Immortal Mortal

Vol 17 Chapter 1026: Thunder resort

"You killed Huang Huang..." I saw that this monk was killed by the unscrupulous Shenyuan handprint, and the rest of the Protoss monks were scared. The oldest monk, the **** of the gods, was whispering in a panic.

After a few breaths, the oldest monk came back and looked at him with horror. "You are not a god, why is it not suppressed?"

While speaking, the monk's mind is already looking for a way to walk. He understood that now is not worried that Huang Huang was killed, but should be worried about his own life.

The support of the cosmic horn was originally arranged by Mo Wuji. The **** of the Protoss monk was swept out and felt unscrupulous.

Sure enough, the oldest monk of the gods, after finding the direction of retreat, swiftly went away. At the same time, another **** of the Protoss, the monk, followed.

Mo Wuji stood without moving, that is, two punches blasted out.

The two fissures of the fissures are like the scorching sun of two rounds of tearing space, and the whistling blasts to the two protoss of the Protoss.

The two monks of the gods were suppressed by the rules in the perfection of the gods. After feeling the unscrupulous cracking of the gods, the two gods did not think how to resist, but they went crazy and generally accelerated. Speed, they are estimated to have great confidence in their own skills.

Mo Wuji did not go to chase, even the magic weapon is too lazy to sacrifice.

"Hey!" The two monks who walked away seemed to have collided with an invisible corrugated wall and stopped. The unscrupulous void pattern, the two gods monks simply could not see.

In the next moment, the two cracked fields were directly hit by the two gods, and the two groups of blood fog exploded again.

In addition to the little white face that was previously captured by Mo Wuji Shenyuan, the seven Protoss monks were killed by Mo Wuji in the blink of an eye.

Only the remaining one of the gods and the three gods and monks were looking at the face. They don't know how many other monks have been killed here. Now when they are about to be killed, they finally start to fear.

"You can't kill us. We come from the real Protoss. My Protoss not only has countless top kings, but also many powerful gods... If you kill us, even if it is a few boundaries, the Protoss will chase Killed. As long as you don't kill us a few, we can make a soul vow..." Only the remaining Protoss eagerly cried.

Mo Wuji still did not speak, and a sharp voice came over. "Mu brother, don't listen to him, there is nothing really true of these Protoss..."

"Zehong, you are a king of eight things, and dare to come out again." Nirvana screamed at the people who saw it.

If it weren't for the strong protagonists of the Protoss in front, Nirvana wanted to rush to kill Zehong.

Unscrupulous God thoughts have long seen Qihong hiding in one side. In his eyes, Cehong has long been a dead person.

"Mu brother, when I was anxious and cursed, I wanted to break through the layout of your brother. You hate me and I was told by him, then I broke open your ban and opened the curse of the Protoss. "Zhenghong seems to have a very difficult mood to calm down. When I say these words, I almost come over."

Seeing that there is no expression on the face, there seems to be no hands-on thoughts. He is relieved. He knows that especially the strong person, Mo Zhiwu must be greedy for the top supernatural powers, as long as he pinches the curse A few words have a chance to live.

After saying a few words, Cehong seems to have a slow breath. "I regret it too late. Fortunately, we did get the curse magical power. This magical power is now remembered by me. The reason why the Protoss did not kill me is to want me. The curse. I have been thinking about **** the protoss by means of the means, but I am too low to exchange some time with the curse."

"Are you finished?" Mo Wuji faintly looked at the policy.

"Ah..." Cehong didn't understand the meaning of Mo Wuji, and then he said, "The curse is definitely not for the Protoss. It is too powerful. I decided to hand over the curse to Mo Brother..."

"When you're done, go to hell." Mo Wuji took a hand, and a virtual handprint of the gods directly seized the policy, and then dozens of virtual streaks, and then a flame was thrown into the void.

The screams of the company’s screaming voice, “Mo Wuji, curse is definitely the top supernatural power in this universe, don’t you even have this magical power...”

There is no reason to be too lazy to ignore the policy, this guy will lead the Protoss, at least indirectly killed tens of millions of people, Mo Wuji will let this guy be a strange thing.

Seeing that Cehong’s call in the flames became more and more horrible, and more and more stern, Nie’s subconsciously hit a beggar. At that time, Mo Wuji killed many Taoist emperors and great emperors in the cosmic corner. Nie knew that Mo Wuji was definitely not a soft hand.

Now that he saw that Cehong was so murdered by Mo Wuji, he secretly thanked himself for not having a heart on the curse. Otherwise, he does not die in the hands of the Protoss, and at this moment is also in the flames.

