Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 344: The strategy of self-satisfaction (please subscribe)

"Arrangements have been made for our injured monks."

Jiang Qiushui's soft voice sounded behind him.

When Liu Yu heard this, his consciousness swept away.

Sure enough, the area around Phoenix Mountain had calmed down, and there was no longer any fighting among the monks.

The disciples of the sect, monks from affiliated forces, and monks from the Wei family also "set up camp" on their own.

They either took out futons and sat on the ground, or got into tents to shield their eyes, or took out a simple formation to protect themselves and began to recuperate their injuries and restore their mana.

Although to Liu Yu, the Qi Refining monks of the Bai family can be harvested at will like weeds.

But for them, they are out-and-out formidable enemies, and their magical weapons, spells and other methods are not bad.

When the Bai family monks fought desperately to break out, it was normal for some monks to be injured or even die.

After capturing Phoenix Mountain, everything in the Bai family will naturally belong to the sect.

Before the inventory of all resources in Phoenix Mountain is completed, ordinary monks are not allowed to approach at will to avoid lining their own pockets.

Of course, the harvest of the monks they killed with their own hands still belongs to them.

However, any storage bag obtained from the Bai family needs to go through it first.

In order to prevent any Bai family monks from taking the opportunity to carry a large amount of Bai family resources and being lucky enough to be "cheap".

After all, this is now the sect's property, and protecting the sect's property is the unshirkable responsibility of every monk in the team, and no monk dares to say no.

As Liu Yu is the leader of the entire team, if there are any important or rare resources, of course they must be stored with him and kept for the sect first.

After returning to the sect, hand it over to the elders.

Therefore, he attached great importance to this aspect. He made solemn arrangements in advance, established a special "supervision team", and asked Jiang Qiushui to supervise it personally.

After all, this is part of your "responsibility."

However, if there are rare resources, or resources that Liu Yuzheng needs, then he will have to do something in the middle.

Anyway, only he and Jiang Qiushui, the statistician, knew how much the loot was, so it was up to them.

Liu Yu has pursued the policy of "self-satisfaction" since he became the leader of the Qingfeng team.

What is "self-satisfaction"?

Naturally, I want to find ways to make my storage bag expand, slowly "fill up", and make it as bigger and rounder as possible.

However, Liu Yu has a huge immortal mansion, and it is not that easy to satisfy himself.

It’s really a long way to go.

Although there is a supervisory team, it is more difficult for ordinary monks in the team to gain benefits, but it is not without room for maneuver.

From the beginning of the fight to the official capture of Phoenix Mountain, the supervisory team was not involved, so there was still a chance to reap benefits.

Only those who are brave enough don’t give up and “operate”.

The resources that the monks get from this are definitely far more than what they usually get from performing sect tasks honestly!

Of course, Liu Yu knew what could be done, but he turned a blind eye and let him go as long as it didn't go too far.

After all, if the water is clear, there will be no fish.

However, as a disciple of the sect, you can gain more benefits. For example, the supervisory team is composed of disciples of the sect, which is also a big benefit.

After withdrawing his thoughts and looking at the orderly patrolling teams around Phoenix Mountain, Liu Yu said calmly:

"How many casualties did our team have?"

"There are also resources in Phoenix Mountain. Have you finished taking inventory?"

He calmly looked at everything up and down the mountain without looking back.

"In this battle, a total of ninety-one of our Qi Refining Stage monks died, ten were seriously injured, and thirty were slightly injured."

"Among them, twenty disciples of the sect died, thirty-three people affiliated with Qingzhou died, and thirty-eight monks of the Wei family died."

"Most of them died from the Bai family's detonation formation."

"As for the resources of Phoenix Mountain, we have arranged for disciples to take inventory, but the inventory has not been completed yet."

Jiang Qiushui reported.

She originally had some pity for the Bai family, but once she learned that twenty disciples of the sect died here, all that pity was gone.

Among the disciples of the Death Sect, there are still a few familiar fellow disciples, and their relatives and friends are still waiting in the door, looking forward to returning.

The two sides have different positions, and naturally their joys and sorrows are not the same.

However, when she thought about how Senior Brother Liu protected her when she retreated when the formation was detonated, Jiang Qiushui's face showed a faint blush, and she felt particularly relieved.

"Well~, the inventory of resources must be completed as soon as possible without delay."

"There are also some matters after occupying Phoenix Mountain that must be arranged as soon as possible. I will leave these to my junior sister."

Liu Yu responded lightly, without any particular emotion, and then said.

It was as if it was not the monks who died, but a series of cold numbers.

