Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4798: Flurry of Demons

Hong Ye, one of the Twelve Ancestral Demons of Hongmeng, rushed directly outside the Panwu domain.

As soon as he got his revenge, he directly went to Panwuyu to find the person who killed Hongxiao. However, when he arrived, he found that Panwuyu was different.

"how is this possible……"

Hong Ye stood above the far sky, staring at the misty void ahead, shocked and inexplicably, he actually sensed two shocks in the void ahead.

When did Panwuyu come out with two more extreme extremes?

Is the human race really going to rise? How could this be, how could it be, if the human race had risen, wouldn't the underworld demons have to stand aside?

Those two breaths were too strong, even Hong Ye was shocked.

"It's okay to say one-on-one, a special one-on-two, let's forget it."

Hong Ye turned around and left. He didn't want to be like Hong Xiao, who was beaten up and completely disappeared into this world.

Although the Twelve Ancestral Demons of Hongmeng were born from Chaos, this does not mean that they will not die. Of course, under normal circumstances, they will not die.

Before the arrival of the black-clothed Gu Fei in this underworld, no one could threaten the twelve ancestor demons of Hongmeng, but now it is different. All the twelve ancestor demon of Hongmeng died.

The twelve ancestor demons of Hongmeng have existed for endless years and are the oldest twelve ancestor demons in the underworld.

At this time, black-clothed Gu Fei and the Pan Wu Can Thought sat on the top of the sky in the middle of Pan Wu Realm, and the endless aura of heaven and earth was frantically gathering towards Pan Wu Can Thought.

One after another ancient Dao patterns emerged from Panwu Cannian's body, and each ancient Dao pattern revealed endless Dao Yun.

The phantom that Pan Wu Can Nian transformed became clearer and clearer.

"So you can be reborn against the sky?"

Pan Wu Cannian said calmly. Although he was a little expectant, he still didn't believe that the person in front of him could really help him rebirth.

You know, the mark of your life has disappeared.

When the mark of life disappears, it means the disappearance of a creature's life.

"You think too much."

Gu Fei in black smiled.

"Thinking too much?"

Pan Wu Cannian was stunned for a moment, wondering what Gu Fei in black meant.

"Well, first strengthen your Cannian, and then use Cannian as a guide to reorganize the imprint of life and rebirth against the sky." said Gu Fei in black.

"Do you really have a way to help me rebirth?"

Panwu Cannian was really moved, because he saw that Gu Fei in black was not joking.

"Do not worry!"

Gu Fei in black closed his eyes as he spoke and stopped talking.

Just when Gu Fei in black was about to help Pan Wu Cannian rebirth against the sky, Hong Ye returned to Hongmeng Demon Mountain.

"Huh, why are you back soon?"

In the Hongmeng Demon Palace, Hong Yuan looked sarcastically.

"go away!"

Hong Ye is not in the mood to joke with Hong Yuan.

"Boss, you'd better go there yourself."

Hong Ye looked at the motionless figure sitting in the main hall like an eternal magic mountain.

"What should alarm the boss?"

Hong Yuan was curious now.

Hong Ye ignored Hong Yuan, he said to Hong Long: "Boss, this time the human race may really rise."


Honglong opened his eyes, and two blood-colored electric lights flashed across the hall.

"Cut, Human Race has been shrouded in Panwu Realm before dying forever? What other storms can be caused?"

Hong Yuan said disapprovingly.

"Hey, Hong Yuan, what did you say, my turtle demon clan provoke you?"

An old man carrying a turtle shell on his back was angry.

"This... it's just a quick talk, just a quick talk..."

When Hong Yuan saw the old man's anger, he immediately persuaded. This old man is the tortoise among the twelve ancestor demons, the first turtle in the world.

Of course, this is only the first tortoise in the underworld.

The turtles of the entire Underworld are his descendants.


Honglong Road.

"Pan Wuyu has changed."

Hong Ye said solemnly.


All the Hongmeng Ancestral Demons in the Hongmeng Demon Hall opened their eyes, and in just a moment, the horror demon power filled every inch of the void in the Demon Hall.

The entire Great Demon Hall was shaking.

The guards outside the magic temple all lay on the ground shivering in fear.

Panwu is definitely a nightmare for the demons in the underworld. Back then, the Panwu slayed the Quartet, battled with the ancestors, and fought with the ancestors. They killed the sky and the earth, the stars collapsed, and almost destroyed the entire underworld. All ruined.

In the end, the Twelve Ancestral Demons of Hongmeng made a move together, which severely damaged Panwu, and forced Panwu to open up the Panwu domain at the cost of life.

The price of opening the Martial Domain with life was too great, but the Pan Martial Domain opened up was not even accessible to Hongmeng Ancestral Demons.

Of course, if the Twelve Ancestral Demons of Hongmeng had worked hard together, they might be able to break the Panwu Realm, but each of the Twelve Ancestral Demons of the Hongmeng had lived for endless years, and every one of them was very sorry.

Even if the team can break through the Panwu Realm, no one wants to pay the price, because it is very likely that they will lose their lives, then the gain is not worth the loss.

"Pan Wu hasn't died yet?"

The tortoise said in surprise.

When he fought against Panwu, the tortoise shell was almost shattered by Panwu. He still feels chills when he thinks of the extreme domineering Human Race Supreme.

"How do I know this? I felt the presence of two extreme Dao-level life auras in Panwu Realm."

Hong Ye pondered.

"Haha, you didn't see the two human supreme, right? You were dismissed? I was ashamed of you."

Hong Yuan laughed.

"You're bull, you're amazing, and I don't know who was killed by the martial arts." Hong Ye sneered.

"what did you say!"

Hong Yuan was furious again. This was a stain in his life. He had never suffered such a big loss, was chased and killed so miserably. Whoever dared to make fun of him with this matter would fight him.

"Just give me a break. You have been fighting for endless years, are you not fighting enough?"

The boss Honglong spoke.

Honglong is the only existence that can suppress all Hongmeng Ancestral Demons. Hongyuan and Hongye are rivals, but in front of Honglong, they will never fight.

"Let's all go check it out and see what is going on!"

The boss Honglong looked at the brothers and said.

"it is good!"

The demons nodded, the boss spoke, who would dare not go?

Then, when the eleven Hongmeng Ancestral Demons walked out of the Hongmeng Demon Hall, the entire Underworld Demon Realm suddenly changed color, the sun and the moon were extinguished, and the endless demon energy blasted from the Hongmeng Demon Mountain.

The devil energy enveloped most of the Nether Demon Realm, and the endless demon creatures all bowed to the Hongmeng Demon Mountain, all panicking to the extreme.

All the Great Dao Demon Venerables of the major demon races in the Underworld Demon Realm are here, greeting the Hongmeng Ancestral Demon, and even these Extreme Dao Demon Venerables also salute to the Hongmeng Ancestral Demon one after another, not dare to neglect.

The Hongmeng Ancestral Demons did not summon the demons, but the demons had to come. Suddenly, the demons danced wildly around the Hongmeng Demon Mountain, terrifying.

At this time, there was peace and tranquility in the Panwu Realm, everyone was waiting, and they didn't feel the danger at all.

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