Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 203: Tea and Long Talk (two chapters in one)

"It's indeed Liu's fault that he didn't come to visit. Please forgive me, senior sister."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yu immediately replied in a low voice to express his apology.

After receiving so much care from the Yan family, it is really unjustifiable not to come to thank him. Anyway, I still feel a little wrong.

After walking a certain distance like this, Liu Yu thought for a while and whispered:

"But I also have some unavoidable reasons."

"Liu Yu only has the ordinary qualifications of the Three Spiritual Roots. Looking at the sect, he is mediocre. If he doesn't practice wholeheartedly, wouldn't he have given up the last hope of touching the golden elixir avenue?"

"Only by devoting most of your time and energy to cultivation can you hope to reach the bottleneck of the golden elixir in your lifetime."

"Since I am lucky enough to be able to embark on the path to immortality, I will never be willing to end up being mediocre and turn into a cup of loess. I have also imagined the scenery at the top of the road to immortality."

Liu Yu's words were both true and false, but the last sentence was absolutely true and not false at all.

I'm lucky enough to come to this world where immortality is no longer illusory. If I still can't appreciate the scenery at the top of the immortal road, wouldn't it be a wasted opportunity?

This is also the first time, and probably the last time, that he has expressed his feelings and aspirations in front of others.

There was no pause in the pace of the two people's conversation. Yan Hongyu looked normal on the surface, but she was not so calm inside.

"Get rid of distracting thoughts and focus on the immortal way."

From Liu Yu's few words, she could feel his determination to pursue the path of immortality, which moved her heart.

There are not many monks who can possess such a firm Taoist heart, and those who have a Taoist heart and talent, as long as their luck is not too bad, their achievements will generally not be too low.

In Yan Hongyu's view, although Liu Yusan's spiritual root qualifications and talents are a bit lacking, his business ability and alchemy skills can make up for the lack of talents to a large extent.

This made her more optimistic about Liu Yu's future, and she was already planning to win over him. At the same time, several thoughts emerged in her mind and gradually became clear.

Since I had already decided to win over this person, I would naturally investigate first.

Yan Hongyu had already known about the existence of Jade Pill Hall through her family's investigation. How complicated could a monk like Liu Yu, who was born in another academy, be?

She thought she already knew enough about Junior Brother Liu, such as the speed at which Yudantang earned spiritual stones, and his alchemy attainments.

As everyone knows, what Yan Hongyu saw was just the tip of the iceberg of himself, which Liu Yu deliberately revealed and wanted others to see.

There followed a long silence, and the two of them were speechless.

Liu Yu was half a step behind and followed Yan Hongyu towards the southeast.

This woman's cave is not far from the city lord's palace, located at the junction of the east and south of the city. The two of them walked for less than half a quarter of an hour before they stopped in front of a classical and exquisite courtyard.

This courtyard is about one-third larger than Liu Yu's. A high wall surrounds an attic, and the courtyard is filled with lush grass.

Moreover, the carvings on the attic are also very exquisite, and the surface image is commendable. It can be seen that it is carefully designed.

"Junior Brother Liu, please come in."

Yan Hongyu took out a dark token from the storage bag, hit a few magic tricks on it, activated the formation of the cave, and then turned to Liu Yu and said.

She didn't wait for a reply after she finished speaking, and walked directly into the cave.

At this time, of course Liu Yu didn't know how to write ink, so he followed the woman straight into the cave.

As he walked, he looked around, taking in the layout of the cave.

Generally speaking, the things in Yan Hongyu's cave were simple. She had not purchased some of the commonly used decorations in the female cultivator's cave, but the utensils were neatly placed and there was no sense of clutter at all.

It can be seen that this woman does not like those flashy things. The neat utensils also show that she is very self-disciplined.

Liu Yu analyzed in her mind, followed Yan Hongyu into the attic, stopped in the hall on the first floor, and sat down at one end of a wooden table at the woman's greeting.

"Junior Brother Liu, please have a good taste of my Red Mist Spirit Tea."

"This tea is extremely rare and expensive. It often takes more than two hundred spiritual stones to buy half a catty, and it is still very expensive. I relied on my family connections to finally get this half a catty of spiritual tea."

"Normally I can't bear to take it out. I only make a pot of it occasionally when there is a happy event. Junior Brother Liu is in luck this time."

After Yan Hongyu sat down, she waved her sleeves and a red wooden jar appeared on the table. She pointed at the red wooden jar and said.

"Really? I am very much looking forward to this tea being praised so much by Senior Sister."

Liu Yu doesn't attach much importance to the desire of the tongue, unless it is a spiritual tea with special effects such as Qinghe Lingcha.

