Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 6699: Use the divine sword to kill the three emperors and defend the Great Wall

Gu Fei gave him the sword, and Long Chan left Ten Thousand Immortals City and went straight to the Human Race Great Wall.

At this moment, a gap appeared in the Great Wall of Humanity.

The allied forces of the gods, ghosts, and demons, the three major alien races, poured into the human territory through the gap.

The allied forces of these three races were like an unstoppable torrent, destroying everything they went, and directly entered the human territory for thousands of miles, and countless human races perished.

Countless strong men from the human race came to kill from all directions, all of them worked hard and unleashed terrifying fighting power.

After a desperate and **** battle, the human race barely blocked the coalition forces of the three major alien races.

However, the human race does not have an Emperor Realm in charge, but the three tribes alliance has three Emperor Realm experts supervising the battle.

Therefore, the outcome of the human race's battle seems to be doomed.

There are still too few emperor realms in the human race.

Compared to the coalition of hundreds of races, the human race's imperial realm is not even a fraction in number.

However, not many of the Hundred Clans Emperor Realm actually took action.

Those foreign emperors are waiting and watching.

These foreign imperial realms are extremely shrewd.

They will not fight against the Human Race Emperor Realm so easily.

Because the human emperor realm is not a weakling.

If you fight against the human emperor, you may lose your life.

The human empress Chu Ningxue once killed two alien emperors with one against three. The remaining emperor would have been killed by Chu Ningxue if she hadn't escaped quickly.

On the human Great Wall that Chu Ningxue was guarding, no one from the alien imperial realm dared to take action.

However, this section of the Human Race Great Wall that was breached by the coalition forces of the three races was not guarded by the Human Race Imperial Realm.

The four major sects of the human camp, Tiandao Sect, Five Elements Sect, Beast Controlling Immortal Sect, and Ten Thousand Swords Sect, joined forces to block the coalition of the three clans.

After a brutal battle, the four major sects suffered heavy losses.

The four major sects, the Tiandao Sect, the Five Elements Sect, the Beast Controlling Immortal Sect, and the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, were discussing in a valley how to deal with the coalition of the three clans in the next step.

"How about we withdraw!"

"The three tribes have the Emperor Realm to supervise the battle, and we are no match at all."

"If the Three Clans Emperor Realm takes action, our entire army will be annihilated."

"It's wise to preserve your strength."

The four major sect masters all know that they are only temporary, because the opponent's Imperial Realm has not taken action yet.

The Beast Controlling Immortal Sect also has the Emperor Realm.

However, the imperial realm of the Beast Controlling Immortal Sect is not here.

The four major sects all want to withdraw.

"They are all a bunch of cowards!"

At this moment, a sneer sounded and a person walked in.

I saw that this person was a young woman.

"Who are you to say that we are cowards?"

The leader of the Five Elements Immortal Sect looked at this sudden woman coldly.

"who I am?"

Long Chan smiled.

These guys actually want to withdraw, they are so cowardly.

"Little girl, this is not the place you should be."

The leader of Tiandao Sect said calmly.


Long Chan sat down disapprovingly.

"Who do you think you are, how dare you be equal to me?"

The leader of Wanjian Sect suddenly stood up and glared at Long Chan.

"Who am I?"

Long Chan smiled, and the next moment, an aura so powerful that it made the sect leaders of the four major sects present tremble erupted from her body.

"Emperor Realm?"

"How can it be…"

The four major sect leaders were blinded.

"Now, you say, who am I?"

Long Chan glanced at the four sect masters, raised the corners of his mouth, and revealed a slight smile.

"Greetings, senior!"

The four major sect leaders were immediately frightened and hurriedly bowed down to Long Chan.

There is no way, the other party is a strong person in the imperial realm, what else can they do?


"Very good, I'm going to deal with those three alien emperors now. You know what to do, right?"

Long Chan stood up as he spoke.


The four major sect masters completely lost their temper.

In front of the Emperor Realm, even if they have a temper, they must put it away obediently.

"The first battle after becoming emperor, tonight, I, Long Chan, will kill the emperor!"

The next moment, Long Chan rose into the sky and turned into a sword light and shot through the air.

The four major sect leaders hurriedly summoned everyone. As soon as the alien emperor was killed by Long Chan, they worked together to destroy the coalition of the three races.

The only ones they were concerned about were the three powerful alien emperors who were supervising the battle.

Long Chan took action to deal with the three foreign emperors.

What other concerns do they have?

"Is there an emperor in the human race named Long?"

The Tiandao Sect leader asked the other sect leaders.

The other sect leaders shook their heads.

However, there is no doubt that the other party is a strong person in the imperial realm.

However, whether Long Chan can kill the three foreign emperors is another matter.

Therefore, the four major sect masters will not send troops before receiving the news.

Long Chan, with one man and one sword, directly entered the base camp of the alien coalition.

It was a huge valley, and outside the valley were countless foreign soldiers from the three tribes coalition.

In the valley, there is the camp of the big shots from the three clan alliances.

The Divine Clan Emperor Realm directly took out a large hall.

In the splendid palace, the three emperors were discussing how to divide the territory of the human race.

However, a sword light fell from the sky and split the entire palace with a single strike.

The three emperor realms soared into the sky.

The sword light turned in the void and strangled directly towards the three emperors.

Senhan's sword energy spread with great force, and the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly under the impact of the sword energy.

"Human Emperor Realm?"

The emperors of the three major alien races, the gods, ghosts, and demons, were all shocked.

The Human Emperor Realm is so crazy that they dare to kill here with just one sword.


Without any hesitation, the three foreign emperors took action at the same time.

Three shocking auras erupted, and the world was eclipsed by it.

The sudden outbreak of the Imperial Realm war directly caused the coalition forces of the three major foreign races to become chaotic.

The imperial-level power exploded directly, and the three alien coalition forces were swept away by the terrifying energy storm, and then torn into pieces in the void.

Long Chan didn't even need to take action against the three major foreign coalition forces, and these three major foreign coalition forces had already suffered a lot of casualties.

During this battle, the sword light illuminated the night sky, as if splitting the world.

During this battle, the ghostly energy was overwhelming, covering all directions, and countless creatures turned into mummies.

In this battle, the demonic energy was so powerful that it covered the sky and the sun.

In this battle, divine light broke through the heaven and earth, shaking the heaven and earth.

In this battle, mountains and rivers shattered, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered.

After dawn, the area thousands of miles around was in chaos.

The three major alien coalition forces suffered heavy casualties.

Divine blood and demonic blood dyed the earth red.

When the divine sun rises, the ghost energy surrounding it is directly dispersed by the sunlight.

Wearing white clothes and holding a long sword, he walked out step by step.

"Today, I, Long Chan, will guard this section of the Human Great Wall!"

Long Chan's voice spread throughout heaven and earth.

Hundreds of tribes were shocked.

The human race is boiling.

The new emperor of the human race, wielding the divine sword, killed the three emperors and guarded the Great Wall.

When the news reached Wanxian City, everyone was extremely excited.

Gu Fei looked indifferent.

The reason why Long Chan was able to kill the three major alien emperors was not because her cultivation was higher than the three major alien emperors, but because of the divine sword he gave to Long Chan.

It was a divine sword capable of destroying an emperor.

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