Immortal Moon

Chapter 13

A year has now passed since the last chapter...

The twin cat humanoids have now been settled into the dorms and now taking mentorship from the sisters Kuro and Shumizu who still don't know whether or not those cat girls are indeed nekomata or not.

Although the twins kept on insisting that they're humanoid versions of a bakeneko...

With the yellow-eyed cat girl named Rika staying sharing a dorm room with Kuro.

And the blue-eyed one named Aoi sharing a dorm room with Kuro's younger sister Shumizu.

The twins also transfered to the same school that Yui and the others are monitoring, they were assigned to act like first year highschool students and monitor any suspicious immortals on the first floor of the school.

And Yui's team who are now assigned to be second year highschool students, are now given the order the same order that the twins got but they need to do this for the second and third floors of the school, basically just one less floor that they need to go on patrols on.

At the same time Miku has now learned quite a bit from her mentor Yui who has been teaching her about the job that they do at E.I.M.D, and is now accompanying Yui's team on some missions as additional training as a another undercover member of E.I.M.D as a member of the school staff for the time being to check for any immortals within the school's staff.

- - -

It's currently the time when classes are about to begin at the school that Yui and the others monitor and guard.

Yui herself which is currently minding her own business and looking out of the window of the classroom. 'It's been three whole months now and we haven't found any suspicious immortals ever since we apprehended Yoshiteru...' Yui lets out a sigh out due to boredom.

At the same time, at the classroom that both Rika and Aoi got assigned in, they're currently being swarmed by the male students in their class with some of them asking for their contact information and others just approached to try and befriend them.

But of course the pair of twins have the animal-like features hidden with the same spell as the five foxes use which they were taught.

The both of them who are seated next to each other in class, are stuck on their seats due to the boys pestering them.

"Will you cut that out?" A grown up sounding voice was suddenly heard inside the room.

A girl with white hair like snow approached the swarming boys.

One of the boys thinking she's jealous of the attention said: "Will you mind you're own business, Kotobuki."

The girl apparently named Kotobuki crossed her arms. "Mind my own business? I can't do that if you boys are bothering the two of them."

With that sharp reply, sparks started to fly between the two of them.

'Why is this girl defending us...?' the twins thought of the same question, both of them staring at the white-haired girl in question.


Classes are now over the day, Fast-sounding footsteps could be heard through the wide hallway of the school building's third floor...

"Just get away from me already!" A shout of a girl can be heard echoing through the hallway.

Taking out a talisman from her skirt pocket, she throws it at her persuer, she quickly started to chant up a spell as she panickly runs away.

With a loud thud like something heavy falling on a wooden floor of a house, a barrier has now been erected from the thrown talisman with the persuer on the other side of it.

With a sigh of relief, she stops her running to catch her breath. "I thought I was gonna get killed..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Banging noise can be heard from the other side of the barrier made by a girl with a cloak over her head covering the top half of her face.

'Damn it... I'm stuck up here... The only way down is on the other side of the barrier where that girl is...' Now having cold sweats, the female oni Miku who was wearing a teacher's attire currently has now means of calling her mentor Yui or the others for help.

Meanwhile as Miku is still stuck in the 3rd floor, Yui was running all over the 2nd floor in an attempt of finding the dark blue-haired oni.

"Where is she...? I told her to meet up with us after classes have ended..."

That was what was going on in her head until she heard banging noises that Miku's erected barrier was making due to her persuer hitting it.

'That sound... Was that Miku?'

She rushes to the third floor where the source of the sound was and she sees Miku's persuer immediatly...

"Miku! Are you all right?" Yui shouted but this only averted the persuer's attention towards her.

With a magic circle appearing on one of the hands of the persuer, a spell was instantly casted. It didn't take the persuer that long to cast the said spell.

Seeing the spell being casted, Yui immediatly threw some talismans to erect a barrier...

Ofcourse, this didn't work that well, the spell sends her flying backwards towards a wall.


With a loud thud, loud enough for her junior to hear, she was now in a dangerous situation.

This also resulted in her spell that hides her foc ears and tail to wear off, now with her fox-like appearance; her disquise is now gone.

Fortunately though, there aren't anymore innocent people on the third floor that could've seen her appearance.

