Immortal Palace Longevity

Chapter 516: The General Trend (Additional chapter for 500 monthly votes this month)

There are two aspects that have the greatest impact on the power of the natal magic weapon:

One is the spiritual materials used when refining magic weapons.

Generally speaking, the rarer and more advanced the spiritual materials used for refining are, the greater the initial power will be after refining, and the faster the power will increase.

In this regard, Liu Yu has almost achieved perfection, and there is no room for improvement.

The second is how long it takes to cultivate the magic weapon after it is refined, and whether you are willing to spend energy to cultivate it.

The second point is, most of the time, even more important than the first point.

After all, for ordinary monks, how good can spiritual materials be, no matter how good they are?

And even if it is a magic weapon refined with top spiritual materials, it takes time and energy to cultivate it before its power can slowly increase.

Under normal circumstances, a refined magic weapon, no matter how precious the spiritual materials used, can hardly surpass a magic weapon that has been cultivated for three to five hundred years.

The biggest shortcoming of the "Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear" at present is that the cultivation time is too short, and it is even less than ten years after it is refined.

Even if the extremely rare "Golden Crow Powder" is added, it still needs time to settle before it can bloom its edge!

However, with the addition of several top-level spiritual materials, the initial power of this gun is already impressive, not inferior to magic weapons that have been cultivated for a hundred or two hundred years.

But Liu Yu usually looked towards higher levels, so he still felt dissatisfied.

After ending the fight, Liu Yu put the Sunset Golden Rainbow Spear into his dantian and looked around.

The spiritual light shining in the night sky gradually dimmed, and the endless roar gradually became fainter.

The Golden Core cultivator took action and personally slaughtered the second-level monsters, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

In the same way, the same goes for demon cultivators in the demon elixir stage.

"Thank you, Lord, for the rescue!"

Bai Hu and the other three dead men came forward to salute.

The faces of the three people all showed expressions of surviving a disaster.

Although he was influenced by the "glazed mind trick" and put Liu Yu's interests first, his strong desire to survive followed closely behind.

Seeking good fortune and avoiding harm is the instinct of all life.

Liu Yu nodded lightly. This move was just to protect his own property, and there was a certain element of showmanship in it. There was nothing to be happy about.

Then, he began to ask three people about the details of the destruction of four satellite cities.

"Your Majesty, the reason why the satellite city was destroyed so quickly was because of the action of a third-level demon cultivator."

Bai Hu looked solemn and quickly told the story of the future.

For a satellite city with only a second-level defensive formation, a third-level demon cultivator is almost unstoppable, so it is understandable that it is easily breached.

"A third-level demon cultivator?"

"The beast tide has just begun, and already the third-level demon cultivator has taken action?"

Liu Yu frowned, feeling a little unusual, and even had the feeling of an aggressive monster.

Although in the human-monster war, it is not uncommon for high-level people to massacre low-level people, but this usually only occurs in the middle and late stages.

This war is still in a very early stage, and this situation has occurred. Does it indicate anything?

For example, the demon clan is bound to win and must achieve certain results?

All the thoughts in his mind disappeared in a flash, Liu Yu shook his head and continued to ask about the situation of the third-level demon cultivator.

The four Jindan Masters personally took action. Although they had the suspicion of bullying the smaller ones, the morale improvement was obvious after killing more than a dozen monster beasts "Sacrifice Flag".

Unlike casual cultivators, many cultivators from sect families have never even fought against monsters, and have very little experience in this area.

Therefore, when I heard the news that four satellite cities had been destroyed one after another, it was inevitable to feel uneasy.

After seeing the shrill wail of the flying monster and the scene of blood splattering across the sky, they realized that the monster was also made of flesh and blood and was not difficult to defeat.

The uneasiness in my heart suddenly decreased a lot.

Afterwards, the monks who escaped from the satellite city were properly arranged to rest in the city.

Liu Yu, Zhuo Mengzhen, Taoist Cangyun, and Sima Yong, the four golden elixir monks, stood on the east city tower with solemn expressions, looking in the direction of the Jin Ge branch in the east.

"A third-level demon cultivator has already taken action. I'm afraid it won't be peaceful in the days to come."

Taoist Cangyun said with a wry smile as he flicked the fly whisk.

"The beast tide is coming fiercely. I wonder how long I can hold out in Jin Ge City?"

Sima Yong had a serious look on his face.

