Immortal Moon

Chapter 21

A few hour have now passed after they finished talking about their "plan" of rescuing the twins but they still hadn't gotten anything that'll make it work out, Miku who couldn't sleep from both the feelings of guilt along with worry had gone out in the urban streets of Tokyo to investigate in case she finds some clues that could aid them with their so-called plan of theirs.

This sucks... I can't even get a blink of sleep because of my own doing...

She jumped up to one of the roofs of the houses of a residential area that she was currently in as she spots a police officer doing patrols in that same area about to bump into her.

Her purple-colored hair flowed beautifully as she had done this making it look like she was some kind of deity.

I can't let that officer see me in this state with my horns visible and all.

She carefully surveyed the surrounding area carefully as to not let the officer know that she had gotten up one of the roofs and to attempt to look for those clues that she had needed...

Those people are good... Usually when someone uses magic there's always some residue left from the mana that had been spent from casting but I can't seem derect any traces around...

She thought holding a talisman in her hand as if she was about to chant a spell.

It was silent... Way too silent to say that nothing was up due to the residue not being around the whole area like it's supposed to, rather it was like someone had made sure that the residue was being camouflaged or being hidden somehow...

She slowly started to meditate on top of the same roof to try and see if somone IS indeed attempting to hide it all.

As she was doing this there was a sudden gust of wind that hit her face almost knocking her off, if she hadn't heard it she would've gotten badly hurt from falling 20 feet.

What was that just now...? Is it an enemy?

She quickly but carefully looked around making sure that neither of her feet slipped.

"I knew you'd investigate on your own."

A voice that was familiar to her was heard from behind her, a voice that she found WAY to familiar to be. mere coincidence...

It was Rika that had sneaked up.

"Where were you? And where's Aoi?"

Miku asked feeling a bit relieved at the sight of her fellow ex-student.

Rika's eyes looked empty as if something depressing had happened to her just recently...

She slowly smiled at the purple-haired girl making herself look creepy as she slowly walked towards her.

"Could you stop smiling like that...? You're freaking me out..."

Miku slowly tried to jump away but-

Rika had already placed a trap in place making a binding spell activate, chains had quickly appeared around her swiftly wrapping around her slim body stopping any attempt at escaping...

"What are doing?! We're alies!"

Rika merely just smirked at Miku's statement and with the same creepy-looking grin on her face she sai back: "Allies...? What are you talking about, I wonder...?"

The chains wrapped around Miku's body slowly began to tighten up around her slowly suffocating her in the process.

I-Is she being controlled by someone...? But would do such a thing...? And for what reason...?

"My only ally is the great Soshu!"

Rika exclaimed making her voice echo around the peaceful japanese neighborhood making people go outside to see who it was that had just shouted.

"You're being controlled by that person!"

The purple-haired retorted almost finished with casting a spell that would break the chains and setting herself free from it's tight squeeze.


The silver-haired's face which previously had a creepy expression had now changed to a face full of anger and rage towards Miku who tried to tell her that someone had somehow brainwashed her into thinking that her allies were her enemies.

I knew that wasn't gonna work on her... Oh well, looks like I'm gonna have to blow the whistle that mentor gave me in case someone had tried attack me...

She broke the chains and took out the said whistle that Yui had handed her on the night after they had finished her, Rika, and Aoi's training as a gift.

The whistle made a sound that Yui could only hear, This was now something that Miku needed the others' help with...

"Oh? What's that suppose to do?"

Rika's expression quickly went back to her creepy one from before and almost manages to grab the whistle made from a piece of bamboo from Miku's grasp if she wasn't able to jump back as she blew air into it from her mouth.

I need to hold her back while they haven't arrived.

Miku immediately erected a barrier around herself as a precaution in case someone else tried to ambush her from behind...

This current situation that she's in is now a matter of life or death, one slip up could mean her death.

She quickly jumped from roof to roof trying to get as far away from the brainwashed girl as possible while setting some traps on each one that she lands on in the process.

This will probably just slow her down but it should give my mentor and the others some time to get here and keep myself away from any harm.

The said traps triggered as Rika stepped on each and every one of them everytime she had landed making her slow down each time one went off from being stepped on.

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By the time that she almost caught up with Miku she had already slowed down to the point where she was just walking and not running.

And now to completely stop her on her tracks...

With a snap of her fingers a binding spell had activated and chains wrapped around the yellow-eyed girl's body completely making her stop from moving.

[To Be Continued...]

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