Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4868: Confrontation

Now Xiling Island in the West Sea of ​​Xianzhou, there are two eternal beings sitting on the ground, even if it is against the top sect Wuji Xianzong in the eternal world, it is full of confidence and will not be counseled.

Wu Jixianzong, the top sect in the eternal world, there are eternal people sitting in the sect, and masters are like clouds.

The eternal gods embraced the thighs of Wu Ji Xianzong, even if the sky fell, there were people from the Wu Ji gods who supported them.

However, this time, Xi Haihou dared to ignore the eternal one, the ancestor of Wu Ji Xianzong, and did not go to the west coast town to visit the eternal one.

This made the ancestor Wang Hongmeng of Wu Jixianzong furious.

"Since Xihaihou is uninterested, then we will call the door."

There was a fierce light in Wang Hongmeng’s eyes.

"Junior, prepare now!"

Hengtiandao spoke and retreated.

Soon, the army of the Eternal God Dynasty assembled in the small town, and for a while, I saw the banners flying above the small town, which was extremely lively.

At this time, Gu Fei returned to Xiling Island and went to retreat directly.

Gu Fei's cultivation base broke through to the half-step eternal realm, and it was necessary to retreat to consolidate his cultivation realm.

"Are those two **** really going to war?"

When Xihaihou received the news, he was immediately upset.

He gave an order, and the Xiling Island army assembled and placed a position on the shore to wait for the arrival of the eternal God's army.

The war resumed, which shocked Xi Hai. This time, Xi Haihou dared to confront Eternal God Dynasty and Wu Ji Xianzong, but it was beyond everyone's expectations.

In fact, Xihaihou has just taken over the territory of the Xihailong clan, and at the same time has taken over a part of the Xihailong clan army.

At this time, in the sea outside Xiling Island, a huge figure was looming.

Just when Xihaihou deployed an army on Xiling Island, Hengtian Dao, the Western King of the Eternal God Dynasty, and Hongmeng, the ancestor of the Wu Ji Xianzong, directly led a 300,000 army, and smashed to Xiling Island. .

"These two fools!"

The actions of the Western King Hengtian Dao and that of the ancestor Wang Hongmeng of the Wu Ji Xianzong were all under the supervision of Xi Haihou.

When Xihaihou learned that the two guys led an army to kill directly towards Xiling Island, Xihaihou was immediately happy.

These two guys didn't know how to march and fight at all, and they led the army to kill Xiling Island like this. Didn't they come directly to die?

However, before the last moment, Xi Haihou didn't want to tear his face with Wu Ji Xianzong.

However, if the other party really dares to do something, don't blame him for being cruel.

After Xihaihou predicted the route of the Eternal God's Army to chase after him, he directly placed a pocket formation and asked Wang Hongmeng to drill directly into his pocket with his men.

"Master Hou, are we really going to confront Wu Ji Xianzong?"

On Xiling Island, Xihai City, the City Lord's Mansion, Old Monster Situ said to Xi Haihou who was sitting on the throne.

Wu Ji Xianzong, that is one of the top forces in the eternal world, masters in the Xianzong are like clouds, how can their Xiling Island be the opponent of Wu Ji Xianzong?

"What are you afraid of, do you think those eternals of Wu Jixianzong are so free? To deal with these trivial things?"

Xihaihou said calmly.

"Fighting with us, whether it is Eternal God Dynasty or Wu Ji Xianzong, it will not be so stupid."

Lei Ji Tianzun said in deep thought.

"Lao Lei is right, the current Wu Ji Xianzong, their own troubles are enough for them."

Xihaihou said that he got news that the conflict between Wu Jixianzong and Eternal Demonzong was confronting each other, and there were also casualties in several battles.

Otherwise, how dare Xihaihou be so arrogant and go against Wu Ji Xianzong.

That's because he had already calculated that Wu Ji Xianzong didn't dare to really fight with him, so he was angering the eternal gods and Wang Hongmeng with a high profile.

"Xihaihou, get out of me."

At this moment, a roar came from outside the island.

This voice directly spread throughout Xiling Island, and even Gu Fei, who was in retreat, heard this voice.

"Come here very quickly."

Xihaihou smiled.

"Master Hou, then we"

Old Monster Situ and others immediately became nervous, an aura that made them palpitate suddenly enveloped the entire Xihai City, and all the cultivators were trembling and panicking.

"The Eternal?"

Gu Fei, who was in the retreat, felt this breath and couldn't help frowning. The people of Wu Ji Xianzong came quickly, so soon he came to the door and asked the teacher.

An eternal one, Gu Fei was too lazy to bother.

In the next moment, another breath of eternal being appeared in the world, confronting the previous breath of eternity.

The two eternals have not yet met, they have already competed across the void.

"Go, I'll meet the eternal ancestor of Wu Jixianzong for a while."

Xihaihou directly led Old Monster Situ and other four great Daoists, heading directly to the sea.

Xihaihou, who came to the beach, looked at the sea, and saw that there were countless soldiers standing densely on the sea, flags spreading, and the atmosphere of killing and cutting was shaking the earth.

This is the Hundred Battle Army of the Eternal God Dynasty, dispatched by the Western King Hengtian Dao.


At a glance, Xi Haihou could see that this army was different. It was an army of hundreds of wars who came out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. Every soldier was surrounded by a powerful killing and killing aura.

This is definitely not comparable to ordinary soldiers.

"I heard that the Eternal God Dynasty has a powerful army in the West Sea. When I saw it today, it really deserved its reputation."

Lei Ji Tianzun said with emotion.

"Xihaihou, do you really think you are the overlord of Xihai?"

At this time, the Western King Hengtian Dao and the eternal ancestor Wang Hongmeng of the Wu Ji Xianzong walked up.

"Why, can't it?"

Xihaihou sneered.

"Hmph, if you want to dominate Xihai alone, your appetite is too big, and you are not afraid to eat it."

Xi Wang glared at Xi Haihou and roared.

"Oh, this won't allow you Xiwang to bother, I said you still go back wherever you came from, otherwise, it will not be good for everyone to tear your face."

Xihai Hou has no fear.

"As long as you bow your head and proclaim your courtiers, I will play the dynasty and canonize you Xihai King?"

Xi Wang said to Xi Haihou.

It is not common in the Eternal God Dynasty to split the earth to seal the king, and it is even rarer to have a different surname.

"Feng Wang?"

Hou Xihai's eyes lit up when he heard this. Didn't this just acquiesce in his supremacy in Xihai?

He hesitated.

"There is a play!"

When the West King saw this, he was refreshed.

Crack the earth and seal the king, in this way, Xihaihou will become the king of Xihai, and the entire Xihai is the world of the king of Xihai.


Xi Wang said to Xi Haihou.

"What are you doing so much nonsense with this guy? Just do it."

Wang Hongmeng said disapprovingly. In his opinion, the human army is invincible. These guys are not convinced and dare to fight against them.

Xi Wang was speechless.

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