This person followed Liu Yu's suggestion, and a few months ago, he had arranged for some tribesmen with excellent spiritual roots and good character to be transferred to the rear of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance.

But even if they have an escape route, it is still hard to express how reluctant they are to give up the territory they have managed for hundreds of years.

"It's all about human effort."

Zhuo Mengzhen said in a cold voice.

Under the evening breeze, the silver ring in her ear swayed gently, making a crisp sound.

Among the few people, this woman actually has the strongest fighting spirit.

Liu Yu did not speak, but looked into the distance with an expressionless face, his eyes passing over the scattered monks who had escaped from time to time, making it difficult to guess what was in his mind.

Jinge City can defend it, but if it cannot, he will not be buried with the city.

When he came to the front line of the demon control, he didn't run away directly, and he was already worthy of the sect.

time flies.

In the darkness, from time to time, crooked lights appeared, which were the lucky ones who escaped from the satellite city.

Once they enter a safe area, the monks guarding the city will come to respond.

Facing the overwhelming trend of monsters, ordinary monks can only despair.

But among thousands of monks, there are always some who have one or two "unique skills".

With a little luck, a very small number of monks escaped.

However, as time went by, fewer and fewer cultivators appeared. Even with the previous dozen white tigers, there were no more than fifty cultivators.

In order to prevent the beast tide from suddenly attacking and catching them off guard, the four of them had no intention of resting tonight and had been "standing guard" on the city wall.

After all, the satellite city was only a hundred miles away from Jinge City. For a second-level monster, it would take one or two quarters of an hour to arrive.

A third-level monster only needed to flap its wings and cross this distance in the blink of an eye.

After chatting for a few words, the four fell into silence.

The hearts of people in the world of immortal cultivation are complicated. Even if they face difficult situations together, it is difficult to really open their hearts and say what they really think.

No cultivator will put himself in the shoes of others!

Speaking out the true thoughts in your heart first is equivalent to exposing your weaknesses to others, which will directly fall into passivity. This is undoubtedly a stupid decision.

The more people there are, the more complicated the situation will be.

This is similar to a saying of Liu Yu in his previous life: Since ancient times, deep affection cannot be retained, only routines can win people's hearts.

In the increasingly dark night, the lights in Jinge City are bright everywhere.

Huge luminous stones, installed in lamps of different shapes, illuminate this fairy city as bright as day.

The scenery within a few miles is clearly visible, and the sight is not affected at all.

White, yellow, cold colors, warm colors...

With Jinge City Guard as the center, various lights radiate for several miles, and from a distance, it looks like a dream city.

But several miles away, the places with weak lights are still extremely dark.

It seems that unknown terrifying creatures are hidden, exuding deep malice, which makes people stay away!

Light and darkness, with lights as the boundary, seem to be separated into two worlds.

On the city wall, the city guards with sophisticated magic weapons stand upright with solemn faces, staring closely at the thick and deep darkness, guarding this beautiful home.

According to the order of arrangement, they take turns to release their spiritual sense to scan, leaving no gaps, and pay close attention to the movements in the sky and on the ground.

In fact, the trained disciples of the sects, or the children of the families, are far better than the casual cultivators in all aspects.

Although they may be slightly inferior in terms of fighting experience.

In contrast, the casual cultivators who were temporarily organized had much looser discipline, and many mistakes were made in their interactions.

But now that any slight movement will attract attention, even the casual cultivators unconsciously slowed down their movements.

Although there were many cultivators on the city wall, it was silent.

An atmosphere of impending storm gradually spread in Jinge City, making many casual cultivators feel uneasy, and even gradually turned into panic.

But looking at the four figures standing proudly with their majestic power, the cultivators of the four major forces seemed to have found their backbone, and a will to fight to the end was condensed silently.

Affected by this, even the panicked casual cultivators felt much more at ease.

"It's almost done."

Staring at the deep darkness, Liu Yu had this thought in his mind after some calculations.

Another two hours passed. If the monsters were going to attack all at once, they would have almost finished dealing with the satellite city and were on their way.

"Are they coming?"

Liu Yu said softly. Before Zhuo Mengzhen and the other two could react, he had already looked towards a certain place in the east.

His spiritual sense, which was far more sensitive than that of ordinary cultivators, made him perceive a wider range and be able to detect movement faster.

With the improvement of cultivation and the strengthening of the Yuan Shen, this advantage has been maintained and has not become mediocre.

