Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 50 Arrangement

Lin Dayong brought the four outer disciples stationed at the mine to the wooden house soon after. Liu Yu and his five companions exchanged greetings with Su Ding and his five companions before they began to hand over.

Although it was called a handover, the handover between the two inner disciples was the most important.

Wu Chang, Zhou Guibo and other outer disciples asked the outer disciples who had been stationed here about some specific details of the mine, such as the power and consumption of the mine formation, precautions for maintaining the formation, and whether the mortal miners in the mine were "honest".

Su Ding handed over a thin book recording the output of the cold iron ore, and then handed him the token that controlled the mine formation, and finally threw a small yellow cloth bag over.

This is a high-quality storage bag, which was issued by the sect specifically for storing cold iron ore. The internal space is three times larger than Liu Yu's medium-quality storage bag.

After handing over the three things, Su Ding said nothing with a complicated look in his eyes and a bit of loss, realizing that he would leave this comfortable place today.

Thinking of this, he suddenly yawned, covered his mouth with one hand, and felt tired. It seemed that the dragon and the phoenix consumed too much last night, and now he was a little short of energy.

Liu Yu reached out to take the three things, glanced at Su Ding's decadent appearance at this time, and carefully flipped through the accounts.

The immortal cultivator has an amazing memory. He reads ten lines at a glance very quickly. He turns a page in almost one breath. After a while, he finished reading a thin booklet, and then opened the public storage bag and checked the raw ore for this month against the accounts.

Liu Yu scanned with his spiritual sense and found that there was basically no shortage. It was roughly the same. According to the daily quota recorded in the booklet, it would not be a problem to maintain and complete the monthly task.

He handed the token to Wu Chang and asked them to activate the formation of the mine to check if there were any problems.

"Yes, Senior Brother Liu"

Wu Chang took the token, and several people bowed and agreed in unison. They had just knocked before coming, and they were all very honest.

Liu Yu nodded secretly in his heart, and was quite satisfied with the effect of the hammering. Then he asked Lin Dayong to lead Liu Yu and Su Ding to the mine to familiarize themselves with the environment.

Of course, they were definitely not interested in going down to the mine. Mine supervisors rarely go to such dark and dirty places, let alone them?

They didn't care about the environment and conditions in the mine. What they cared about was that the amount of cold iron ore mined every month was sufficient.

Liu Yu didn't really care about the spiritual stones for this mission. With the Immortal Palace in hand, he could make a few bottles of pills at will. He came here to avoid the spiritual stone mine war. If he wasn't afraid that the monthly output would not be enough and he would be called back by the sect, he would have arranged Wu Chang and others to come and take over.

After walking around the mine, Lin Dayong introduced the situation of the mine to the two of them, of course, mainly to Liu Yu.

He had been a supervisor in the mine for 20 years and knew that among the immortal masters stationed there, the immortal master in white was the one who had the final say. As long as he satisfied this immortal master, his position would be stable.

After a round, he returned to the wooden house. At this time, Wu Chang and his friends had already triggered the formation experiment and found no problem. Seeing Liu Yu's gaze, they all nodded to indicate that there was nothing unusual.

After getting a positive answer, Liu Yu felt relieved and smiled more sincerely. He said to Su Ding:

"Junior brother, there is no doubt about it. So far, the handover of the cold iron vein has been completed. Senior brother Su has run the mine very well in the past few years. I have picked up a bargain."

"I have a mission to accomplish. I'm sorry I can't send you off. If I meet you in the sect after I go back, I will definitely invite you to Tianxiang Tower for a few drinks!"

In this extraordinary situation, several people have finally won this mission. If Su Ding and his friends play tricks during the handover, he doesn't mind taking action to capture them directly with one order.

They are just a few ordinary disciples who were squeezed here. They have mediocre cultivation and no backing. If they are really capable, they would not be arranged to garrison in such a place with thin spiritual energy during the peaceful period.

This is different from the garrison of Liu Yu and the other five during the war. Not to mention Liu Yu, I am afraid that Wu Chang, Zhou Guibo and the other four may not take them seriously.

Of course, it is best to hand over the task safely. If not, I believe Wu Chang and the others will definitely not mind taking action.

Seeing that Senior Brother Liu has sent them away, Wu Chang and the other four also clasped their fists and said goodbye to Su Ding and the others.

"This matter is over, and we should return to the sect. Thanks to Senior Brother Liu's good words, we will see you at Tianxiang Tower. Goodbye!"

Su Ding sighed lightly and smiled bitterly, but still bowed to Liu Yu and the others one by one.

The four outer disciples behind him also looked heavy. They knew what they would face when they returned to the sect this time and were quite pessimistic.

No matter what Su Ding and his friends thought, whether they lamented the unfairness of fate or complained about the sect, they could only take out their magic weapons and turn into faint rays of light that disappeared into the sky.

Liu Yu retracted his gaze, his smile faded, and his expression returned to calm.

His eyes were as calm as water, and his dark pupils swept over the few people. There seemed to be a slight sense of oppression in his eyes, which made the hearts of the few people heavy, and no one dared to look at him.

At this time, he was already the cultivator with the highest cultivation and the strongest strength in the mine, and naturally mastered the highest status and the greatest right to speak.

"From now on, several junior brothers will be stationed in the mine. If they encounter an attack by enemy monks, they will immediately start the formation to stop the enemy and send the information to me through the sound transmission note."

"The four of you will be divided into two groups, Junior Brother Wu and Junior Sister Sun in one group, and Junior Brother Zhou and Junior Brother Xie in one group. They will rotate every seven days to patrol around the mine and ensure that the normal mining of the cold iron vein is not disturbed."

Liu Yu first spoke to Wu Chang, Zhou Guibo, Xie Huaxiong, and Sun Ju. In a few words, he arranged their tasks and groups, and his tone was unquestionable.

As for whether to provide support after receiving the information, it depends on the strength of the attacking monks. If the enemy monks are too strong and they cannot hold on for long, then let's stop talking and he can only send a message to the sect to request support. It is impossible to risk your life for the mission.


Wu Chang responded loudly without changing his expression, he had already made his choice.

"Damn you bitch!"

Zhou Guibo and the other two cursed in their hearts. They had seen Liu Yu's high-grade magic weapon, and Wu Chang was also relatively close to Senior Brother Liu. The three of them looked at each other and had to lower their heads. They could only clasp their fists to take orders.

Seeing that several outer disciples were obeying the orders, Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Lin Dayong:

"Manager Lin, Liu only hopes that the mine can mine enough ore every day. You record the daily ore output in a book and show it to my junior brothers on duty. If there is not enough manpower or something happens, Just tell City Lord Chai about your difficulties and he will help you solve them."

"If this thing is done well, it will be of your benefit. Even if I give you a life-prolonging elixir, it is not impossible. If it doesn't work out well, Liu will not mind if the mine is replaced by another manager, but you have to watch your head!"

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