"These are already being arranged, leave it to Qiu Shui, senior brother, please don't worry."

Jiang Qiushui said with a smile.

Having so many things handed over to her by Senior Brother Liu gave her a feeling of being trusted, and she liked this feeling very much.

"Thank you for your hard work, junior sister."

Liu Yu turned around and touched the cheek of the female cultivator in front of her with a rare gentle attitude.

"Qiu Shui is willing to share your worries for senior brother."

Jiang Qiushui lowered his head unnaturally and whispered.

Liu Yu smiled slightly, hugged her in her arms, and treated her tenderly.

After a while, he let go of the woman and said:

"Okay, junior sister, go down and make arrangements. Make sure there are no omissions."

"Also, ask Fellow Daoist Wei to come over. I have something to arrange."

Jiang Qiushui's face was slightly red at this moment, looking particularly charming. Hearing this, he shook his red lips and said:

"Yes, senior brother!"

After saying that, she took a deep breath and flew down the mountain, returning to her usual appearance of a beautiful female cultivator.

Liu Yu withdrew her gaze, looked at the sunset with her hands behind her hands, and waited quietly.

Although he is standing on the top of the mountain, his powerful spiritual consciousness can observe every corner of Phoenix Mountain, and no monk has been able to detect it.

He was not made to wait long. After about ten breaths, another ray of light fell on the top of the mountain. The person who came was none other than Wei Guangzheng.

"Fellow Taoist Qingyang."

"I don't know what the instructions are. I and the Wei family must cooperate fully!"

Wei Guangzheng cupped his hands and said.

Having learned from the Bai family's mistakes, he was also worried about following in their footsteps, so he was eager to express the Wei family's attitude and wanted to know Liu Yu's attitude and views towards the Wei family.

At the same time, he also knew that Liu Yu would not summon him if nothing happened.

"Fellow Taoist Guangzheng came just in time. Liu has a troublesome matter and wants to ask fellow Taoist for help."

"The Bai family still has many properties five hundred miles south of Jinquefang City. There are still many remnants of the Bai family in these properties and they are still alive and well."

"While they may not have reacted, or haven't had time to pack up their belongings and escape, Liu wants to ask Taoist friends to take action to catch all these remnants!"

Liu Yu turned around and said with a smile.

His tone was relaxed and his attitude was very polite, as if he was discussing with him.

"I and the Wei family sincerely seek refuge with fellow Taoist Qingyang and the Shangzong, and we would never dare to accept this word of "please"."

"If you have any errands, fellow Taoist, just give me the order."

"I am very familiar with the various industries of the Bai family. Let's leave this matter to the Wei family!"

"I will definitely not disappoint Fellow Taoist Qingyang!"

Wei Guangzheng bowed slightly and spoke respectfully, not daring to overstep the mark.

Although Liu Yu smiled and talked to Yan Yan, she seemed to be easy to get along with.

But he had seen with his own eyes the thunderous methods and ruthless style of the man in front of him, and he did not dare to really relax because of this.

"Yes, Liu has seen the sincerity of the Wei family and will never break his promise."

"When all the dust settles, Qimu Mountain will belong to the Wei family."

"Okay, let's get this matter done as soon as possible. Fellow Taoist, please leave immediately."

Liu Yu's smile faded and she said seriously.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist Qingyang!"

Like a real subordinate, Wei Guangzheng saluted solemnly, then drove away with the magical weapon.

Under Liu Yu's spiritual observation, he immediately ordered the uninjured monks from Qi Wei's family, divided them into small teams of varying numbers, and disappeared around Phoenix Mountain.

"It's time to check out the results of this trip."

Liu Yu's consciousness swept away and he came to the only cave on the top of the mountain.

After rummaging through several storage bags on his waist, he finally used a token from Bai Lianhua's storage bag to successfully open the formation.

"This place is where the spiritual energy of the entire Phoenix Mountain gathers, and the spiritual energy is the strongest."

"If your guess is correct, this is Bai Lianhua's cave."

After having this thought, Liu Yu first observed it with his spiritual consciousness, and then walked in.

His attack was very sudden, and Bai Lianhua was completely unprepared, so the possibility of a trap was very small, so there was no need to worry too much.

After entering the cave, he raised his head and looked around. His eyes swept randomly, taking in the environment of the cave.

"Library", "Practice Room", "Talk Making Room"

As the leader of the clan, Bai Lianhua's cave is very large, much larger than Liu Yu's Cailian Mountain Cave.

You can see the names of rooms with different uses, and each room has restrictions and obstructions.

The furnishings in the cave are obviously in the style of female cultivators. There are many exquisite small objects, and every corner is spotless.