Naturally, he would not say anything to dampen the mood at this time. Instead, he acted as if he was interested in the "Red Mist Tea" and said with a smile.

Yan Hongyu didn't talk nonsense when she saw this, and took out a three-inch cyan jade bottle from the storage bag. It should be a storage-type space magic weapon.

She held the jade bottle with one hand and poured it down. A thin stream of water slanted out from the mouth of the bottle. At the same time, she guided it with her other hand and the water stopped flowing downward.

Instead, it defied gravity, turned around and floated in front of the woman, forming a water ball that grew bigger and bigger, and finally formed a crystal clear water ball one foot long, wide and high.

The whole body of the water ball is light blue, and in the spiritual sense of the foundation-building monk, there is a faint fluctuation of spiritual energy. It is obviously the water of the spiritual spring, and the grade is at least middle grade or above.

Liu Yu made a judgment in her mind, but did not make a fuss.

After all, the water of the spiritual spring is not considered rare, and it is easy to buy as long as there are spiritual stones.

Yan Hongyu's movements over there did not pause at all. After the spiritual spring was almost poured out, she put away the cyan jade bottle.


Then she spread her right hand under the water ball, and an orange flame emerged from the palm of her hand and began to heat the spiritual spring.

This flame is the unique foundation-building true fire of foundation-building monks!


Using the foundation-building true fire to heat the spiritual spring is naturally very fast, but within a short time the spiritual spring is already boiling.

Yan Hongyu came from a big family and naturally received an excellent education.

The technique of making tea is not only extremely skillful, but also every move is pleasing to the eye. She has a different kind of beauty. She is the best-looking woman Liu Yu has ever seen making tea.

Her delicate hands kept moving, carrying out each step in an orderly manner. In about half an hour, a pot of spiritual tea was freshly baked.


Yan Hongyu personally poured a cup of spiritual tea for Liu Yu and pushed it over.

This spiritual tea is steaming hot, with wisps of mist rising, and a unique fragrance begins to fill the room, which makes people feel refreshed and appetite increased.

"Thank you, senior sister."

Liu Yu thanked her politely, held the teacup in both hands, shook her head slightly, and blew in. After it cooled down a little, she took a sip.

The warm tea flowed down the throat into the stomach, and immediately turned into a ball of pure spiritual energy and spread out.

This spiritual energy was slightly hot, but very tame. Liu Yu could easily refine it with a slight twist of his magic power.

The tea has already stimulated the taste buds as it passes through the tongue. After a slight bitterness, it is as sweet as sucrose. The contrast between bitterness first and then sweetness is clear, making people remember it deeply and have a long aftertaste.

After the bitterness and sweetness, there is a period of mental emptiness and calmness, just like the saint state after firing a bullet and all distracting thoughts disappear. This state is very conducive to cultivation.

“Good tea, good tea!”

Liu Yu nodded slightly and praised loudly.

In terms of efficacy, this Red Mist Ling Tea is naturally far inferior to the Qinghe Ling Tea that can increase spiritual awareness.

The spiritual energy contained in the spiritual tea is very huge for Qi Refining monks, but it is just a drop in the bucket for Foundation-building monks like them. Even if you drink it in large quantities, it will not be as effective as taking the elixir.

But in terms of taste, this Lingcha is undoubtedly much better than the Red Mist Lingcha.

"Junior brother, if you like it, you might as well have a few more drinks. Don't be polite."

Yan Hongyu obviously took advantage of these compliments and said with a smile.

Liu Yu naturally should be.

If it was serious business, since Yan Hongyu wasn't in a hurry to say it, he wasn't in a hurry to ask either.

Next, the two chatted about some interesting things about the sect, and time passed slowly like this.

"I once reminded junior brother not to associate with skirter. Do you still remember?"

Suddenly, Yan Hongyu put down her teacup and said seriously.

Liu Yu wasn't sure why this woman was bringing up old memories, so she just nodded lightly without saying anything.

"Quo'er is the one with the best spiritual qualifications among the younger generation in my lineage. The family has high hopes for her, and the senior sister has also put a lot of effort into cultivating her."

"The maximum lifespan of a monk in the Qi refining stage is only one hundred and twenty years. If you don't practice hard, you will be completely hopeless without building a foundation when you are sixty years old."

"At that time, Qu'er's cultivation was still relatively low, and her father and I were worried that she would delay her cultivation because of love affairs between men and women."

"In addition, the spiritual root qualifications of the two of you are very different, so the two of you are prevented from interacting."

"Junior Brother Liu, you are firm and mature. Can you understand the good intentions of me and Kuner's father?"

Yan Hongyu looked at Liu Yu, opened her red lips and spoke slowly.

