Immortal Moon

Chapter 27

Now with her abilities mutiplied, The party now has to somehow defeat the nekomata named Ten who was now in her chaos form which makes her senses other than her mana have triple the ammount compared to when she was in her normal form.

"Two can play that game..."

Ten now more powerful than before lunges at Yui but misses.

"I already knew you were gonna do that... Nice try though..."

Yui quickly activates her weapon which was given to her by Hideo before she was allowed to head out of the building.

With the weapon slowly deploying from it's compact form which could be called a small cube, a clear clue was revealed as to what the said weapon was...

The weapon is a spear made of a metal that consists of the liquid form of mana, titanium, and many other strong metals and alloys.

It was also infused with the powers of many spirits which gave it some abilities.

With it's head now glowing brightly thanks to Yui supplying it with her own mana, it was now ready for use.


Yui quickly signaled the rest of the group to get ready to fight.

With their weapons now deployed and supplied with mana, the whole group was now ready to deal with Ten.

"Oh, How interesting... Looks like the humans gave you some toys..."

Ten mockingly stated with her gaze still aimed at Yui who now had her eyes glowing red once again.


Ten threw her double-edged scyth once again but this time it was quick to get near the group.

With a quick stab on the ground, Yui quickly deployed a concrete wall which erected the moment she hit the ground with her weapon.

"You aren't strong enough to face her... Atleast not until both of use are combined once again..."

It's the same voice from before again... What is this...?

Still not trusting the said voice, Yui quickly deflected Ten's attacks one after the other almost draining all of her mana once again.

"Oh? What's this? Where did the cocky fox go~?"

"Shut the hell up!"

Yui now nearing her defeat desperately clings to her spear trying to stay standing.

W-What's going here..? Why is she having trouble defeating that woman?
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Miku and the rest of thr group couldn't help but be confused by what they had just seen, remembering that Yui has recently just been given more tails which meant her abilities should've been enough to do some decent damage.


Ten kicked Yui which resulted in her body falling onto the ground with a thud.

Like I told you... We need to be re-united...

"Shut up... No one asked you..."

The remainder of the group: Kuro, Shumizu, Akagi, Kanade, and Miku were now shaken at how Yui was just defeated by Ten.

"Fall back!" Kuro shouted lifting Yui's body onto her back with the spear in her free hand still in it's deployed state.

"Shit! I only got one!" Ten screamed as Kanade quickly teleported the whole group back inside of the building.

Oh well... Atleast that's one less member to take care of...


Where am I...? Did I collapse again...?

"I told you... Didn't I? Why don't you listen to me?"

The mysterious voice once again spoke to her but this time it had a body, it was a body of a little girl who deeply resembled that of Yui's appearance but far more younger.

A little girl...? Why does she look like me...?

With a deep sigh the little girl spoke once more: "Listen, If you wanna defeat that woman you need to go to the Sesshou-seki located in Kyoto."

"I don't trust you, what if you're just a spirit who wanted to hijack my body?"

"Trust me, I'm not gonna do anything- Like I said I'm only a fifty percent so I can't really use spells."

She can't use spells...? This is making me not trust her even more.

Why am I in this situation to begin with...? I was born into this world out of the blue and now a mysterious voice that I don't even know if I should trust is suddenly communicating with me.

"I'll be waiting for you there..."

With a bright flash of light she was suddenly awake once again but with the memory of the vision that she just had.

She was now back in her and Miku's room in her futon with a blanket over her...

"Mentor! Are you all right? You just collapsed--"

"What happened to the intruder?"

"S-She fled when we got taken back inside by Kanade."


Is she ok? Why is she all worked up all of a sudden...?

Miku scared of how Yui is currently acting couldn't help but to just stay silent as to not get her mentor, Yui mad at her for saying anything unessesary.



"Do you know anything about the Sesshou-seki in Kyoto?"

"Y-Yes, um... I often hear about it from the people that stop by my family's shrine... If I remember right it's in nasu, tochigi."

That's pretty far... But this'll be risky...

"I need go get there."

Yui slowly got up with still the blanket on her making it fall on the futon.

What...? Why would she want to go there...?

Don't tell me she'll ask me to go with--

"And you're coming with me just to be safe."

I knew it... damn it... I hate that place... It freaks me out...

Just as she predicted, Yui asked her to accompany her to the killing stone.

Little does she know that they'll be meeting someone at that location with a risk of being in danger from attacks.


Giving up on refusing, she let out a sigh.

I didn't want to go back there though.... Because I got attacked there before by evil spirits attracted to the remaining magical power of that stone...

"All right, We'll be heading there tomorrow once we finished our morning patrol of the city."

Tomorrow? Is her business with that place that urgent?

"What are you just sitting around for? Don't you have anything else to do than to watch me?"

"Y-Yeah, I do but..."

"I'm fine, Don't worry about me."

"But Hideo said you collapsed from being low of mana."

"It's fine, This always happens to me anyway."

That voice could be right... It might be because I don't have the full hundred percent of Tamamo-no-Mae's power...

"Always? That's not normal, mentor!" Miku concerned about the well fair of her mentor couldn't help but raise her voice.

"Why are raising your voice? You're gonna bother the others, you know?"

[To be continued...]

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