Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 398: Ruthless Turn

Just a moment after the formation was completely broken, he had turned into a beam of light and fled in the opposite direction of Liu Yu, Cao Yuanwu and others at a speed far exceeding that of a foundation-building cultivator.

In the spiritual medicine garden, only five foundation-building cultivators from Baiyun Temple and more than forty Qi-refining disciples were left.

They were stunned and had not yet reacted to what had happened.

During the rapid flight, seeing that no cultivators caught up with him, Song Haocang finally felt much more at ease and began to think about what would happen next.


"I can't just leave like this."

"If a fellow disciple escapes by chance, wouldn't I be charged with deserting the battlefield and abandoning my fellow disciples?"

"Once discovered by the sect, at the very least, my cultivation will be abolished, and at the worst, I will be executed directly!"

"Yes, I can't just leave like this."

Song Haocang's eyes flashed with ruthlessness, and he turned the light of escape to fly to the main road leading to the mountain gate to deal with the aftermath of this incident.

The joy of surviving the disaster completely overwhelmed the guilt and guilt in his heart.

Xianque City is already an "isolated city". Even if a fellow disciple escapes, he cannot enter the city to pass on the news.

As long as he guards the main road leading to the mountain gate and kills the fellow disciples who may escape, his actions will be unknown.

After today, he will still be a respected figure in the sect, and he may even be trained as a key figure and hope to become a golden elixir seed.

"I don't want to do it, but I can only do this."

"Don't resent me."

Song Haocang comforted himself in his heart.

Having betrayed once, he made a similar decision again, and his guilt and guilt in his heart were much lighter.

"Senior Brother Song?!"

"Uncle Song, just abandon us and run away?"

The monks of Baiyun Temple who reacted were shocked and angry, with resentment, panic and other emotions flashing on their faces, with an unbelievable look.

There is no other reason. Song Haocang's image has always been good, and his prestige in Qianchang Spiritual Medicine Garden is not small.

They never thought that he would abandon his fellow disciples so decisively and run away.

As disciples of a large sect, they naturally have their own pride. Many cultivators are ready to perish together with their enemies after being bullied by independent cultivators.

Even if they die, they will take someone with them.

However, Song Haocang's act of escaping from the battlefield has greatly shaken the morale of the army. After their courage has cooled down, it is difficult for them to resist to the death.

At that moment, two more cultivators drove their magic weapons and wanted to escape from the battlefield.

For a time, the morale of the Baiyun Temple was completely dispersed, and it was difficult to organize an effective resistance.

The cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage also followed suit, and there was a tendency to scatter in a hurry.

But how could Cao Yuanwu and others miss this rare opportunity?

The reason why they let Song Haocang go was that his cultivation had reached the peak of foundation building after all, and forcibly chasing him might not be a good thing. He might even be dragged into the water by his counterattack before his death.

Second, he had taken the lead and had already activated the escape talisman, so it was too late to chase him.

But now that they have made preparations, it will not be so easy for the remaining Baiyun Temple foundation-building cultivators and Qi-refining cultivators to leave.

These are "storage bags" that can move, how can they let them go?

Therefore, except for Song Haocang, Cao Yuanwu and others did not want to let go of any of the remaining cultivators!

In a flash, Cao Yuanwu and another late-stage foundation-building cultivator had already chased after the two fleeing Baiyun Temple foundation-building cultivators.

Due to the advantage of cultivation, the distance between the two sides was rapidly shortened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Including Liu Yu, the remaining eight people, without any reminder, had already killed the cultivators in the Qianchang Spiritual Medicine Garden.

"Uh ah"

Just after the second breath of the formation being broken, there were shouts of participation in the Spiritual Medicine Garden, and the Baiyun Temple cultivators became dead souls one by one.

Blood was sprayed, limbs were broken, and shrill screams came one after another.

If Song Haocang hadn't left, he could have formed a formation to resist a little. Cao Yuanwu and others might have been afraid to use force, and they would have to go through a hard battle.

But the person with the highest cultivation in the Spiritual Medicine Garden fled first, causing the remaining cultivators to lose their morale and unable to form an effective resistance.

Under the suppression of cultivation, this has become a one-sided massacre!

Liu Yu easily controlled the dark yellow flying sword and the pink folding fan, easily destroying each medium and low-grade magic weapon and breaking each spell.

Even the top-grade magic weapon could not resist the sharp edge!

Wherever the sword passed, there was no decent obstruction at all, and it wantonly harvested the lives of Qi Refining cultivators.