In the darkness, a series of black shadows in the sky, which were much larger than humans, first broke into the range of spiritual consciousness.

Dagger-like straight and sharp beaks, claws like sharp blades, bright or gray feathers...

The moment they broke into the range of spiritual consciousness, Liu Yu saw the image of the monsters clearly. They were groups of hideous and ugly monster birds!

Following closely behind were groups of monsters walking on the ground.

They charged together densely, like thousands of horses galloping, and even the earth was shaking slightly, making a huge noise.

A few breaths after Liu Yu finished speaking, Zhuo Mengzhen and the other two realized that their spiritual sense had observed the figure of the monster one after another.

Cang Yun, Zhuo Mengzhen, and Sima Yong all looked at him in surprise. He discovered it first before everyone else, which meant something self-evident.

However, at this time, the three had no time to think about it and quickly ordered:

"Get ready!"

Liu Yu's face was indifferent. He reminded him on purpose and could use his natural keen sense to cover it up.

After all, others would not know that his spiritual sense had reached 75 miles and he had already observed the movement clearly. They would only feel something vaguely.

With the cultivation level of the Jindan period, this little wind and rain was still fearless.

The order was passed down layer by layer, and a solemn and murderous atmosphere instantly spread around all the cultivators.

All cultivators were ready to go by injecting mana into magic tools or slowly pinching the magic formula!

Gradually, the ground several miles away from Jin Ge City began to tremble slightly.

From the perspective of the Qi-refining cultivators, there seemed to be some huge monster hidden in the darkness, which could jump out at any time, containing the danger of the name!

Under the watchful eyes of all the low-level cultivators, the ground vibration gradually became stronger, and the signs became more and more obvious.

In Liu Yu's consciousness, he clearly saw the monster rushing over quickly, with smoke and dust filling the sky behind it.

Seventy-five miles, seventy miles, fifty miles...

When the beast tide vanguard approached Jinge City for thirty miles, the four looked at each other and nodded slightly, and chose to attack at this moment!

He opened his mouth and spit out the sunset golden rainbow spear, which grew to three feet in size in the blink of an eye. Liu Yu held the light golden spear in one hand and leaned back slightly.

In the dantian, the light blue solid mana that was smaller than dust was instantly injected into the spear.

The spear tip was pointed downward, and it was swung suddenly at a 120-degree obtuse angle, and hundreds of blazing and sharp golden spear beams were instantly spit out.

The golden spear beam cut through the darkness, and in just a little more than a breath, it crossed a distance of twenty or thirty miles and swept towards the densely packed monsters!


In an instant, a large number of casualties occurred in the beast tide vanguard. Under the cover of hundreds of golden spear beams, at least one or two hundred monsters were killed instantly.

Shrill wails, blood gushed out, and broken limbs and bodies were scattered all over the ground!

Even if they are injured but not dead, the lucky low-level monsters will soon turn into ashes.

There are wisps of golden-red flames in the bloody wounds. Ordinary flesh and blood bodies are completely unable to prevent the flames from spreading.

It may be more painful to linger for a few more breaths, because they are either turned into ashes by the flames or crushed into meat paste by the "teammates" rushing from behind.

After the attack, Liu Yu did not check the results of the battle at all. He raised the tip of the gun in his hand slightly and waved it at the sky again and again.

The golden spear light cut through, causing a large number of casualties again!



In the night sky, the blood and limbs of the monsters fell like raindrops, and the golden-red flames bloomed in the sky.

The fireworks fueled by life are still so beautiful!

Zhuo Mengzhen, Cang Yun, and Sima Yong also took action at the same time.

Either cast spells, or directly activate magic weapons, or use other means.

As soon as the four Jindan cultivators attacked, even if they did not use their full strength, they caused thousands of low-level monsters to be killed or injured in just one or two breaths.

This shows the crushing of high-level monsters over low-level monsters!

Liu Yu and the other four were very tacit at this time. They slaughtered low-level monsters as high-level monsters without any psychological burden.

Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

This is not the time to talk about "martial ethics", and monsters will not talk about morality with cultivators.

Try to reduce the number of monsters as much as possible, so that low-level cultivators can deal with them more easily later.

The four can attack at will now, but it may not be the case in a while. The third-level monster cultivators are the ones they have to keep an eye on.

As Liu Yu and the other four attacked, the spiritual pressure of the Jindan level was no longer covered, and the power of magic weapons and spells enveloped the entire field. One attack after another did not stop, and there was no mercy.

