Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4795: Enter Panwu domain

After all, the Demon Ancestor of Hong Mong is the supreme demon ancestor bred from the chaos and cosmos, how could it be so easily defeated by Gu Fei's incarnation.

But at this time, this Hong Mongol Demon Ancestor had to use real power and no longer retained it.

You know, the power of this foot of Gu Fei's incarnation is really too terrifying, his foot fell, and the whole world shook.

The Hong Meng Demon Ancestor had already felt the power of this foot before it really hit the ground.

The endless pressure that descended from the sky acted on the Hong Meng Demon Ancestor's body, and the ground under his feet was instantly cracked by him.

"You forced me!"

Hong Meng Demon Ancestor looked up to the sky and roared, and the next moment, a terrifying magical aura erupted from his body, and an unprecedentedly powerful magical power erupted from his body.

In the next moment, sharp bone spurs pierced the clothes on the back of the Hongmeng Demon Ancestor and penetrated out, and pieces of black scales emerged on his body.

Then, under the horrified gazes of all the extreme demon ancestors and the immortal demon boy who were watching the battle, a terrifying monster appeared in front of them.

This Hong Mongol Demon Ancestor actually appeared.

It was a demon creature with numerous bone spurs on its back, shaped like a dragon but also like a crocodile.

Even Gu Fei's incarnation has never seen such a terrifying and hideous Demon creature. This demon creature has a big mouth and a mouth full of sharp teeth.

If you get a bite, it's no joke.

The violent Extreme Dao Demon's might spread out, and even those Extreme Demon Venerables who watched the battle from a distance felt great pressure, and many Extreme Demon Venerables directly retreated.

Under the protection of an ancient tripod, the immortal demon boy stopped in the air to watch the battle.

In fact, this Scarlet Cloud Demon City wouldn't be destroyed if it hadn't been for the Old Demon Boy and the others to take the ancient cauldron and protect the body with the strength of the ancient cauldron.

Of course, if Scarlet Cloud Devil City is destroyed or not, it has nothing to do with them.

They don't have a good impression of the demons themselves.

You know, in this Underworld, except for the Martial Realm, the human races in other places have been killed by the creatures of the demons.


Gu Fei's incarnation didn't matter so much, he stepped the demonic creature transformed by the Hong Mong Demon Ancestor into the ground with one foot, and the dust suddenly rose, and a huge footprint appeared on the ground.


Not the old demon boy, Yaoyue and others were shocked to see this scene.

Master is too rough and cruel.


There was a dull roar from the ground, and the next moment, the area of ​​a radius of 10,000 li suddenly exploded, endless sand and dust rushed to the sky, monstrous demon energy erupted, and a demon shadow rushed out of the ground.

"Oh, I'm a little capable!"

Gu Fei's incarnation was a little surprised. Lao Tzu's Dali King Kong legs couldn't step on this guy. The monster that Hongmeng conceived was thick and thick skinned!

"I don't believe it anymore, look at me breaking Jiquan!"

Gu Fei's incarnation directly jumped on.

In the next moment, countless shadows of fists fell directly on the demon shadow that rushed out of the ground, and the intensive impact continued to sound, and the monster let out a scream.

There was a rain of magic blood from the sky.

This is a breaking fist, Gu Fei's incarnation hit hundreds of punches at a time, and almost instantly exhausted his vitality and consumed too much.

Every punch in the body of this ancient ancestor-level demon creature is a blood hole, and the violent punch is enough to ignore all defenses and kill everything.

This ancient ancestor-level Demon Clan creature, no matter how powerful it was, could not bear it.

The results of Gu Fei's incarnation were astonishing. A demon creature bred from the Great Meng was actually blown up by him, and even the soul was scattered in the void.

Killing the Demon Ancestor of Hong Mong in a second shocked all those Extreme Demon Venerables who watched the battle, and then turned around and fled.

The hearts of those Extreme Dao Demon Venerables are collapsed. Nima and even the Hong Meng Demon Ancestor were blown up by this guy. They didn't run away, staying and giving away their heads, ah, wasn't it?


Gu Fei's avatar fell directly from the air. He was really tired, very tired, and his vitality consumed 95%.

If at this time, if Extreme Dao Demon Venerable shot him, he could only accept his fate and wait for death.

However, the Extreme Demon Sovereign who was watching the show were stunned by him, and they escaped in an instant, without the courage to look back.


Yaoyue and the others rushed over.

Chilong hugged the incarnation of Gu Fei that had fallen from the sky.

"Go, go to Panwuyu."

Gu Fei's avatar said that he is very weak now, once the Extreme Demon Venerables react and kill a carbine, they will be cold.

Panwu Region, the distance from Scarlet Cloud Demon City was not too far, less than half an hour, they came to the vicinity of Panwu Region.

Gu Fei's avatar took a magical medicine, and his vitality recovered to about 30%.

At this time, everyone felt a great righteous aura coming from the front. This aura, to the radiant, was the nemesis of the magic way.

The incarnation of Gu Fei hadn't really entered the Panwu Realm, but they found that the surrounding area didn't even have a demon creature.

However, there have been many creatures that are not demons.

Panwu Territory is a forbidden area for the demons. The weak demons simply cannot bear the mighty righteousness that emerges from the Panwu Territory. If they reluctantly break into it, it is to die.

"This is Panwu Domain?"

Gu Fei's avatar felt the mighty power fluctuations between heaven and earth, and he dared not be shocked.

He finally understood why the demons dared not break in.

Panwu Domain was actually conscious, with a ray of divine thought attached to this heaven and earth.

In other words, in Panwu back then, there is still a ray of spiritual thought that has not dissipated, and this spiritual thought has long been integrated with the Panwu domain.

To some extent, the entire Panwu domain is a special life form.

Soon, Gu Fei and the others will truly enter the Panwu Realm.

At this time, a large group of people greeted from Panwu domain.

"Haha..., the presence of distinguished guests is really brilliant!"

Among the group of people in the Panwu Region, the headed person laughed and said, this person is the clan leader of the Panwu Region Human Race.

The incarnation of Gu Fei, they were directly invited into the Panwu Region by the Human Race Master of Panwu Region.

The Human Race in Panwu Realm didn't dare to neglect. You know, Gu Fei's incarnation is the Supreme Human Race, and he just felt a Hong Mongol Demon Ancestor.

The opportunity for the Underworld Human Race to stand up.

The human race in Panwu Realm will naturally not let go of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of the human race to stand up. If this opportunity is missed, then the human race in the Underworld Realm will really be completely finished.

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