Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4842: Met an old acquaintance

Gu Fei didn't want to be caught as a pet. This man in black was simply a pervert. He did not hesitate to fight with this guy, even if he died.

"Ten times the power of ascension to heaven, one punch breaks the extreme!"

Gu Fei punched his strongest punch since he came to the Eternal World. He frantically ran the Ascension Secret Art, desperately stimulating his potential. With ten times the power of ascension, his power soared to the point where he trembles.


The moment he punched, the whole world shook, and the feeling of invincibility returned to him, and the bursting punch directly shattered the void.

This is the emptiness of the eternal world, extremely stable, even the supreme Supreme Dao cannot be destroyed.

However, the power of the eternal can still break the void.

"Eternal power?"

The man in black looked like something that made him curious, staring at Gu Fei, this little guy really surprised him.

At this time, Gu Fei had indeed broken through the limit. With ten times the power of ascending to the sky and the Poji Fist, his cultivation base temporarily broke through the suppression of the eternal world.


The black-clothed man punched casually and directly greeted Gu Fei's breaking Ji punch.

The next moment, the face of the man in black changed, he only felt an unprecedented powerful force rushing from the opponent's fist.

He actually took a step back involuntarily.


The man in black was furious, and since he was taken a step back by this little guy, it was simply unacceptable to him, but he was aloft, overlooking the existence of the common people!


In the next moment, Gu Fei didn't make another move, but tore the void directly, and fled away instantly.

Gu Fei knew very well that even if he had used ten times the power of ascending to heaven, coupled with Po Ji Fist, he was still not this deadly perverted opponent. He wanted to run away directly when he had strong power.

Run if you can't beat it.

"Want to escape?"

The man in black roared, the next moment, a terrifying power of sealing erupted from his body, directly sealing the void in a radius of more than 100,000 miles.

A figure fell out of the void thousands of miles away.

"I will let you escape!"

The man in black is about to shoot.

However, at this moment, the void around the black man's body suddenly shattered, and the power of swallowing the sky pulled him into an endless dark void in an instant.


A figure suddenly appeared beside Gu Fei, grabbed Gu Fei, and disappeared into the void in an instant, disappearing.


Soon, one party broke into the void, and a figure rushed out of the broken void angrily.

"Who is plotting against Lao Tzu."

The man in black roared angrily, and the terrifying aura swept across all directions, shocking countless birds and beasts in the mountains to flee in fear.

The broken void is quickly repaired.

In just a few seconds, the broken void completely disappeared.

"Damn it, don't let me know who you are, or I will make you regret coming to this world."

The man in black kept roaring, he had nowhere to vent his roar, and he smashed a mountain with one punch.

At this time, two figures suddenly appeared on a high sky outside Fulong Mountain.

"It's you?"

When Gu Fei saw this person, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted. This person was an acquaintance, and it was the guy who bought the sesame seed in the Ancestral Realm that day.

"Hey, I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

Those who bought biscuits were also very happy.

"Formally introduce, my name is Wang Xuan."

Wang Xuan said, at this moment, he looked like a young man in black, without a trace of the eternal breath coming out of him.

"Your cultivation level has improved a lot."

Gu Fei looked at Wang Xuan in surprise, this guy and the way he bought biscuits in the Ancestral Realm was like a different person.


Wang Xuan smiled.

"How did you get that madman?"

Wang Xuan's expression became serious.

"Do you know that guy?"

Gu Fei felt bad when he thought of that black-clothed pervert. That guy wanted to be his pet by himself, which was really perverted.

"Haha...I am afraid that few eternals in the entire eternal world don't know this guy."

Wang Xuan smiled.

"Isn't it, that pervert is so famous?"

Gu Fei said in surprise.

"Well, his name is Wu Tianheng, he is a super old antique who has been enlightened since ancient times."

Wang Xuan put a smile away.

"Super antique?"

Gu Fei was even more shocked when he heard this. He has been the eternal since ancient times. No wonder that guy is so powerful, much stronger than the average eternal.

"Wu Tianheng, I remember."

Gu Fei said solemnly.

"You want to settle the account with him!? I advise you to quickly dispel this idea."

Wang Xuan quickly said.

"It's impossible to settle accounts without him, but I'm not stupid enough to die."

Gu Fei smiled.

"Where do I go to sit?"

Wang Xuan said.

"Okay, I can't ask for it,"

Gu Fei was going to have a good chat with this biscuits guy.


Wang Xuan grabbed Gu Fei, and in the next moment, they disappeared into the void in an instant, the speed reaching the extreme.

Just as they left, a black shadow appeared nearby. This person was the dead perverted Wu Tianheng who wanted to capture Gu Fei as a pet.

"Fleeing again? What a cunning guy."

Wu Tianheng said angrily, and soon he also left here.


The western territory of the Eternal God Dynasty, Xihai City, is a city located on a big island in the West Sea. This big island is called Xiling Island.

The West Sea of ​​the Eternal God Dynasty is a paradise for pirates. The pirates here are extremely powerful, and even the Eternal God Dynasty has no way to use these pirates.

Eternal God's method for these pirates is to recruit security, seal the marquis, the boss here is Xihaihou, this Xihaihou is also the master of Xihai City.

Although this Xihaihou was recruited by the Eternal Gods, he was disturbed by the status quo and rebelled from time to time. However, after a battle with the Eternal Gods, he would negotiate with the Eternal Gods to get the benefits, and then continue to accept the eternal Gods’ offers. .

The territory of the Eternal God Dynasty is too big, even if it is an eternal one, it will take a few days to rush from Southern Xinjiang to the West Sea.

One early morning three days later, Wang Xuan and Gu Fei appeared in a seaside town on the west coast.

This small town is very prosperous. Boats go in and out of horse heads from time to time, and even monks go up and down. Those who can fly in the air are all saints.

"Couldn't you be the Xihaihou!"

In a tavern, Gu Fei looked at Wang Xuan with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

Wang Xuan also smiled, Xi Haihou, that was the title given to Xi Hai’s pirate leader by the Eternal Gods. Whoever is the strongest pirate in Xi Hai is Xi Haihou.

This is also a trick of the Eternal Gods. The Eternal Gods wants to let the major pirate forces in the West Sea kill each other with a small, nameless title.

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