"Bang bang bang"

Violent roars continued to come, and every roar meant the death of at least one or more monsters.

"What a pity."

The Golden Rainbow Spear of Sunset waved repeatedly, and the golden spear pierced the sky. Liu Yu turned into an emotionless killing machine, but this thought flashed through his mind.

At this time, low-level monsters were in groups. If the "Ten Thousand Souls Banner" could be used to harvest them, the power of this treasure would definitely be greatly increased.

But if you want to collect the essence of monsters, you must get close to the corpses, or release the evil ghosts in the soul banner, which is obviously not appropriate at this time.

At the moment when the third-level monster cultivators were looming, Liu Yu didn't want to go out of the city and be besieged, or let the only golden elixir evil ghost go without return, so he could only give up the tempting idea.

The beast tide is still so long, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and it is completely possible to make long-term plans.

But Liu Yu is used to saving. Seeing so many essences that can enhance the power of the Ten Thousand Souls Banner wasted in vain, he couldn't help but feel sorry.

In the records of Qingyang Gong, the Golden Rainbow Spear of Sunset is a magic weapon specializing in killing. Although it does not have various strange and excellent auxiliary abilities, its killing power is the strongest among all magic weapons.

Every time a spear fell, it often meant the death of a demon beast.

A first-level demon beast had no power to resist, and even a general second-level demon beast would be either dead or disabled, and would be swallowed by the golden flames behind it.

"Chi Chi"

The spear opened and closed, and a fierce sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The light golden light reflected on Liu Yu's face, and the tall and burly, masculine back was actually a bit solemn and sacred!

It seemed that he was not killing, but redeeming and saving the lost lambs.

His extremely high killing efficiency made Zhuo Mengzhen and the other two look sideways frequently, feeling surprised and doubtful.

"This person did not use the magic weapon issued by the sect as his life magic weapon, but chose to refine it himself."

"In just over 20 years, he actually refined it himself, and it is so extraordinary!"

"You are worthy of it."

Controlling a pink fine needle magic weapon, Zhuo Mengzhen looked at the golden spear in Liu Yu's hand, and the killing efficiency that was slightly higher than the three of them. His pupils shrank, and his heart was extremely uneasy.

When the Liujin Stone Mine was defeated, they had to cede land and pay compensation, and also "traded" the "Shining Secret Art".

When the woman came to her senses, she became more and more angry, and vowed to find an opportunity to wash away the shame, so she paid close attention to Liu Yu's news, knowing that he would form a pill after her.

After forming a pill, refining the life magic weapon is a major event for all new Jindan, and it often takes dozens or hundreds of years to complete.

She relied on her connections to directly select a magic weapon from the sect's treasury to refine into her life.

At this time, seeing that Liu Yu had refined his life magic weapon in more than 20 years, and it was so extraordinary, she couldn't help but be shocked, and the original pride disappeared.

Even though she had formed the elixir for more than ten years, Zhuo Mengzhen felt that it was still a long way to go to wash away the shame, and she was not sure to defeat Liu Yu at this time.

Cang Yun Daoist and Sima Yong were also shocked, and the importance they attached to this "new golden elixir" was directly raised to several levels.

Wherever the divine sense reached, the monsters were killed and injured in large numbers every moment.

But compared with the huge "beast tide and beast sea", it was still useless and could not stop the approach of the beast tide.

Outside the range of the divine sense, the dense monsters were endless and were still approaching.

When a monster fell, another monster would immediately replace it.

Even the old-fashioned foundation-building cultivators with good psychological quality turned pale when they saw this scene, not to mention ordinary cultivators.

Thirty miles, twenty miles...

With tens of thousands of casualties, the beast tide continued to approach the Jinge Immortal City, and unknowingly, monsters had entered within ten miles!

Ten miles, eight miles...

After five miles, they entered the effective attack range of most foundation-building cultivators, and the foundation-building cultivators on the four walls also attacked one after another.

One or two hundred long-prepared second-level spells, like brilliant fireworks, bloomed almost at the same time, and fell from a high position into the beast tide.

"Bang bang bang"

The second-level spells of various attributes also caused heavy losses to the beast tide, and low-level monsters died in large numbers.


Driven by an inexplicable force, the instinct of all monsters to seek good fortune and avoid harm was blocked, and they continued to charge fearlessly with red eyes!

At a distance of five miles, the huge beast tide began to split.

