Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4817: Four Sages at Fulong Mountain

In the valley, in the pavilion, Gu Fei suddenly made a move, punching through the chest of the boss among the four statues of Fulong Mountain, and kicking this guy out with one kick, blasting half a dozen miles away. mountain peak.

The sudden change caused the fat man in black and the others to almost fall to the ground.

The boss is Extreme Dao Supreme, he was punched through the Ji Dao body by this guy? How is this possible, this little guy is just semi-sacred easy.

Half-holy punched through the Supreme Dao body, which is simply a miracle. In the eternal world, such an incredible thing has never happened.

"Damn you!"


The black-clothed fat guys shot directly at Gu Fei.


The black palm prints shot towards Gu Fei, and the person who shot was a fat man in black. Quasi-Supreme power burst out from his palm prints and instantly enveloped Gu Fei.

And Na Liangfeng opened his mouth and spit out a sharp blade light, which directly slashed at Gu Fei.

There was also the middle-aged man in white clothes. With a wave of the folding fan in his hand, a terrifying cold force immediately emerged from the folding fan, freezing everything.


Gu Fei did not evade, letting all the attacks of these three hit his body.

The next moment, he hit the palm of the black-clothed fat man, was cut by the light of the knife that Liang Feng spit out, and then was instantly frozen by the mighty cold air from the folding fan in the hands of the white-clothed middle-aged man.

Seeing this scene, the fat man in black and the others were dumbfounded. This is too easy to get this guy!

At this time, Gu Fei's martial arts were like a black hole, devouring the power of these guys.


Just when the fat guy in black thought Gu Fei was dead, there was a loud noise, and the ice on Gu Fei's body exploded, and a figure shot directly at the three guys.


Gu Fei gave the fat man in black a palm, and the guy who hit him flew out of the pavilion.


Then a hand knife slashed towards Liangfeng, and the bright light of the knife burst out from his hand, hitting Liangfeng's, and cutting this guy out of the pavilion.

As for the middle-aged man in white clothes, he took Gu Fei's punch.

With this punch, the guy who hit vomited blood, flew for more than ten miles, and hit the other mountain with one head, knocking the mountain out of a big hole.


Seeing this scene, the fat man in black and Liang Feng were shocked.

Is this guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? Otherwise, how could this guy have such a perverted combat power, this guy really only has a semi-holy realm cultivation base?

"The quasi-supreme is nothing but a blow."

Gu Fei is extremely strong.

He then took out a drop of Immortal Liquid and let Heng Xian'er eat it.

The immortal liquid had just been eaten by Heng Xian'er. The next moment, Heng Xian'er, who had been hit by the sex, immediately woke up, and gave Gu Fei a complicated look.

She could feel the power of this drop of divine liquid.

Although Heng Xian'er is the precious daughter of the Southern Overlord of the Eternal God Dynasty, she has never taken such a magical medicine with such strong vitality. This magical medicine not only solves her body’s ecstasy, but also has her cultivation base. Promoted.

The magic medicine that can improve the cultivation base of the holy rank powerhouse is absolutely extraordinary.

"Little guy, I'm going to kill you."

At this time, a roar came from a distance, and then, with a sound of "Boom!" from the mountain that was hit by the four bosses of Fulong Mountain before, the lower half also exploded, and the dust rushed into the sky.

A figure rushed out of the dust in the sky, and instantly came to the sky above the pavilion, and saw that there was a transparent blood hole on the person's chest.

This person is the boss of the four Fulong Mountain.

The four bosses of Fulong Mountain roared and slapped the pavilion below with a palm, and the violent Extreme Dao-level power burst out from his hand.

The void is shaking.

Ji Dao Zhizun's shot is naturally no small matter.

Gu Fei pulled Heng Xian'er and rushed out of the pavilion.


With a loud noise, the entire pavilion was slapped into powder by the palm of the four bosses of Fulong Mountain. A large handprint was left where the pavilion was located.

"This guy……"

Although Heng Xian'er was a saint, under the pressure of Ji Dao Supreme, his spirit almost collapsed.

With a wave of Gu Fei's right hand, Heng Xian'er flew directly out of the valley like clouds and fog.

At this time, Gu Fei had no worries, he stepped directly on the ground, and the next moment, he soared into the sky and killed the four bosses of Fulong Mountain.

The dull impact sounded constantly, and the two fought a dozen strokes in the void before Gu Fei fell from the sky to the ground.

His cultivation is not enough, he can't travel for nine days like Extreme Dao Supreme, but his Dao body is so strong that even Extreme Dao Supreme can't hold his punch.

When Gu Fei fell from the sky to the ground, the fat man in black and the others killed him again.


The violent power fluctuated vigorously, with Gu Fei as the center, everything within a few miles was shaken into dust.


Na Liangfeng is even more like a man and a knife, killing Xiang Gu Fei.


Gu Fei's fist kept colliding with Liang Feng's knife light, and it actually made the sound of gold and iron collision.

"how is this possible……"

Liang Feng was shocked to the extreme. He was a quasi-extreme swordsmanship cultivation base, his sword light, even the opponent's skin could not be cut?


The white-clothed middle-aged man roared and killed Xiang Gu Fei. On his folding fan, the power of the cold and cold was mighty, and there was snow falling between the heaven and the earth.

Gu Feiyue Zhan is stronger, his pair of fists actually fought against the four Fulong Mountain, and he did not fall in the slightest. If this scene is seen, it will inevitably cause a sensation.

The four bosses of Fulong Mountain were extremely supreme, but he was injured by Gu Fei from the very beginning, and his combat power was compromised.

Otherwise, Gu Fei is really in trouble.

"A punch!"

Gu Fei didn't want to get entangled with these guys, so he directly used the killer's skill.

I saw that his whole person disappeared into the void in an instant, and when he appeared again, his fist had already hit the chest of the middle-aged man in white.


With a muffled sound, the middle-aged man in white was blasted by Gu Fei's body with a punch, turning into a cloud of blood.


When others saw this scene, the shock was really extraordinary.

They could sense that Gu Fei's combat power suddenly soared to a point that made them all feel palpitated.

A primordial spirit rushed out of the blood mist, directly soaring into the sky, trying to escape.

However, Gu Fei rushed up from the ground, swallowing this guy's soul into his stomach with one bite.

In the next moment, an extremely powerful wave of power burst out from Gu Fei's body.

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