There is even a small pool in the hall, with six or seven blooming lotus flowers and several hills in the pool.

Looking carefully, these hills are vaguely similar to the Lingshan Mountains surrounding Phoenix Mountain.

The air is filled with a scent like orchid and musk, like the fragrance of flowers blooming indoors.

But if you smell it carefully, it seems that there is a bit of the fragrance of a female cultivator, with a strong feminine scent.

Except for treasures related to inheritance, generally important resources monks will carry with them and will not put them in the cave, such as Liu Yu himself.

So he didn't have any expectations for Bai Lianhua's cave.

However, adhering to the principle of not wasting, I still searched for it.

Not long after, Liu Yu walked out of Bai Lianhua's boudoir, feeling slightly disappointed.

With a casual fireball spell, he burned a pile of thin underwear to ashes, and then walked to the last unchecked room.

There it was—the library.


With a gentle vibration, the stone door slowly opened.

"Essays on Drawing Talisman", "Three Methods of Drawing Fireball Technique", "Key Points of Drawing Fire Dragon Talisman"

"Experiences of practicing Jinfeng Sanxing Technique"

There are many classics recorded on paper on the bookshelves in the library, and there are also many classics recorded on jade slips.

Liu Yu's spiritual consciousness casually scanned and found that most of these classics were related to making talismans.

There are rough records on the drawing methods from the first-level low-level fire bomb technique to the second-level high-level golden wind dispersing technique.

There are also many experiences in making and using talismans.

"These information are very detailed and can be regarded as a talisman-making inheritance."

"Directly referring to the second-level talisman-making inheritance."

This was an extra bonus, a moderate surprise. Liu Yu showed a smile and accepted it unceremoniously.

Put all the classics in a storage bag and put them in a special corner so that they can be found quickly when needed.

Any knowledge about cultivating immortals is precious, especially a talisman-making inheritance up to the second-level top-grade.

For some small families, small sects and independent cultivators, it is even more priceless and cannot be simply measured by spirit stones.

After searching Bai Lianhua's cave, Liu Yu sat on the exquisitely carved chair in the hall and took off the several storage bags he had harvested from his waist one by one.

He began to count the "trophies" obtained from killing cultivators, with a little expectation in his heart.

These four storage bags were obtained from Bai Lianhua, Bai Caihuang, the second elder of the Bai family, and the fifth elder of the Bai family.

Although there were four foundation-building cultivators killed in the battle of Phoenix Mountain, the last one, the fourth elder of the Bai family, had little power to struggle.

The main reason why Liu Yu snatched the head was for fuel.

Moreover, he did not take the wealth of a cultivator in the early stage of foundation-building seriously.

Although he could forcibly take his wealth, it would be too ugly to do so, so Liu Yu did not take it.

The wealth of the four elders of the Bai family was divided among the pursuers.


Liu Yu poured out the contents of the four storage bags one by one, and a large pile of objects immediately filled the entire table, and many even fell to the ground.

The space of the top-grade storage bag is not small, as big as a room, so it can naturally hold a lot of things.

Liu Yu sorted it out a little, put the messy things aside, and then looked at the remaining "treasures" on the table.

They were a pile of spirit stones, a pile of talismans, several magic tools, bottles and jars of elixirs, and a dozen jade slips.

There were about 10,000 spirit stones in that pile, of which Bai Lianhua and the second elder of the Bai family contributed the most.

Fortunately, most of them were medium-grade spirit stones, otherwise this large table might not be able to hold them.

In particular, one of the spirit stones made Liu Yu unable to look away.

This spirit stone was dark red in color, exuding an amazing fire attribute aura, and the whole was almost transparent.

Not only does it not look like a "stone", but it looks more like a piece of fine jade.

"Top-grade spiritual stone!"

"It's of fire attribute."

Liu Yu showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Since the ancient war that changed the world, the concentration of spiritual energy in the entire cultivation world has been slowly declining, and various rare resources have gradually decreased or even disappeared.

Resources are decreasing, but the number of cultivators has not decreased much, which has exacerbated the consumption of existing resources, such as spiritual stones.

In fact, in ancient and medieval times, top-grade spiritual stones were not rare.

But now, top-grade spiritual stones are also very rare for Jindan-stage cultivators, and it is difficult to get them easily, let alone foundation-building cultivators.

The total amount of spiritual energy in top-grade spiritual stones far exceeds that of middle and lower-grade spiritual stones, and the spiritual energy in them is more refined and of higher "quality".

It is easier to be refined by cultivators and absorbed by formations, etc., and has a wider range of uses.

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