It actually split into four, intending to attack the fairy city from four directions at the same time, maximizing the advantage of numbers!


Behind the beast tide, there are third-level monster cultivators commanding, not just random soldiers who only know how to rush around.


Liu Yu looked at a certain direction solemnly, sensing several deep breaths of monsters flashing by, and then retracted his gaze,

Third-level monster cultivator!

Seeing that Zhuo Mengzhen and others had no strange expressions, it was obvious that their spiritual perception was not sharp enough and they had not noticed anything.

"Leave the East City to Fellow Daoist Cang Yun."

Liu Yu said lightly, and then quickly rushed to the South City.

As the monsters were divided, they naturally could not gather together anymore, and they had to personally sit on the four city walls to avoid giving the third-level monster cultivators a chance.

Zhuo Mengzhen and Sima Yong also said something, and then went to the West City and the North City respectively. From then on, the four of them temporarily separated and each guarded a city wall.

After temporarily stopping and coming to the South City, Yan Kai and more than 40 foundation-building cultivators were standing next to the bunkers on the city wall, attacking the monsters' diversion point, and organizing the beast tide to approach the South City.

Although the satellite city lost several foundation-building cultivators, with the arrival of the scattered cultivators, the number of scattered cultivators who were incorporated into the foundation-building did not decrease but increased.

At this time, there were more than 40 foundation-building cultivators in the South City.

Liu Yu stood on the city wall, looking down at the overwhelming beast tide. He held two medium-grade spirit stones in his hand to restore his mana and did not continue to attack.

He had to retain his mana to deal with the possible attack of the third-level monster beasts, and could not consume too much mana for low-level monster beasts.

Therefore, ordinary low-level monster beasts could only be lent to Yan Kai and other foundation-building Qi-refining cultivators to deal with.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The scale of the beast tide was too large, and the figures of monster beasts were everywhere in sight. Although Yan Kai and others attacked without stopping, the killing speed was far less than the speed of monster beast replenishment.

The four Jindan cultivators could not stop it, and these foundation-building cultivators certainly could not do it.

"Teng Teng"

The smoke and dust filled the sky, and the dense beast tide gradually approached within three miles of the city wall.

The "God Crystal Cannon" and "Monster Hunting Crossbow" that had been prepared in advance also started at this time.

Dozens of special magic weapons lit up with various colors of spiritual light at the same time, and launched an attack on the rapidly approaching beast tide.


Under the control of a special monk, runes on the half-zhang-sized demon hunting crossbow quickly lit up.

Crossbow arrows of a dozen feet in size condensed in the blink of an eye and shot out towards the beast tide below.


The three extremely powerful spiritual arrows with fire, gold, and thunder attributes crossed the sky, exuding a breath that suffocated many low-level monks.

In half a breath, they crossed several miles and shot into the beast tide.

At this extreme speed, even if you notice it, you can't dodge it!


The flesh and blood exploded and turned into blood mist.

The spiritual arrows were like lightning, turning more than a dozen demon beasts into powder in a row, and then turned into a little spiritual light and dissipated.

The extremely powerful body of the demon beast, under the sharp edge of the demon hunting crossbow, seemed as fragile as a piece of white paper.

As soon as the thirty-six demon hunting crossbows and forty-nine divine crystal cannons were launched, they immediately achieved considerable results.

Coupled with the continuous attacks of the foundation-building monks, the overwhelming beast tide was briefly slowed down.

The other three walls, the Qingxu Sect and the Hehuan Sect also had similar special magic weapons, only the Sima family was slightly worse.

But although the special magic weapons were useful, they could only delay the attack of the beast tide, but could not stop it.

Even if thousands of people died in one or two breaths, compared to the entire beast tide, it was just a drop in the bucket, far from being enough to hurt the bones.

After a breath or two, the extremely ferocious monsters continued to roll in!

Three miles, two miles...

In the imperceptible vibration on the city wall, more than ten breaths passed, and the beast tide officially entered within one mile.

And in the sky, there were already dense monster bird figures hovering!

Groups of demonic birds flapped their wings, with gray-black demonic aura lingering around them. Their blood-red eyes stared at the people in the formation, as if they wanted to select and devour them.

As if they had received an order, all the demon birds activated their natural spells at almost the same time, and various attacks fell from high altitudes.

Like a torrential rain!

Stinky venom, sharp feathers, spell attacks with various attributes...

