Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 285 Blood Sacrifice to Recognize the Master (two chapters in one)

Among the ten people, the first six acted alone, that is, the so-called "lone wolf".

The last four formed teams of two and acted together in the secret realm to search for the seeds of spiritual medicine and spiritual grass together.

Each mode of action has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The former has a wider range of activities for a single person, but is alone and more likely to die in some cases.

The latter is relatively safe to take care of each other, and is more competitive against other cultivators, but the range of activities is smaller.

With the arrangement of the ten outer disciples, facing the complex situation in the secret realm, the possibility of returning alive with harvest is much higher.

Except for the two people in the team, they do not know the identity information of the other people.

These ten outer disciples will not know how many people Liu Yu arranged to enter the secret realm.

In order to ensure that these people will not leak secrets and ruin his own business, Liu Yu carefully checked their details and asked each of them to swear a heart demon oath that they could not advance to the foundation building stage.

Of course, their main task is to enter the secret realm to find various resources for the sect, and collecting spiritual medicine and spiritual grass seeds for themselves is just "by the way".

If you can't collect the seeds you need, there will be no punishment, but the previous "investment" will be taken back, and the conditions are very relaxed.

The so-called investment means that everyone is temporarily given a top-grade magic weapon, several first-grade high-power talismans, or various first-grade disposable consumables.

These are worth about 500 spirit stones, which is 5,000 spirit stones for ten people.

If nothing is gained, all these "investments" will be taken back. If the harvest meets the requirements, the investment will belong to these disciples permanently.

Each sect has a limited number of places to enter the secret realm. If the number of registered disciples exceeds the quota, a selection will be required before entering to eliminate the weak ones.

Arranging strong disciples to enter the secret realm and absorb more resources is in the interests of the sect.

Of course, the ten outer disciples selected by Liu Yu are already relatively powerful in the outer sect, and with the magic weapons he gave them, it is not a problem to pass the selection.

The trip to the secret realm will start in two months. Registration has already started, and the battle selection will start in one month.

Of course, he has no interest in watching the battles of these Qi Refining disciples. He just arranged Wu Chang to pay attention to the situation.

All the arrangements have been made. The rest is to wait until the Bloody Secret Realm opens and see the performance of the ten outer disciples.

The word "bloody" in the Bloody Secret Realm is enough to explain its cruelty and danger. Ten disciples who enter it often only survive two or three.

Therefore, the inner disciples with greater potential and certain resources from the sect choose to enter it for a fight. Instead, the outer disciples with poorer qualifications and potential occupy most of the places to enter.

Of course, the sect will definitely not arrange only inner and outer disciples to enter.

It will certainly arrange a few "elite disciples" whose strength far exceeds that of the same level, whose cultivation has reached the perfection of Qi Refining, and who hold the best magic tools, to enter and collect important resources.

Even, they can simply hunt ordinary disciples from other sects and reap rich rewards.

Elite disciples are paid attention to by the sect, and the cost of winning them over is too high.

Liu Yu did not make a choice.

It was considered good luck that three or four of the ten outer disciples could finally be brought back.

After thinking for a while and making sure there were no obvious omissions, Liu Yu waved his hand and took out two round things from the storage bag and placed them on the table.

These were two basketball-sized "giant eggs" with gray-black surfaces and blue lines.

They were the beast eggs obtained from the Yinming Spirit Snake.

For demon beasts and spirit beasts, blood is extremely important, just like the blood of cultivators.

According to legend, the Yinming Spirit Snake has the blood of the ancient demon beast Han Chi, and can grow to the third-level middle grade at most, which is equivalent to the cultivation level of the middle stage of the Golden Core.

In ancient legends, Han Chi has the blood of a real dragon, and at its peak it is a powerful demon beast that can compete with the great power of the Refining Void Stage.

With a breath of cold air, it is no longer a problem to freeze thousands of miles.

However, judging from the fact that its mother was only at the peak of the second level, it was estimated that the cold chi blood in its body was already very thin. It was not easy for it to advance to the third level of demon beasts, and it was estimated that it would not be much easier than human cultivators.

However, no matter what, it had the potential to advance to the third level, and it was worth cultivating. If it was put on the auction, it might be able to fetch a good price.

With a keen sense of spirit, he could clearly feel the breath of life in the two spirit beast eggs, which were full of vitality, but they were much weaker than when they were first obtained.

After considering for a period of time, Liu Yu decided to hatch them and cultivate them as his own spirit beasts.

