Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4836: Playing so big?

The mysterious woman fought against the mysterious shadow. In the end, the mysterious girl was so strong that she stepped on the mysterious shadow under one foot and shocked the audience.

It was a battle between great men of the Eternal Grade, and the existence of the Eternal Grade was also divided into strengths and weaknesses, but an Eternal Grade existence was difficult to kill.

Of course, this is not to say that the existence of the eternal level can truly be immortal, and that the eternal level ancestor of the eternal **** dynasty will be killed?

The ancestor of the Eternal God Dynasty was killed, and died silently in his retreat. The news came out, which directly shook the entire Eternal World.

You know, the eternal world has not fallen for a long time.

Being able to get rid of the existence of the eternal ancestors is absolutely so powerful that it is unimaginable, and even the top forces are paying close attention to this matter.

And when the news that the old dragon of Fulong Mountain had also fallen, it directly attracted the strong from all sides. Some people suspected that a lunatic was hunting the eternal.

If this is the case, the matter is serious.

"Just your ability, want to kill me? Dream!"

At this time, the silver bell rang like a sound.

"Don't be smug."

The eternal mysterious shadow sneered.

As he spoke, a violent magic power burst out from the magic shadow, trying to shake off the mysterious person who stepped on him.

However, the mysterious woman stepped on her right foot forcefully, and with a sound of "touch!", the mysterious magic shadow was trampled on the body.


All the half-step eternal creatures who saw this scene in the distance were frightened and dumbfounded by this scene. This mysterious man is so awesome that he crushes another eternal one?

"It's you……"

The mysterious magic shadow suddenly screamed in horror, and his spiritual thought fluctuated tens of thousands of miles.

However, in the next moment, his divine mind disappeared, it should be said that he was instantly cut off, a group of magic light exploded in the endless demon energy, and countless beams of light rushed in all directions.

This mysterious eternal demon wants to escape.

However, the mysterious man was so powerful that he opened his mouth and sucked, and a terrifying swallowing power instantly enveloped the world.

Those magic lights rushing in all directions are the soul clones of the eternal demon path. As long as the soul clone is escaped, he can't die.

This is why the eternal is so difficult to kill.

If the eternal one wants to escape, it is difficult to stop it.

However, as the mysterious woman opened her mouth and sucked, the countless escaped primordial spirits of the eternal demon path flew towards the mouth of the eternal eternity.


The eternal demon was frightened, and desperately burned the soul to escape, but all this was in vain.

I saw countless magic lights rushing from all directions, swallowed by the mysterious eternal one in one bite, and even the surrounding demonic energy madly gathered towards her mouth, but in an instant, the magic energy that covered the sky was swallowed. She swallowed nothing.

"She... swallowed an eternal?"

This scene can no longer be described as shock. Those souls who were frightened by the existence of the half-step eternal level who watched the battle from a distance were trembling, and they turned around and fled.

No one dared to stay in place anymore.

"Too cruel."

Three powerful divine thoughts descended from the sky and landed on the mountains around Fulong Lake. Three faint and unreal figures appeared, which were the incarnation of divine thoughts.

Even the incarnation of divine consciousness is extremely powerful, because it is the divine incarnation of the eternal. Although it is an incarnation, it is enough to kill the Supreme Supreme.

"Friends, leave the bronze door."

A divine mind avatar who seemed to be surrounded by endless starry sky sent a divine mind wave.


The mysterious woman raised her **** directly at the incarnation of divine consciousness.

"Friends, can you understand the secret of this bronze gate alone? It's better for us to understand together, maybe we can get what we want."

Another anger rose to the sky, and the whole sky reflected was a crimson divine mind incarnation said.

But the third incarnation of Divine Sense did not speak. The whole person stood in the dazzling electric light. The void around his body was densely packed with lightning.

"Star War Ancestor, Fire Spirit Ancestor, and Tianlei Ancestor, the three of you are too small for me."

The mysterious woman said coldly.

The three great ancestors are all eternals in the eternal realm, each of them is extremely powerful, and each of them is a huge hegemon, dominating the region, more than one continent.

The forces of these three ancestors are far stronger than the eternal gods.

"Who is a fellow Taoist, seems to have a sense of deja vu.

Said the divine mind incarnation of the ancestor of stars.

"Is it an old acquaintance?"

Fire Spirit Old Ancestor said coldly.

"Three old immortals, let me die!"

The mysterious woman opened her mouth again, and the horrible swallowing power instantly enveloped the ten directions. The three spiritual incarnations on the mountains next to Fulong Lake actually flew towards the mysterious woman without being helpless.


The divine consciousness incarnations of the three eternal beings were all shocked, and each divine consciousness incarnation burst out with endless divine light, trying to break through the void and escape.

However, the engulfing power of the mysterious woman was too strong, and the incarnation of the three gods was swallowed by her all at once.


Lei Zhou, on the top of a dark mountain, a figure sitting on the top of the mountain for an unknown number of years suddenly opened his eyes and let out a terrifying roar.

In the next moment, the endless electric light instantly enveloped the entire sky and the ground, one after another, the electric light tore through the void, and the terrifying aura of destruction was vast.

"Tianlei Patriarch..."

In the Huozhou adjacent to Leizhou, in an underground fire cave, a figure full of endless flames opened its eyes, and the horror aura spread out, and the whole life of the Huozhou was panicked.

And in the depths of Xingzhou, a place where stars fell, suddenly burst out endless starlight, just like a star field suddenly appeared above the sky, and the stars after another seemed to be close at hand.

The endless creatures in Xingzhou felt endless depression, as if the stars above their heads could fall down at any time.

Such a vision is really amazing.

Whether it is the ancestor of the sky thunder, the ancestor of the fire spirit, or the ancestor of the star wars, they are all eternal beings of the old eternal realm who have lived for endless years.

Such an existence is far from comparable to the ancestor of the Eternal God Dynasty.

"Dare to swallow Lao Tzu's spirit, I want your life."

The ancestor Tianlei rose directly into the sky, turned into a flash of lightning, tore through the void, and disappeared directly above the sky.

The ancestor of the fire spirit also turned into a three-legged bird, flew out of the fire cave, and disappeared at the end of the sky.

That Xingchen Zhanzu also rushed towards Fulong Mountain at the junction of Xianzhou and Wuzhou.

The trip of the three great ancestors immediately shocked countless strong people, and the whole world was shocked.

"The little girl plays so big, don't kill yourself too, or I will be buried with me."

Gu Fei was hiding in a cave near Fulong Lake. Although he was refining that drop of eternal true blood, he felt everything that happened outside the cave.

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