Various spiritual lights complement each other and fill the sky so densely that you can't even count how many there are at a glance. They just occupy the entire field of vision!

There were even impatient demon birds that swooped down with red eyes and curved claws flashing cold light, as if they couldn't wait to enjoy the blood meal.

There were so many monsters that the flying monsters over Jin Ge City almost covered the entire sky.

Further away, there are still a steady stream of demon birds arriving.

This scene makes many monks tremble!

Thousands or tens of thousands of attacks were about to attack the city, but they were suddenly blocked by a colorful light curtain.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

Continuous explosions were heard, and the colorful light curtain rippled like water waves, then slowly calmed down.

The third level top formation - Five Elements Rotation Formation.

This formation is both offensive and defensive, and has good defense capabilities against both spell attacks and physical attacks.

And in terms of attack, it also has excellent effects.

It was jointly funded by the three major sects, and Qingxu sent a formation master to inspect all aspects of Jinge City's conditions and painstakingly made a tailor-made one.

It is precisely because of this formation that Liu Yu and others, relying on the four golden elixir monks, have the confidence to persevere.

Tens of thousands of low-level monsters attacked together. Even the Golden Core cultivators had to avoid their sharp edges, but the "Five Elements Rotation Formation" took over safely.

Seeing this scene, the monk's morale immediately increased!

The demonic birds are all dozens of feet high in the air, and with the magical tools of the Qi Refining Monk, their power is greatly reduced when they climb to that height. They can be broken with a light touch and are completely powerless.

Seeing this, the foundation-building monks could only change their direction and attack the birds in the sky first.

However, how can it be so easy to clean up the birds all over the sky? !

Among the monsters, there are also second-level monsters, and there are even more of them!

There are more than two hundred foundation-building monks in the city, but they are simply not enough in front of the huge number of second-level monsters.

The foundation-building monks were not able to effectively clean up the monsters above the city, but the Qi-refining monks had no time to think too much.

Because the monsters on the ground have already entered the attack range.

At this time, from the perspective of the monk in the Qi Refining Stage, he can even clearly see the minced meat in the bloody mouth of the monster!

The next moment, four to five thousand faint spiritual lights lit up on the four walls.

All the Qi Refining cultivators who were ready to attack began to take action from this moment on.

Fire Serpent, Wind Blade, Thunderbird...

First-level spells, high or low, formed a torrent of spells, and dazzling auras shone in the night sky, falling from high places into the group of monsters.

“Bang bang bang”

Smoke and dust filled the sky, potholes appeared on the ground, and the neat ground was devastated in an instant.

Although all the monks in the Qi Refining Stage took action with great momentum, it was a pity that the results were far less than those achieved by the Foundation Establishment monks.

Just because of the power of a single spell, it is impossible to effectively kill the rough-skinned monster.

Unless several first-level spells happen to hit the same target at the same time, it will be difficult to kill monsters of the same level.

The same injury may be fatal to a human monk, but to a monster that is often over one foot tall, it may not be painful or itchy.

However, the second-level spell can directly penetrate the defense of the monster and cause effective and large-scale destruction. The two are not the same.

Without stopping, after one round of spell attacks, the Qi Refining monks quickly prepared for the second round, and faint spiritual lights began to shine again.

At the same time, the monsters approached quickly, and some monsters with long-range strike capabilities also began to prepare innate spells or various attacks.

For example, a two-headed wolf can spray wind blades from both heads to attack, and its power is extraordinary among first-level spells.

There was also a second-level monster, the White Marsh Rhinoceros, which spat out a mouthful of extremely foul-smelling, extremely corrosive sludge and attacked the city wall.

Under normal circumstances, the innate spells of monsters of the same level are more powerful than the spells of monks of the same level.

But the disadvantage is also obvious. It can only be used a certain number of times within a certain period of time. After the number of times is exceeded, the demon power must be accumulated again.

Far from being as convenient as a monk, as long as the magic power is not exhausted, you can keep using spells.


One after another, the innate spells fell, but were easily blocked by the "Five Elements Rotation Array". Then, the group of monsters charging at the front had to face the next round of spells.

However, the spells in the Qi refining stage are still unable to effectively kill the monsters.

Some impatient monks couldn't wait to sacrifice the magic weapon after the monster entered the effective attack range of the magic weapon.

"ding ding ding"

For a moment, the soft chant of magical weapons sounded on the tower, and various magical weapons were sacrificed by the immortal cultivators.

