Immortal Moon

Chapter 19

Inside the E.I.M.D building's dorm area, around midnight...

"Hey, Wake up..." A voice called out from inside Yui's mind as she was currently alone in her room fasr asleep

"Huh? Am I hearing things....?"

"Looks like I managed to communicate."

"?!" Yui immediately opened her eyes as the same voice was heard once again inside of head.

Numerous amounts of questions started going around her head as her whole body went on full alert like a dog that heard some noise somewhere would do, Questions like:

What is this...?

Why is there a voice in my head...?

What's going on...?

Were only some of the questions that went around her mind as she tried to figure out the reason why there's a voice in her head.

"Hey, Are you ignoring me?"


Yui got startled once again as she heard the same exact voice once again, but this time it sounded annoyed.

"Who are you and Why is there a voice in my head?"

She angerly inquired the voice that had just woken her up.

"Could it be that you don't recognize my voice?"

The voice sounded like it calmed down a little bit when it heard Yui clearly stating that she doesn't know who it is that she's speaking to seemingly surprised by it.

'This voice is starting to annoy me now... I was sleeping and it woke me up...'

Yui complained to herself still feeling sleepy from suddenly being woken up.

"Well, since you don't recognise be I'll introduce myself..."

A figure of a female suddenly appeared as the same voice continued.

Yui immediatley got up and quickly erected a barrier around herself by reflex as she saw the aforementioned figure appear before her as self defense in case the figure had ill intentions towards her.

Before the voice could continue any longer one of the vampires that were now serving as Yui's servants stormed into the room with a weapon that resembled a naginata in one of her hands.

"Master! Are you all right?!"

A girl wearing lounge wear with her hair styled into a braid which rested on her right shoulder exclaimed.

"She can't see nor hear me, You're the only one that can." The voice stated calmly.

"It's nothing, I was just trying out a new spell."

Yui answered in a way that it really looked like she was just messing around with magic.

'Was I imagining things...? I could've sworn I sensed a suspicious presence...'

The vampire girl furrowed her brows at Yui's reply seemingly unconvinced.

She started looking around the fox girl's room trying to find anyone that could be hiding inside...

From her closet where she puts her futon during the day to the door that lead to the zen garden.

"Ok, No sign of anyone. I'll be taking my leave now, Master."

She bowed before she left Yui's dorm room still suspecting her of lying.

'That was close... It'll be bad if any of them started to think that I was talking to a voice in my head...'

Yui sighed with her barrier still around herself.

"What do you want? And who are you?"

"I'm the first half of Tamamo no Mae's lingering feelings which hadn't awakened inisde of you and I know you're aware of this fact by now but your the second half."

'What is this voice talking about...? I'm half of the lingering feelings of tamamo no mae?'

"I don''t know what you're talking about but you woke me up so I'm in a really bad mood right now..."

The silver-haired girl stated with a really menacing expression on her face.

"Calm down, I'm not here to harm anyone."

"Then why are you here then?"

"I have a feeling that something is gonna happen to one of your allies."

Yui couldn'r believe what this apperition that had just appeared in front of her had just told her, with a feeling of disbelief she thought: "Something bad...? That's just crazy... It can't be..."

"Are you expecting me to believe that? Do you even have proof?" Yui angerly questioned the apperition.

"I do."


Before she could realise what the ghostly figure had just done, images of things-that-are-about-to-happen flashed through her mind making her feel concerned that it might actually be the truth.

"What is this.... No... This is..."

She muttered still confused due to the images of two of her allies being abducted by a group of cat humanoids.

As Yui was about to something else Kuro suddenly stormed into her room with a panicked look oh her face as if something had happened.

"Rika and Aoi have gone missing!"


Kuro walked towards Yui making her drop the barrier and shows a piece of paper that said:

"We're just gonna walk around the area."
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With both of the twins' names written at the bottom of the note.

'Don't tell me that vision was real...?'

The silver-haired quickly teleported to the front of the E.I.M.D building in a rush to go and look for them, meanwhile Kuro informed the other members of the current situation.

"What the hell is even going...?"

Yui asked herself jumping from roof to roof of the nearby houses.

As she jumped onto the roof of a old looking japanese house, a person wearing a black cloak was stood there as if it was waiting for her to get there.

"Don't let your guard down, the group that kidnapped the two might've ordered this person to intercept you in case you tried something."

The voice of "half of tamamo no mae's lingering feelings" informed Yui who was about to cast a spell.

"I know that!"

The hooded person slowly approached her in a slow but stable speed as if sge wasn't gonna attack her at all making Yui summon a magic circle on her left hand which she had put behind her.

'Is she gonna attack me...? And this voice in my head... Can I actually trust it?'


Kuro shouted jumping onto the same roof that the hooded figure and Yui had been standing on.

"Any news on what happened?"

Yui inquired with her eyes still on the hooded figure which has now stopped walking towards her.

"No, And what about you?"

"Nothing either, and this hooded person doesn't seem like she'll let me go after them."

[To be continued...]

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