Just like cutting weeds, the sickle was swung, and it was easy to cut a large area.

Some cultivators cursed loudly, some cultivators issued vicious curses before they died, and some cultivators had extremely scary eyes, as if they wanted to eat their flesh alive.

But Liu Yu never blinked, and he did not hesitate or hesitate.

"What a pity."

"It's a pity to have these fuels. Because we can't reveal our identities, we can use Qingyang Magic Fire to harvest the fuel."

Looking at the dead cultivators, he shook his head secretly in his heart, feeling a little regretful.

However, Liu Yu's killing speed is definitely not the fastest in the field. Some independent cultivators are faster than him.

Unlike him, these people are real independent cultivators.

Long-term oppression by the big sects has led to an extremely scarce cultivation resources, and a strong resentment has long accumulated in their hearts.

So now they are absolutely very active.

One is to vent the resentment in their hearts, and the other is to plunder as many resources as possible. Why not?

In fact, these people themselves are not all extremely vicious, and they may not all be from Youbing or Yan.

But the big sects occupy most of the immortal cultivation resources, which indirectly cuts off the path of many independent cultivators.

Blocking someone's path is like killing their parents, this hatred is irreconcilable!

Now that I have this rare opportunity, of course I have to vent it.

The remaining three foundation-building cultivators in Baiyun Temple and more than 40 Qi-refining cultivators are vulnerable in front of Liu Yu and the other eight foundation-building cultivators. There are cultivators dying every breath.


Due to the huge gap in strength, the speed of killing is very fast. After only half a quarter of an hour, the screams slowly disappeared.

In Qianchang Spiritual Medicine Garden, silence was restored again.

All independent cultivators have many storage bags hanging on their bodies, which is even more than that of a certain gang of eight-bag elders.

In order not to appear to be a maverick, Liu Yu also has many storage bags hanging on his body, and behaves no different from ordinary independent cultivators, as if he came for resources.

With the resources in hand and no common enemy, the atmosphere in the field suddenly changed and became a little weird.

The casual cultivators looked at each other with a strong sense of vigilance.

On Liu Yu's left hand was a female cultivator in red clothes, whose cultivation was in the middle stage of foundation building. Through the previous brief communication, he knew that her name was Ye Menghua.

Ye Menghua looked alone in the temporary team of ten people and was not familiar with other casual cultivators.

Seeing that Liu Yu joined later and was also alone but strong, the woman came closer, and there was a tendency to unite and keep warm.

They even communicated secretly through telepathy, explaining the interests and agreeing to help each other.

Liu Yu secretly felt a little funny, but after pretending to hesitate, he still agreed.

Ye Menghua looked normal on the surface, but she moved closer without making a sound, and the distance between the two was only a little more than two feet.

The woman had no idea that the biggest threat was right beside her.

At this distance, Liu Yu only needs to exert his full strength to kill him in an instant.

Just when the atmosphere in the Spiritual Medicine Garden became more and more weird, and Liu Yu, Ye Menghua and the other eight people were about to confront each other, two rays of light flashed across the sky, breaking this weird atmosphere.

Cao Yuanwu and the other two who were chasing him came back at this time.

Looking at the extra storage bags on their waists, it can be seen that the two Baiyun Temple cultivators who ran away are most likely dead.

"Fellow Taoists, according to the previous agreement, let's divide the spiritual herbs in Qianchang Spiritual Medicine Garden now."

Seeing the corpses all over the ground, Cao Yuanwu smiled, and when he saw that everyone's eyes forgot to come over, he immediately spoke.

He proposed to divide the spoils right away, without any dragging, as if he really had no intention of taking it all for himself.

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the field relaxed in vain, but other casual cultivators still did not let down their guard.

It was because the small group of Cao Yuanwu and the other three had a cultivation level of at least the late stage of foundation building, which was a great threat to other casual cultivators.

If they turn against each other at a critical moment, they may succeed.

Moreover, there are countless examples of betrayal among independent cultivators because of interests, so they certainly dare not be careless.

"If we can successfully obtain the spiritual herbs we need, we can avoid taking action."

"After all, the spiritual stones and magic tools alone are not very useful to us."

"But, the division of the spoils may not go smoothly."

Liu Yu's mind turned, and his consciousness secretly locked every cultivator in the field to prevent sudden attacks.

The spiritual herbs and medicines in Qianchang Spiritual Medicine Garden are very valuable. If they can be taken alone, they can definitely be exchanged for tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

I am afraid that the spiritual stones are far more than enough to buy the spiritual objects of the Jindan, and even enough to prepare three people's spiritual objects of the Jindan.