At that time, he was just an ordinary outer disciple, while Yan Quer was the daughter of the Jindan family. Not only were there differences in status and strength between the two, but their spiritual qualifications were also very different.

With Yan Quer's talent and her family's help, foundation building is a sure thing.

But she was an ordinary three-spirited person with no talent or background and little hope of building a foundation. For the sake of Yan Quer's path, it was normal for Yan Hongyu to prevent the two from meeting.

But understanding is one thing, and whether or not you mind is another.

Liu Yu didn't have that kind of thought towards Yan Quer, but when she encountered something like this in person, how could she not feel a little grudge in her heart?

For a while, he just drank tea in silence and made no sound.

It wasn't until a while later that he slowly said:

"Senior sister, I can all understand what I said. There is no need to mention it again in the past. I didn't take it to heart."

Seeing this, Yan Hongyu finally showed a smile, her eyes flashed and she said:

"At this moment and at that moment, since junior brother and Kuo'er have already established the foundation, naturally his father and I will no longer stand in the way."

"If Junior Brother Liu is interested, I can arrange for you to have more contact with Qu'er."

"If the two of you can unite, you will become a pair of gods and Taoists who will envy others!"

"How about it, junior brother, what do you think?"

If the family wants to grow stronger and have more say in the sect, it not only needs to be strong itself, but also has appropriate allies.

Although Liu Yu is still a little weaker now, in Yan Hongyu's eyes, he undoubtedly has great potential and is a potential ally.

Moreover, since she has good skills in alchemy, it would not be a bad treatment for Quo'er to marry him. At least there will be no shortage of training resources in the future.

Marriage is very beneficial and can expand the family's influence in the future.

Of course, it would be best if Junior Brother Liu could be persuaded to join Zhu Yan's family.

"Thank you for your kindness, Senior Sister. I can only appreciate it."

"It's just that Liu is devoted to pursuing the Golden Elixir Road. Before the Golden Elixir is completed, he has no intention of practicing dual cultivation. Please don't be offended, Senior Sister."

"Let everything take its course."

Liu Yu looked directly at Yan Hongyu and rejected this matter tactfully but firmly.

He has an immortal palace and carries too many secrets. If he leaks them, he may end up with his soul being destroyed.

It is destined that he cannot get too close to others, otherwise the secret may be discovered.

Especially for the Taoist partner, who contacts each other very frequently, it is impossible for him to form a Taoist partner with others.

Maintaining this level of relationship with Jiang Qiushui is already the limit that Liu Yu can accept. A Taoist partner of the same realm is an unexpected factor that is difficult to control.

People's hearts will change, and Liu Yu will never give others the opportunity to betray him.

Yan Hongyu heard this, but she was not disappointed or angry. Since she felt Liu Yu's firm heart of Taoism, she knew that it was unlikely that he would be bound by love between men and women. This was expected.

Immortal cultivators pursue their own eternity, and do not value reproduction and love between men and women as much as mortals do. Especially those who have not given up the pursuit of immortality regard it as something dispensable, or even a burden.

"Okay, Junior Brother Liu, I was right about you."

Yan Hongyu took a sip from the teacup, put it on the table and praised.

If Liu Yu agreed, although she would be happy to help them get together, she would look down on him in her heart.

However, in the world of immortal cultivation, "wealth, companion, law and land", "couple" does not only refer to Taoist companions.

Yan Hongyu smiled lightly, and her face became more charming. She no longer entangled in the love between Yan Qun'er and Liu Yu, and asked:

"Junior Brother Liu has been building his foundation for more than ten years, right?"

"Has any Jindan elder in the sect valued him and wanted to accept him as a disciple?"

Hearing this, Liu Yu's pupils shrank and his mind turned rapidly. He already had a vague guess. Could it be that this woman wanted to...?

Thinking of this, he replied calmly:

"Liu has been building his foundation for fourteen years, and has never been favored by any elder."

Liu Yu paused, then asked again:

"Why do you ask this question, Senior Sister? Do you want to...?"

I am innocent in the sect, and most of the situations are easy to investigate, and there is no need to hide them, so I just said it directly.

Disciples from Yuanyang Branch, if they have good talents, will be summoned by the Golden Core Elder after successfully building their foundation, and they will be given instructions.

If the elders are satisfied with them, it is not impossible to directly accept them as their personal disciples.

From then on, they will have a backer in the sect, and they are no worse than most disciples from families.

But "good talents" refer to talents above the second spiritual root, and Liu Yu, an ordinary third spiritual root, who does not have a special spiritual body, is naturally not included.

So after building his foundation for fourteen years, he has not been summoned by the Golden Core Elder of the Branch School, and has not enjoyed the help of the Branch School in the sect.

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