The persuer who had just sent her flying immediatly tries to cast anothet spell but fails to do so...

Miku who has seen her mentor get badly hurt had now snapped...

With magic circles appearing in the same hallway that they're currently in and her purple-colored eyes now changed into a red hue..

Binding spells had now been activated, resulting in the persuer getting binding and not being able to dodge due to being caught off guard.

Seeing this... Yui didn't expect Miku to be able to use multiple magic circles at once since she still had trouble making them appear in the first place.

'W-What just happened....?' she thought.

The now immobilized persuer is now struggling with the binding spell keeping it from getting away.

This situation lasted a few more moments before the other members of E.I.M.D got to the said third floor.

With a surprised face with her red-colored eyes wide open, Kuro was impressed at how good Miku kept the cloaked figure from escaping. "Hey... You're kidding, right...? More than three magic circles at the same time...? What is this...?"

Yes, this is only a small fraction of the magic that the oni can use...

Although Yui hadn't taught her any complex spells yet- nor how to use more than three magic circles at once, since it was still too early for her to be taught those.

But, this just showed Yui that Miku is now capable of using multiple ammounts of them.

With a back that hurts, Yui attempts to get back on her feet...

With the thought: 'I-Is this the power of a descendant of Shuten Doji- No, I heard that descendants of Shuten Doji have a lot more power in them... ' she falls back down with her butt hitting the floor.

Yui then notices that the others have now made it to the third floor and taking cover by the stairs...

With a loud voices she shouts...

"Girls! Calm her down! She might go berserk if you don't!"

Her the silver-haired fox's voice, Kanade and Akagi began to run up to the currently 'about to go out of control' oni.

'Will they manage to calm her down?' This tought had run through the sisters Kuro and Shumizu's heads as they notice the two running towards the dark blue-haired female oni.

With a loud bang, the cloaked figure had now managed to get the binds made of light to get off of it's body...

The cloak of this figure was now all torn up, revealing that it's a female with elf ears, blonde hair, blue eyes, as well as her outfit that looks like a lolita dress.

Her eyes had the eyes of a murderer about to murder a group of people and she spoke up...

"I thought I was a goner for a second there..." she then proceeded to laugh like a maniac with a crazy grin on her pale face.

With a magic circle appearing in front of her she casts a barrier in front of the two running foxes which made them face plant into it with a loud thud.

"Ouch... What just happened...? Since when was there a barrier?" the two asked confused and not knowing that the female elf had casted a barrier to prevent them from going near Miku who was still about to go berserk.

With another maniac-like laugh, the elf girl smiled at how they didn't see the barrier that she had just erected. "I can't let you fox spirits get in the way of my planse, thus! I'll stop you with a barrier."

The two foxes that had heard this from the unamed elf girl turned their heads to look at her...

'An elf...? What the hell is a elf doing here in japan...?' The two thought considering in this version of earth, elves don't live in japan. They leave in the forest of europe.

At the same time Yui finally manages to get up after getting her back badly hurt from the spell that the said elf had used on her.

With a evil and menacing grin on her face and her blue eyes now glowing with killing intent, she casts a even more powerful binding spell which made twenty of magic circles appear on the floor of the same hallway...

"Are you stupid...? You're messing with the wrong group here, You ugly hag!"

With sounds of chains rattling as they came out of the said circles, the elf is now once again binding and immobile...

The tightness of the said chains that are made of light had now given the elf a hard time when it came to getting out of the said binds that Yui had just summoned.

"Kuh! You stupid Fox!" the elf raised her voice sounding like a woman in her mid thirties.

With the same smile on her face, Yui has now just achieved what you may call a checkmate in a board game called chess.

"Now... Prepare to get apprehended!"

Strong gusts of wind suddenly filled the empty hallway of the third floor...

With the sounds of the same chains continuing to rattle, the elf is now knocked unconcious due to the chains tightening around her slim body like what a boa constrictor does to it's prey.

With the enemy now unconcious, the barrier that was stopping Akagi and Kanade has now disappeared...

"Quick! Hurry up and make Miku snap out of it!" Kuro who has now come out of the stair well shouted seeing the elf just being knocked out.

Will they be able to make the 'about to go berserk' Miku snap out of it?

[End of Chapter 11]

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