Faced with such temptation, if Liu Yu did not have an immortal mansion, he would definitely be tempted, let alone Cao Yuanwu and the other two?

Never overestimate human nature!

Moreover, the "teammates" who temporarily united for interests have no burden at all when they take action.

With the strength of Cao Yuanwu and his three companions, they are obviously better than other casual cultivators, and they are also certain to start fighting.

In this case, can the division of spoils really proceed smoothly?

Ye Menghua's casual cultivators cannot be unaware of the dangers involved, but with a lot of spiritual stones in front of them, how can they give up easily?

It is not easy for casual cultivators to survive. If they are still afraid of this, they will miss the great opportunity.

Then why seek immortality and cultivate the Tao?

Therefore, after Cao Yuanwu gathered, the subtle situation in the field changed again.

Ye Menghua and the other six casual cultivators secretly united, intending to jointly guard against Cao Yuanwu and his three companions, trying to make the three of them afraid to act rashly and successfully complete the division of spoils.

Sighing at the "exciting" life of casual cultivators in his heart, Liu Yu honestly stood on Ye Menghua's side and had no intention of exposing his strength for the time being.

No matter how the situation develops, with the strength that is superior to everyone else, the final result will definitely be in his favor.

The only difference is whether to take action, whether to kill them all, or let a few go.

By this time, the temporary alliance of ten people had already been clearly divided.

Cao Yuanwu and his three people were a small group, Liu Yu and Ye Menghua were a small group, but on the surface, they were the weakest.

The remaining six people were divided into two small groups.

The three small groups including Liu Yu were closer to each other, and their vigilance against Cao Yuanwu's group was already very obvious.

Everyone wanted to divide the spoils as soon as possible, so naturally there was no objection.

After verbally reaching an agreement, the group came to the outside of the spiritual field where the spiritual herbs were planted, but they were blocked by a formation.

Everyone looked through the seized storage bags and tested them once, but none of them found the token to open the inner formation.

"The token of the spiritual field formation must be on Song Haocang. With this person's escape, it is destined that the token cannot be used to open the formation."

"Everyone, for now, we can only forcefully break it."

"Please pay attention to the degree of your attack, so as not to affect the spiritual herbs in the spiritual field."

After testing them all, Cao Yuanwu said helplessly.

This inner formation is only of the second-level middle grade. It is relatively easy to break it if everyone works together.

While speaking, he seemed to inadvertently glance in the direction of another group of three and secretly sent a message to someone.


Liu Yu curled his lips and noticed this slight fluctuation of spiritual consciousness, but did not alarm the snake.

With his consciousness that has surpassed the peak of foundation building, although he cannot forcefully obtain Cao Yuanwu's voice transmission information, it is still no problem to sense the fluctuations of his consciousness transmission.

However, he did not mean to remind them at all.

From the perspective of interests, it is more beneficial for him to clean up the mess if these scattered cultivators fight each other.

Maybe in the end, he can leave all the cultivators behind and become the winner alone.

The priceless rare spiritual herbs are right in front of them. Many scattered cultivators are itching to do it. Their breathing unconsciously becomes a little faster. They agree without thinking.

"In this case, let's do it immediately."

Cao Yuanwu said, and first offered the trident spiritual weapon and stabbed it towards the formation.

For a while, another magic weapon and spiritual weapon took off and stabbed the second-level middle-grade formation guarding the spiritual field.

If everyone used all their strength, it could be broken in one or two breaths, but they were concerned about the spiritual herbs, so they didn't let go.

It was just the most plain way to quickly consume the power of the formation, trying to make it collapse without attack.

The power of ten foundation-building cultivators at the same time was extraordinary. In just seven or eight breaths, the spiritual light of the formation had dimmed.

At this moment, Cao Yuanwu recalled the trident spiritual weapon with a normal look.

If it was a normal fight, this action would be very common, as if the spiritual weapon had exhausted its old power and had not yet generated new power, and it was trying to accumulate power again.

"Here it comes."

But this thought flashed through Liu Yu's mind. He just sensed the fluctuations of Cao Yuanwu's spiritual consciousness transmission.

If I guessed correctly, this should be a signal to take action.

Sure enough, in the next moment, just before the power of the formation was about to be exhausted, something unexpected happened!

After Cao Yuanwu's trident spiritual weapon was recharged, it did not attack the formation, but attacked another late-stage foundation-building cultivator besides the three of them.

At the same time, in a small group not far from Liu Yu, there were also fluctuations of magic weapons.

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