First of all, compared with human cultivators, spirit beasts that signed a master-servant contract were undoubtedly more reliable. The master could decide the life and death of the spirit beast in a moment. Whether it was to assist in fighting or guard the cave, it was a good choice.

Spirit beasts did not have the complicated thoughts of human cultivators, and they were bound by the master-servant contract, so at least they did not have to worry about betrayal.

Secondly, the Yinming Spirit Snake had the potential to advance to the third level, which was the most valuable. Even if Liu Yu has a better choice, it is not much better, and it is time-consuming and laborious and delays his practice.

Finally, this snake is still in the state of a spirit beast egg, which is the best time to recognize its master.

The difficulty of taming a demon beast into a spirit beast is different at each stage, and the younger its "age", the easier it is to tame.

As the monsters grow, their wildness will continue to awaken, and the difficulty of taming them will continue to increase.

After the beasts open their eyes, they often regard the first creatures they see as their parents, and develop an innate closeness and trust, which is extremely beneficial for future training.

After making a decision in his heart, Liu Yu waved his hand to put the two spirit beast bags into the storage bag, opened the formation and walked out.

Before, I knew very little about cultivating spirit beasts, and I didn’t know how to make monsters recognize their masters. Since I decided to cultivate spirit beasts, it’s time to learn about it.

And it’s time to prepare things like spirit beast bags.

Taking out the mother-child soul-chasing blade, Liu Yu drove the escape light and flew straight to Qingquan Peak, preparing to go to the sect’s Sutra Pavilion to find some classics on this subject.

Two hours later, the escape light landed directly on the top of Qingquan Peak.

Liu Yu glanced at the plaque and walked in, going directly to the fourth floor.

The first three floors are the activity range of Qi Refining disciples. There may be some knowledge in this area, but it is undoubtedly the most basic, or it has been castrated and belongs to the content of Qi Refining.

If you want to find higher-level knowledge, you can't count on the first three floors, so there is no need to waste time here.

Liu Yu went directly to the fourth floor and took a look at the counter. It was a cultivator he didn't know. He nodded slightly as a greeting, and walked towards the book collection area without saying much.

According to the layout of the fourth floor, find the area related to spirit beasts and search carefully.

"Spirit Beast Cultivation Experience" "Thirteen Methods of Spirit Beast Recognition"

"Ye's Beast Scripture" "Secret Records of Taming Beasts"...

After searching for a while, Liu Yu found more than ten jade slips related to the cultivation and recognition of spirit beasts, and then checked them one by one.

After a selection, he finally chose the Secret Records of Taming Beasts.

As for the methods of recognizing masters here, the control and connection of spirit beasts are not strong enough, and it can only be said to be ordinary. He is not very satisfied.

Using these methods to recognize masters, if the Yinming Spirit Snake advances to the third level in the future, it is likely to be out of control.

If you don't think about the future, you will have immediate worries.

Although it's too far to think about those things now, there are better options. Why choose these ordinary things?

After going to the counter to copy the "Secret Record of Taming Beasts", Liu Yu continued to walk to the fifth floor.

The fourth, fifth and sixth floors of the Sutra Pavilion correspond to the early, middle and late stages of foundation building. Only when you reach the corresponding cultivation level can you go up to check.

As if to confirm the saying "concentration is the essence", the higher the level of the Sutra Pavilion, the smaller the space. The fifth floor is about one-fifth smaller than the fourth floor.

The cultivator stationed on this floor is still a stranger.

Liu Yu glanced at it lightly, then buried his head in the book collection area and began to look for what he needed.

"Blood Sacrifice to Recognize the Master"

After searching for a while, looking at the red jade slip in front of him, Liu Yu showed satisfaction.

According to the introduction in the previous content, through the method on the jade slip to recognize the master, the control over the spirit beast is very strong. Even if the spirit beast exceeds the master by one major realm, the master-servant contract can make the spirit beast pill shattered and the person die with a thought.

Moreover, it can form a close connection with the spirit beast, so that the spirit beast can understand the master's instructions and command it more easily.

"That's it."

Taking the jade tube to the counter to copy it, Liu Yu then left the Sutra Library.

Walking to a remote corner, he put the jade slip against his forehead, and a wisp of consciousness probed into it to check all the contents.

The speed of spiritual consciousness scanning and receiving information is extremely fast. It only takes two breaths to put down the jade slip again, and all the contents in it have been remembered in his mind.

Now is not the time to think thoroughly. Liu Yu took out the magic weapon with a slap on the storage bag, turned into a black escape light and soared into the sky, returning to the direction of Cailian Mountain.

He landed on a market on the way and stayed for a short time, wandering between various regular shops, and bought some materials for setting up the master recognition formation.