The rest of the Protoss monks were uneasy, and even the guy who threatened the unscrupulous with the Protoss did not dare to continue.

Unscrupulous eyes swept over a few people, and this said, "This time the Protoss came a few people, except for you, who else?"

The Protoss monk said to Mo Wuyi, "The Taoist friend should also come down from the realm of God. I can know everything, only ask..."

Mo Wuji said coldly, "You have been contaminated with countless innocent blood in your hands. You are not qualified to ask. Do you still say?"

The protoss of the Protoss gods trembled in their hearts and simply closed their mouths.

Mo Wuji once again, the powerful whirlpool field bound the monk monk, and threw the **** monk into the mourning side of Zehong.

The flame of horror swept over and added one more person to the mourning. Was sent into the flame to burn, the **** of the gods immediately forcibly broke the rules of the world. The rules of heaven and earth were crushed and his body was broken. Before the overflow of his god, the flames rolled over and turned him into nothingness.

Looking at the rest of the feared Protoss monks, Mo Wuji coldly said, "Who can answer my questions carefully, I give him a good time, and let him have a chance to reincarnate."

"Predecessors, I can answer you..." The Protoss monk who was first thrown to the ground by Mo Wuji, eagerly said after hearing the words of Wu Wuji.

"Predecessors, I can also answer..." Another protagonist of the Protoss shouted.

The rest of the two looked at each other, and while hesitating, Mo Wuji’s Shenyuan handprint had already picked up the two.

"Wait, my predecessors, I can also answer..." A cult of the gods who was caught in the air by Mo Wuji was horrified.

"It’s late." During the speech, Mo Wuji has already thrown the two into the flame of space.

It seems that I have no patience and no patience. The little white-faced protoss monk quickly said, "Predecessors, we have a total of ten people this time. One of them has been eager to cut some of the curses, and the spirits are gone. One person heard that the starry island of the starry sky has Nikko, and he recently went to the starry island."

Mo Wuzhi was shocked. He naturally knew how precious the Neva fruit of the starry island was. Nikko can be called a fruit, because it contains a space rule. He got the cracked empty fruit in the starry island, which is still the best.

Yuan Mo said with disdain, "Even if his cultivation is stronger, he will not be able to open the starry island."

Mo Wuji nodded, he agreed with this statement. If the island is not open by itself, it is indeed difficult for the external force to open it. Mo Wuji believes that at least one monk can not be opened, not to mention a monk who is bound by the ruler in the realm of the gods.

"What I am worried about is that after the person got the news, he immediately fled. When Mo Zongzhu left, the protoss guy ran out to make waves." Lu Ziting said on the side.

At this moment, the sorrowful ceremonies of the emptiness and the two monks of the Protoss are also turned into nothingness. Mo Wuji, one hand, will kill these two gods and monks, this will say don't worry, the desert and you and Lu Zongzhu and Nie Dao friends will rectify the cosmic corner, inside There are also many surviving monks. After these sacred monks who practiced cursing were killed by me, they should recover from the curse. I have to go to the cursed squad of God's hangover and find a way to seal it there. "Mo Wuji did not care."

Nirvana hurriedly said, "Mu brother, if the monk who went to the starry island is back, what should I do?"

"The Great Wilderness, you and the shabu-shabu stay here. Once the Protoss monk is back, you want to get entangled in each other." Mo Wuji called out the wilderness and the shabu-shabu.

The Great Wilderness is already the nine-layered environment of the gods, and the shabu-shabu is also a five-layered god. The two can definitely stop a fertility monk here.

"Grandpa, you can rest assured that the protoss ants come, I will never let him go."

Mo Wuji did not pay attention to this guy, hurriedly and Yuan Moi several people greeted him, and immediately moved away from the wind.

Nirvana was worried, and it was hard to doubt the wildness and shavings left by Mo Wuji. Lu Ziting did not expect so much, he has stepped into the corner of the universe. There are many Terran monks living in the Cosmic Corner.


Mo Wuzhi left and did not have much time, a silver dawn rushed into the cosmic corner. At this moment, a few talents of Nirvana have just entered the corner of the universe. Lu Ziting has not even begun to summon the surviving monks.

"What happened?" The silvery glory fell, a tall, long-haired man. He looked at Lu Ziting a few people in confusion, and at the same time, he swept out. Why is there no cursing breath here? What are the protoss compatriots practicing here?

Nie said anxiously, "It is the guy who went to the starry island, Yuan Modaoyou, you quickly send a message to the Mocheng master..."


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