossible that the human race and the demons will have a dead fish and net break.

All this is just speculation by all parties.

However, just when Gu Fei’s avatar appeared in Scarlet Sky Demon City, the three ancient Demon Lords who walked out of the Demon Race’s holy land finally blocked them in Scarlet Sky Demon City when Gu Fei and the others left. .

When three huge demon shadows appeared outside Scarlet Sky Demon City, the entire East State of the Underworld Demon Realm was a sensation.

The giants among the countless demons rushed to Dongzhou, to the Scarlet Sky Demon City.

Ancient Demon Venerable, it hasn't appeared for a long time, these are super old antiques, they have existed for endless years, and the cultivation base is extremely powerful, far from the average Extreme Demon Venerable.

There are even some ancient demons who have lived since ancient times to the present.

Some ancient demons even fought against Pangu, a human hero.

"Human race, come out and die!"

The old voice spread throughout the Scarlet Heaven Demon City.

"It's so funny, why don't you come in and let us kill?"

In the city lord's mansion, Chilong directly slammed back.

They are grilling in the backyard of the city lord's mansion. The ingredients for the barbecue are the lord of the Scarlet Heaven Demon City, the Scarlet Heaven Demon Saint.

The true body of Scarlet Demon Saint is a cow. Yes, this Scarlet Demon City is the territory of the Cow Demon clan, so they are roasting a cow.

It's too extravagant, a cow the size of a hill, they are roasting the whole cow, and the oily light that has been tested, the smell of meat floated out of the city lord's mansion, causing the demon in the city to move the index finger.

"Brother, are you familiar?"

Yaoyue took a knife and cut a small piece of beef on the grill and ate it.

This demon cow was a demon sage, and it was an ordinary fire of the holy sage level, and it was not cooked yet, but the sacred fire released by Gu Fei's incarnation was just enough to roast this demon cow.

"Your mouth is full of oil, and you ask me if I am cooked?"

Chilong was speechless, he also cut meat, drank, and ate.

This roasted magic beef is really good, it melts in your mouth, it is the best thing they have eaten in recent years.

"you guys……"

When an Ancient Demon Venerable outside the city saw the scene in the backyard of the City Lord’s Mansion, it almost went crazy, because this Ancient Demon Venerable was from the Cow Demon clan.

The other two Ancient Demon Venerables outside the city were also dumbfounded.

These human races are so awesome that they dare to roast a demon saint of the Niu Devil clan and eat it. This time, the old Niu is going to go crazy.

"You all die to me!"

The Ancient Demon Venerable of the Bull Demon clan roared and slapped directly towards the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.


The huge magical hand immediately enveloped the entire sky, and the entire world suddenly became dark, as if the night had suddenly fallen.

The terrifying extreme magic power erupted from the magic hand, and the countless demons within a radius of 100,000 li were all panicked to the extreme.

The demons in the Scarlet Sky Demon City, those with weak cultivation bases exploded and died, and those with high cultivation bases lost their lives.

This ancient demon of the bull demon clan simply ignored the life and death of the demon in the city.

He is the aloof Ancient Demon Venerable, and he never puts his eyes on the life and death of ordinary demons.


The whole world seemed to be collapsing, the magic hand that fell from the sky suddenly stopped in the sky above the city lord's mansion, unable to take it off, and encountered an invisible force.

"Haha, do you want to come in for a drink and meat?"

Chilong laughed.

"Eat your head!"

The anger of Ancient Demon Lord of the Cow Demon clan, he slapped it again, but, as before, his magic hand with the terrifying power of destroying the world was blocked again.

"Don't bother about these guys, let's eat and drink first."

Everyone gathered around the grill, cutting the magic beef on the grill while drinking the fairy brew. This is simply a kind of supreme enjoyment.

Ming Lie was afraid of offending the cow and demons at first, so he didn't eat it.

But this guy soon couldn't help but join the team of eating cows.

Big bowl of wine, big chunks of meat, that's cool!

"Haha, I heard that people often eat chicken, but we are eating cows."

Ming Lie laughed.

At this time, the Ancient Demon Lord of the Cow Demon clan outside the city was mad by the popularity of Chilong and others.

"You bastards, I want to swallow you alive."

The Ancient Demon Venerable of the Bull Demon clan roared at them, his eyes red.

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