Then he re-controlled the magic weapon and flew to the cave of Cailian Mountain.

On the Mother-Child Soul Chasing Blade, Liu Yu faced forward with his pupils dilated, recalling the scenes he had just seen in Qingquan Peak and the market, and fell into thought.

Most people and things were the same as usual, and there was not much change in the flow of inner and outer disciples.

But Liu Yu always felt something was different. It seemed that the healing pills and various disposable talismans in the shops directly operated by various sects seemed to have decreased a lot.

Under the calm appearance, there seemed to be an undercurrent.

"Is it because the Bloody Secret Realm is about to open?"

In the past, when the Bloody Secret Realm was opened, the prices of magic tools and consumables did rise briefly, and they would return to normal after a period of time after the secret realm trip.

"But why do I always feel something unusual?"

Liu Yu muttered to himself.

In theory, only Qi Refining cultivators can participate in the Bloody Secret Realm event, and the scope of influence is mostly limited to first-level resources, and has little impact on the second-level resources used by foundation-building cultivators.

But when he went to the market to buy materials just now, he suddenly wanted to buy a few second-level mid-to-high-quality talismans as backup, after all, there were only three Golden Wind Dispersion Talismans left.

But strangely, several shops, without exception, had no second-level talismans.

It is not a simple matter to affect so many shops at the same time.

If it is just an isolated case, it is fine. If not... it means that something big is going to happen again.

"Could it be that the war of the spirit stone mine ended a few years ago and it has just calmed down, and there will be a big war again?"

Liu Yu thought of a possibility and frowned.

However, this is just one of the guesses, and the possibility of it becoming a fact is not high.

Of course, if all the markets of the sect are like this, then...

Thinking of this, Liu Yu took out a sound transmission note from his storage bag, moved his lips a few times, and turned into a beam of light and flew out.

He was not going to check the markets and shops one by one, so it was best to leave this matter to Wu Chang.

Two hours later, the black escape light fell in front of the cave house in Cailian Mountain.

Liu Yu opened the formation, and heard a sound of piano.

The sound of the piano was low and gentle, sad and beautiful, with a faint sadness, and seemed to carry a melancholy mood.

"Not bad."

At the end of the song, Liu Yu praised.

"Young Master!"

Ji Ruyan had just devoted herself to it, and only noticed it when Liu Yu spoke, and stood up and bowed politely.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and she seemed a little shy to be praised.

"If Ruyan has nothing to do after cultivation, how about helping me take care of the spiritual medicine garden?"

"The disciples sent by the General Affairs Hall are rough and clumsy, and the spiritual medicine garden is in a mess under their hands, and the growth is not good."

"You are not as clever as Ruyan, are you willing?"

Liu Yu said with a smile after picking up the spiritual tea she poured and taking a sip.

Through the sound of the piano, he could feel that this woman missed her family hometown very much, which was undoubtedly not good for cultivation, and this was not what he wanted to see.

Perhaps it would be a good choice to keep this woman busy so that she would have less time to think about random things.

Anyway, the "spiritual medicine garden" opened up by several acres of spiritual fields in Cailian Mountain, and the spiritual herbs planted were all used to conceal people's eyes and ears, and Liu Yu did not take this income to heart.

"Reply to the young master, the maid obeys your order."

Although she did not understand why Liu Yu made such an arrangement, Ji Ruyan did not choose to refuse as she was living under someone else's roof.

Seeing this, Liu Yu nodded slightly, left a basic spiritual herb cultivation experience, let her study slowly by herself, and turned into the practice room.

Sitting on the futon, he pondered the details of the "Blood Sacrifice Master Recognition Method".

Half an hour later, he stood up and started to move.

There is no need to understand the principle, just follow the content and meticulously arrange the "Master Recognition Formation", and it will be effective.

Liu Yu took out the various materials purchased in the market, and according to the description in the jade tube, he simply processed the materials and began to arrange them.

Although the master recognition formation is relatively simple and does not involve many mysteries of conventional formations, he knows nothing about formations, and it took him two hours to complete the arrangement.

The divine sense scanned and carefully checked the formation twice to confirm that it was consistent with the description in the jade tube.

Placed the two Yinming Spirit Snake eggs in the center of the triangular master recognition formation.

Then Liu Yu pinched his hands and a dark red spiritual light lit up in his hands.

In just three breaths, hundreds of magic formulas were cast on the formation.

The formation gradually lit up with spiritual light, and the lines connected together, emitting a silver-white light, covering the two gray beast eggs.

It seems to be "lit up".

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