Swords, guns, swords, halberds, hooks, axes...

As soon as hundreds or thousands of magic weapons joined the battlefield, the situation immediately changed a lot, and rows of monsters fell down in pieces.

Magical weapons and magic weapons are one of the crystallizations of the civilization of cultivating immortals, which can greatly enhance the strength of cultivators.

The advantages of human monks when facing monsters are reflected in the various arts of cultivating immortals such as magical weapons, talismans, puppets, and formations.

The reason why most magic weapons have to add a giant function is mostly to deal with monsters.

The monsters are the enemy of the human race!


As the full-scale battle began, the Jin Ge City side continued to use various methods in the Hundred Arts of Immortal Cultivation, vowing to stop the monsters from overwhelming.

Magical instruments and spells, talismans and puppets, arrays and poisons, beast and insect control...

Even if the cultivators used the exquisite Hundred Arts of Immortal Cultivation, they still couldn't hide the decline!

The monsters, relying only on their strong bodies and overwhelming numbers, easily gained the upper hand and marched to the city step by step.

Under the influence of a special force, low-level monsters were fearless, even second-level monsters were no exception, and they all rushed to the four walls one after another, trying to destroy them.

But without exception, all the monsters that approached were blocked by the colorful light curtain, and then blasted into slag by magic weapons and spells.

But even so, countless monsters have no idea what death is, and they use their flesh and blood to constantly shake the formation.

The monster race is just a general term.

It is obviously difficult for monster cultivators with advanced wisdom to treat low-level monsters without wisdom as their own kind.

Especially when they are not of the same race.

Therefore, in the eyes of monster cultivators, no matter how many low-level monsters die, they don’t feel sorry at all, and living is just a waste of resources.

If they are of the same race, they may take care of one or two.

"Uncle Master, the situation is not very good."

"If this goes on, it will be difficult for us to hold on. Should we activate the attack function of the "Five Elements Rotation Formation"? "

Yan Kai ran over to ask for instructions with sweat all over his head.

With his cultivation at the peak of foundation building, he can indeed kill ordinary second-level monsters, but he is a little helpless against the birds in the sky, and the efficiency of killing is too low.

Seeing that time is passing little by little, both Qi Refining and Foundation Building cultivators are on the verge of their limits, and this boy can't help but come over to ask for instructions.

If the string is too tight, it will break!

Liu Yu stood with his hands behind his back, silently observing the battlefield and sensing the presence of the third-level demon cultivator.

Hearing this, he turned his head and looked at Yan Kai, saying:


Although the battle has only lasted for about two quarters of an hour, he can see that some cultivators are indeed on the verge of their limits and need to rest and slow down.

Unlike the ignorant demon beasts, human cultivators have complicated minds. When faced with difficult situations, they are more likely to have wild thoughts and find it difficult to maintain a normal state.

At this time, it is necessary to take a short break.

Too much is as bad as too little. The intensity of the battle cannot be increased all at once, otherwise many cultivators will not be able to adapt.

"Yes, uncle, I will do it immediately!"

Yan Kai's face was delighted and he immediately accepted the order.

He turned around and handed the formation token to a sect foundation builder who specialized in formation, and sent a sound transmission note to contact the other three walls, requiring them to cooperate at the same time and start the attack mode of the "Five Elements Rotation Formation".

Liu Yu retracted his gaze, and his spiritual sense had already spread out, with Jinge City as the center, searching for the figure of the demon cultivator.

Although his cultivation was high, he was not as good as some foundation-building or even Qi-refining cultivators in terms of formation, so he did not intend to control the formation himself.

It was the right choice to hand this matter over to his disciples and free up energy to deal with the third-level demon cultivator.

"Finally, you can't help showing up?"

Suddenly, Liu Yu's heart moved, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

In the observation of the spiritual sense, several deep demon beast auras that had appeared before appeared again at this time, and kept moving forward, about to enter the range of the spiritual sense.

The third-level demon cultivators have high-level wisdom, as well as emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and fear. They are also afraid of being ambushed or meeting human Yuanying cultivators.

Therefore, in the beast tide, they usually use low-level demon beasts to explore the way first, and only show up after confirming that there is no danger.

Soon, several extremely large figures of demon beasts appeared in Liu Yu's spiritual sense.

The snow-white leopard, a third-level demon beast, is five feet tall and about eight feet long. It has two huge fangs exposed to the air.

It is about ten feet tall, has a huge body, sharp teeth and claws, and a yellowish-brown earth-attributed third-level rock turtle.

The rock turtle's aura is deeper than that of the snow spirit, and it is a third-level middle-grade demon cultivator.

However, what Liu Yu noticed most was not the rock turtle and the snow-white leopard, but an eagle-like demon beast flying in the sky.

Each feather is shiny black, shining like a metal.

The bird's beak is sharp and slender, and its claws are curved and cold and sharp like a knife.

The wide wings are spread out, with a wingspan of nearly seventeen or eighteen feet, casting a huge shadow.

It doesn't look ugly, but rather majestic. This bird is the "winter eagle" that Liu Yu had seen from a distance and was somewhat familiar with.

It's just that when he was in the Venus branch, he didn't take a quick look, so he didn't know if it was the same demon beast.

"Late third stage!"

Liu Yu's pupils shrank slightly, and he also felt some pressure.

The blood of the cold sky eagle is powerful. It is said that it has the blood of the true spirit "Golden Winged Dapeng". Its strength is not comparable to that of ordinary monsters. It is generally stronger than monsters and cultivators of the same level.

What's more, the cultivation of this cold sky eagle is higher than that of Taoist Cang Yun, reaching the late third stage.

But in terms of strength, if no special means are used, no one can be the opponent of this cold sky eagle.

In addition, there are two deer monsters, and their cultivation is also at the early third stage.

Three early third stage, one middle third stage, and one late third stage, a total of five monster cultivators!

After observing clearly, Liu Yu's heart sank.

The opponent's overall strength is better than ours, which means that if we go out of the city to fight, we will be at a great disadvantage and can only maintain a defensive posture.

At this moment, Yan Kai has already contacted the other three walls, and the formation covering the entire city suddenly shook!

Outside the five-color light curtain, five hurricanes composed of pure spiritual power quickly formed in all directions of Jinge City and quickly grew to about dozens of feet.

The spiritual energy in a radius of ten miles suddenly fluctuated and became extremely chaotic.

Even if ordinary cultivators wanted to absorb it, it became extremely difficult.

Fortunately, before the war, the four major forces gave at least five spiritual stones to each cultivator participating in the defense of the city.

Used to quickly restore mana without absorbing spiritual energy in the air.

And in such a chaotic environment of spiritual power, even if the monster beast casts its innate talent spells, there is a certain probability of failure and serious backlash.

Gold, representing the metal element, green, representing the wood element, blue, representing the water element, red, representing the fire element, and yellow, representing the earth element...

After growing to nearly a hundred feet, the five hurricanes of different attributes quickly swept behind the beast tide.

Everywhere they passed, people and horses fell to the ground. No matter if they were first-level or second-level, they had no power to resist and were torn to pieces by the hurricanes of different attributes.

Of course, because the hurricanes had different attributes, their deaths were also different.

In front of the five hurricanes, Jinge City seemed insignificant!

When the hurricane began to sweep, a large number of monsters were involved in it, and the monks defending the city suddenly felt less pressure. They seized this rare opportunity to recover their mana or adjust their status.

This is an attack method specially modified by the three major sects for defending the city. It can cause ultra-large-scale killing and to a certain extent offset a little disadvantage in number.

Inspired by the "Five Elements Rotating Formation", each hurricane is no less than the third-level top-grade spell, and even slightly exceeds it.

For low-level monks and monsters, it is indeed no different from a "natural disaster".

In the dark pupils, the five-color luster was reflected. Liu Yu looked at the raging hurricane and was surprised.

The way of formation can sometimes turn decay into magic.

However, although he was surprised, he did not forget his primary task and kept an eye on the movements of the five demon cultivators.

"Every breath passed, there were hundreds of casualties. I wonder if those demon cultivators can still hold on?"

This thought flashed through Liu Yu's mind.

Although the performance of the city defense formation was unexpected, he was not optimistic at all!

With the current situation of the three sects, there are too many places to defend, and no manpower can be drawn to support.

The other side has the Hengduan Mountains behind it, and the demon beasts can come continuously, and even new demon cultivators may come at any time.

No matter how you look at it, the general situation is not on the side of Jin Ge City, and the situation is very bad!

-------Off topic------

Thanks to Liu Xiaoyang 11500 points, Liang Sihui 1500 points, Xia Xiliu 1500 points and other Taoist friends for their support!

Every vote of support is the author's motivation to update!

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